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McALISTER'S WAY - VOLUME 09 - Free Serialisation

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Marman, Richard

McALISTER'S WAY - VOLUME 09 - Free Serialisation

Abela Publishing

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Titolo e contributi: McALISTER'S WAY - VOLUME 09 - Free Serialisation

Pubblicazione: Abela Publishing

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: McALISTER'S WAY VOLUME 09FREE Weekly Serialisation - Chapters 16 & 17A Young Adult Action and Adventure Story for Baby BoomersChapter 16I had some fun writing chapter with Monty teasing Angela at every opportunity. I'd never thought about the origins of a Big-Mac but it didn't take much digging to find out, so I thought I share that information with you in this chapter.Chapter 17Take-off for float-planes is a lot trickier than land-bases planes. The water surface acts like glue and a huge amount of drag has to be overcome before the plane becomes airborne. It's like water-skiing — once you're planing it's easy to jump above the surface. This chapter introduces Sim Long Li, for whom I have a special affection. Although I nearly went crazy getting his accent right and changing his 'Rs' for 'Ls'.Richard Marman, Author, Sunshine Coast, Australia==============KEYWORDS/TAGS: McAlister's Way, action, adventure, Angela Holyman, Zach, military, helicopters, choppers, DC3, Dakota, Gooney Bird, soldiers, airmen, attack, New South Wales, Australia, Sydney, Merimbula, plane, flight, fly, Young Adult, YA, explore, discover, MIA, Missing In Action, surrender, WWII, war, WW2, Tropic of Capricorn, Vietnam, Korea, Indo China, , Ailan, airstrip, Asian, beach, coral, daddy, Daiman-Sikmanmeri, Danny McAlister, fish, girls, Goose, Graham, hospital, island, Japanese, jetty, Kago, Kagotaun, Lae, landing, medical, Montgomery, Monty, plane, sea, shack, shirring, shore, supplies, surged, tidal, tsunami, volcano, war, wave

McALISTER'S WAY VOLUME 07 - Free Serialisation

eBook / testo digitale

Marman, Richard - Marman, illustrated by Richard

McALISTER'S WAY VOLUME 07 - Free Serialisation

Abela Publishing

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Titolo e contributi: McALISTER'S WAY VOLUME 07 - Free Serialisation

Pubblicazione: Abela Publishing

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: MCALISTER'S WAY FREE Weekly SerialisationVolume 7 Chapters 12 — 13A Young Adult Action and Adventure Story for Baby BoomersChapter 12The first time I flew to New Guinea as a Hercules C-130 co-pilot I was pretty excited, anticipating the spectacular views. It was pouring with rain when we landed at Port Moresby to refuel. We flew to Lae in cloud and spent the night there. The weather was the same on the return flight so I didn't get to see at thing. Fortunately I often flew to PNG and got to see the mountains on many other occasions.Chapter 13I have fond memories of visiting Goroka, Papua New Guinea. We always brought back coffee which was in great demand at the RAAF Base in Richmond NSW. Although right on the equator, New Guinea Highland towns like Goroka and Mt. Hagen were over 1,500 metres / 4,920 feet above sea level and about 5 degrees cooler than Port Moresby — about 25°C all year round.Richard Marman, Author, Sunshine Coast, Australia==============DOWNLOAD LINKSFORMATS: ePub, Kindle & PDFFor the FREE DOWNLOADS of Vols 1 through 6, go to McAlister's Way, action, adventure, Zach, military, helicopters, choppers, DC3, Dakota, Gooney Bird, soldiers, airmen, attack, New South Wales, Australia, Sydney, Merimbula, plane, flight, fly, Young Adult, YA, explore, discover, abroad, Angela, action, adventure, Danny, MIA, Missing In Action, Japanese surrender, WWII, war, WW2, Tropic of Capricorn, Vietnam, Korea, , air, , airborne, airspeed, aviation, canoes, cockpit, coffee, control, couple, engines, fly, found, gold, Goose, Goroka, Guinea, Holyman, hull, Jeep, Jim, jungle, lightning, Montgomery, Monty, mountains, native, paddlers, people, plane, police, pretty, raced, rain, river, roaring, screamed, speed, stop, straight, surface, surged, take-off, Taylor, throttles, time, upriver, valley, village, villagers, warriors, water, Yerima

McALISTER'S WAY - Free Serialisation Vol. 01

eBook / testo digitale

Marman, Richard

McALISTER'S WAY - Free Serialisation Vol. 01

Abela Publishing

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Titolo e contributi: McALISTER'S WAY - Free Serialisation Vol. 01

Pubblicazione: Abela Publishing

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Zach McAlister's mother is sick and due to go into hospital for an operation. To "get him out the way" his father puts him on a flight to Merimbula, New South Wales, Australia where he is met by his Grandfather Danny McAlister.Out on his Grandfather's ranch, or what's left of it, it didn't take Zach long to become bored silly. Hunting around for things to do, he finds a box of old photos and a strip of six medals hidden away. The photos were mostly dog-eared and ragged at the edges. Mostly they were of young blokes hanging around tanks and military stuff, and there were lots of choppers. You know, those beat up ones you see in all the war movies. When he looked closer he realised that most of the guys in the photos didn't look much older than Zach himself! And then there were the letters from a woman named Angela.He takes the box to his Grandfather and asks him about the medals and the photos, and that's where our story starts, well kind off.KEYWORDS/TAGS: McAlister's Way, action, adventure, Zach, Danny, military, helicopters, choppers, soldiers, airmen, boarding school, priests, child abuse, attack, New South Wales, Australia, Sydney, Merimbula, plane, flight, fly, Young Adult, YA, explore, discover, New Guinea, CMF, enlist, Kodoka Track, MIA, Missing In Action, Japanese surrender, WWII, war, WW2, Tropic of Capricorn, Rockhampton,