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Aphrodisiac. Jack Delaney chronicles

eBook / testo digitale

Hayward, Terry

Aphrodisiac. Jack Delaney chronicles

Abela Publishing, 30/03/2017

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Titolo e contributi: Aphrodisiac. Jack Delaney chronicles

Pubblicazione: Abela Publishing, 30/03/2017


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Rhinos are being poached from a Private Game Reserve and Jack Delaney and his team are called in to investigate and put a stop to this blight. There is little time to waste and the non-stop action moves from the offices of the owners of the Big 5 Game Reserves into the bushveld setting of the Game reserve. Crocodile and hippo infested rivers become potential murder weapons as a Game Ranger is kidnapped - and murder, too, rears its ugly head.The mob are ruthless in their attempts to take over control of a Private Game Reserve so that they can use it as a staging post for their smuggling and poaching activities, and the battle for control comes to a head in the dark of an African night in and amongst the crocodiles and hippos in a river bed.

Who takes this woman. Jack Delaney chronicles

eBook / testo digitale

Hayward, Terry

Who takes this woman. Jack Delaney chronicles

Abela Publishing, 30/03/2017

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Titolo e contributi: Who takes this woman. Jack Delaney chronicles

Pubblicazione: Abela Publishing, 30/03/2017


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Another rip-roaring adventure from the pen of Terry Hayward. "Who Takes This Woman" sees the action beginning with a wedding in a chapel beside an African river with elephants as uninvited guests.The action then moves to a courtroom where drama ensues with a kidnapping but returns to the veld (bush) with lions and crocodiles, all of which will keep you turning the pages. Jack Delaney and his sidekick, Mo Dhlamini (Shla-Mee-nee), prosecute both poachers and smugglers in the courts of law, but in their spare moments they track kidnappers and escaped prisoners from highrise cities through and across the bushveldt of the "Big 5" Game Reserves. Visits to gang leaders in prison and clashes with mob hit-men are all part of their daily action. Now the mob are trying to take over, illegally if necessary, a Big 5 Game Reserve near an international border so it can be used as a staging post to smuggle wild animal parts and illicit diamonds out of the country and drugs back in. Mo and Jack must now do what they do best, and that is put a spoke in the bad guys' proverbial wheel. 

The hanging tree. Jack Delaney chronicles

eBook / testo digitale

Hayward, Terry

The hanging tree. Jack Delaney chronicles

Abela Publishing, 30/03/2017

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Titolo e contributi: The hanging tree. Jack Delaney chronicles

Pubblicazione: Abela Publishing, 30/03/2017


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: When the Mob try to purchase a luxury, "big five" game reserve, right next to an international border in South Africa, all hell breaks loose!A kidnapping, to menace the owners of the reserve to sell, becomes the catalyst in a host of actions and re-actions leading to unexpected alliances, coupled with violence, murder and confrontations with lions, elephants and crocodiles in the wild.This action is interwined with investigations into the illegal poaching of rhinos and elephants and the smuggling of animal products out of the country. Add to this the emergence of illicit diamond buying and smuggling, the tracking of escaped prisoners, and the parry and thrust of a high stakes courtroom drama, and you have a real page-turner you won't be able to put down.The action is high octane, keeping the story moving quickly with changing scenes as Jack Delaney follows the clues and investigates the latest exciting mystery !!!

Divorce by murder. Jack Delaney chronicles

eBook / testo digitale

Hayward, Terry

Divorce by murder. Jack Delaney chronicles

Abela Publishing, 30/03/2017

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Titolo e contributi: Divorce by murder. Jack Delaney chronicles

Pubblicazione: Abela Publishing, 30/03/2017


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: A South African crime boss institutes divorce proceedings against his wife who defends the action. Later, she is found shot dead in her apartment and the criminal husband charged with her murder. But have the police been too blinkered in their approach and too quick to conclude that the husband's criminal connections automatically make him the killer?So starts a flying trip to New York by the notorious lawyer, Jack Delaney, to investigate the husband's mafia connections followed by a trip to a 'Big 5' Game Reserve in South Africa to investigate his criminal connections in the highly illegal, but lucrative, rhino horn and elephant tusk trade. While this shows the husband to be a most unsavoury character, does it make him a wife murderer? Why would the husband have started divorce proceedings and then killed his wife? If murder was on his mind, would it have not been simpler and cleaner for the wife to take a long, long vacation -  mafia style?The murder trial starts and after many twists and turns, the evidence presented often leaves the reader to wonder if the husband was the actual killer or if he hired the killer and colluded with him. The 'grande finale' comes during the trial with the unmasking of the murderer.

JOURNEYS WITH GOD Trilogy - A Trilogy of Teachings to help you on your Journeys with God

eBook / testo digitale

Hayward, Terry

JOURNEYS WITH GOD Trilogy - A Trilogy of Teachings to help you on your Journeys with God

Abela Publishing

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Titolo e contributi: JOURNEYS WITH GOD Trilogy - A Trilogy of Teachings to help you on your Journeys with God

Pubblicazione: Abela Publishing

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: 4 CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL BOOKS FOR THE PRICE OF 3 @17% OFF.The TRILOGYIn this trilogy I share some of my experiences on this "wandering" as I  took my first journey with God, sharing both the nice, and the not so nice, as I share my love of nature and how it helps me, and hopefully helps you, to get closer to God.Listen to Terry talk about his journeys with God at WITH GOD – Book 1We are all pilgrims on the narrow road to salvation and "Wanderings with God' is the first book in the Journeys With God trilogy written in the belief that it will offer my fellow pilgrims hope and direction in their walk with God.I've always been fascinated by 'spirituality' and write, for example, of my own struggles to obey the Bible's imperative to pray 'continuously'. I also address such subjects as becoming aware of the continuous Presence of God with us in our daily lives. I try to address the difficulties of being obedient to the Law of God but also to share the value and benefits of always trying to find God's will for my life which will hopefully help you find yours.COFFEE WITH GOD – Book 2Although there is a lot of advice in this book about how to 'do' your quiet time with God, it definitely is not a DIY work on meditation or prayer. It was written in the hope that it would be a help in not only developing our prayer life, but also of becoming aware that God is with us all the time, not just during our Prayer Time with God. Paul tells us to Pray at all times and the intention of this book is to help us understand what this means and then apply that to our everyday life. The aim of this book is to help each one of us to understand exactly what it is that God wants of us and then to do it by coming into such a deep relationship with Him.LEARNING WITH GOD – Book 3The third in a trilogy of the "Journeys with God" books. This book seeks to bring together the apparent angry God of the Old Testament with the God who is Love of the New Testament. Over many chapters covering many different topics it suggests ways for you and me, the ordinary Christians, to live out our Christian calling to be holy as our Father in heaven is Holy, by filling our daily lives with the Presence of Jesus, by trying to make it our aim to act and re-act as He would in all our daily situations. Whilst insisting on total obedience to God, at the same time the book claims that His love is unconditional. Everything is written in the hope that by spending quiet times with God we will eventually become aware of His constant Presence with us and let that knowledge rule in our lives.GOD CALLS – Free eBookMaybe this should have been the first in the series as our individual journeys with God start when we are called by Him.How would you know if or when God called you to serve Him full time? Would you dismiss His call as you would an annoying insect or would you sit up and listen? After all He has your name and number, and He isn't calling for nothing........While this little book was written to chronicle my own call, I'm sure it's message is equally as important for you as I have no doubts that God is  calling you and it would be a tragedy if you missed the call.===============Terry was a practising lawyer for 25 years before answering a call to the ministry in the Anglican Church of Southern Africa. As a Priest he spent time as a Prison Chaplain and a Hospital Chaplain before being appointed to a parish. A one-time law lecturer and tutor of theology, he is now retired and lives in New Zealand. He has written five Christian Growth books and a number of novels.

WANDERINGS WITH GOD - Book 1 in the Journeys With God Trilogy

eBook / testo digitale

Hayward, Terry

WANDERINGS WITH GOD - Book 1 in the Journeys With God Trilogy

Abela Publishing

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Titolo e contributi: WANDERINGS WITH GOD - Book 1 in the Journeys With God Trilogy

Pubblicazione: Abela Publishing

EAN: 9781909302228

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: We are all pilgrims on the narrow road to salvation and "Wanderings with God' was written in the belief that it will offer my fellow pilgrims hope and direction in their walk with God. In it I share some of my experiences as I 'wandered' with God, both the nice and the not so nice, as I share my love of nature and how it helps me to get closer to God. I've always been fascinated by 'spirituality' and write, for example, of my own struggles to obey the Bible's imperative to pray 'continuously'. I also address such subjects as becoming aware of the continuous Presence of God with us in our daily lives. I try to address the difficulties of being obedient to the Law of God but also to share the value and benefits of always trying to find God's will for my life.ABOUT THE AUTHORTerry was a practising lawyer for 25 years before answering a call into the ordained ministry in the Anglican Church of Southern Africa. As a Priest he spent time as a Prison Chaplain as well as a Hospital Chaplain before being appointed to parish ministry. A one-time law lecturer and subsequent tutor of theology, he is now retired from full-time ministry, lives in New Zealand and spends his spare time writing novels. This is Terry's fourth religious book.-------------------KEYWORDS/TAGS: Wanderings with God, wonders, God, Jesus, people, love, word, believe, Bible, good, cross, life, prayer, world, faith, find, John, Law, Presence, Holy, sin, forgiveness, today, Lord, Christ, understand, Peter, church, spiritual, Christian, brothers, relationship, family, Gospel, Paul, New Testament, choice, Grace, Jacob, sex, confession, death, creation, reason, Moses, die, Scriptures, Spirit, Game, Matthew, sinful, Africa, heaven, father, Wonder, Isaiah, verse, obey, Luke, Bob, opinion, justice, teacher, eat, Biblical, Reserve, sinners, New Zealand, clergy, Luther, Angel, Child, poor, Son of God, believing, argument, theology, demands, worship, school, Psalm, Mark, Almighty, Priest, future, grace, earth, fish, Mary, Bill, homosexuality, absolution, Christmas, Pharisees, so-called, pleasure, adultery, straight, Kingdom, Romans, Sunday, walk, Mkhuze, symbol, teach, Book, Rev, relationship, manipulate, Sacrament, Jeremiah, Hebrews, Creator, police, sexual, Martha, Israel, Devil, Lord, , non-believers, unforgiveness, struggle, Nathaniel, Zebedee, Jacob, freedom, preach, poison, Eve, gay, fundamentalist, interpretation, Righteousness, conservative, incarcerated, sacrifice, government, conclusion, blasphemy, fisherman, privilege, lesbians, teacher, serpent, satan, Phillip, Apostle, Genesis, repent

GOD CALLS - How to know if God is calling you!

eBook / testo digitale

Hayward, Terry

GOD CALLS - How to know if God is calling you!

Abela Publishing

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Titolo e contributi: GOD CALLS - How to know if God is calling you!

Pubblicazione: Abela Publishing

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: How would you know if or when God called you to serve Him full time? Would you dismiss His call as you would an annoying insect or would you sit up and listen? After all He has your name and number, and He isn't calling for nothing........While this little book was written to chronicle my own call, I'm sure it's message is equally as important for you as I have no doubts that God is  calling you and it would be a tragedy if you missed the call. If you are really serious about exploring your call, and that may well not be into the ordained ministry, this book will give you suggestions on how to test that call. The Bible tells us that we are all saints and in the same way I believe we are all to be ministers. After all, we are encouraged to test things and in the back of the mind will always be that great question mark. Is it indeed God calling or is it just wishful thinking on my part?=============Terry Hayward was a successful lawyer and lecturer in law until he was called by God. After being anointed, he was first a hospital pastor and then a prison pastor before he was given his own church.=============KEYWORDS/TAGS:God Calls, Terry Hayward, , Jesus, Holy Spirit, faith, will, love, trust, believe, Bible, obey, experience, Paul, honour, Law, relationship, obedience, decision, ministry, trusted, Daniel, parish, Prison, church, Christ, family, become, problem, intimate, obedient, Rector, hospital, Africa, blind, New, Dan, unconditional, appointment, Wanderings, submission, creatures, Christian, drinking, commands, Anglican, Episcopalian, Church Of England

LEARNING WITH GOD - book 3 in the Journeys With God Trilogy

eBook / testo digitale

Hayward, Terry

LEARNING WITH GOD - book 3 in the Journeys With God Trilogy

Abela Publishing

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Titolo e contributi: LEARNING WITH GOD - book 3 in the Journeys With God Trilogy

Pubblicazione: Abela Publishing

EAN: 9781909302877

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The third in a trilogy of the "Journeys with God" books. This book seeks to bring together the apparent angry God of the Old Testament with the God who is Love of the New Testament. Over many chapters covering many different topics it suggests ways for you and me, the ordinary Christians, to live out our Christian calling to be holy as our Father in heaven is Holy, by filling our daily lives with the Presence of Jesus, by trying to make it our aim to act and re-act as He would in all our daily situations. Whilst insisting on total obedience to God, at the same time the book claims that His love is unconditional. Everything is written in the hope that by spending quiet times with God we will eventually become aware of His constant Presence with us and let that knowledge rule in our lives.===============ABOUT THE AUTHOR: TERRY was a practising lawyer for 25 years before answering a call into the ordained ministry in the Anglican Church of Southern Africa. As a Priest he spent time as a Prison Chaplain as well as a Hospital Chaplain before being appointed to parish ministry.He is now retired from full-time ministry, lives in New Zealand and spends his spare time writing novels. This is Terry's fourth religious book and he hopes to write at least a few more.===================KEYWORDS/TAGS: Learning With God, Journeys With God Trilogy, Terry Hayward, Wanderings with God, Coffee With God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Learning, Looking, Practical, Life, Prayer, Truth, Hope, Creation, Spirit, Habit, Work, Self, Everyday, Obedience, Peace, Love, Morals, Surrender, Persevere, Being, Holy, Persecution, Finally, Cross, Sacrifice, Sin,

COFFEE WITH GOD - Book 2 in the Journeys With God trilogy

eBook / testo digitale

Hayward, Terry

COFFEE WITH GOD - Book 2 in the Journeys With God trilogy

Abela Publishing

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Titolo e contributi: COFFEE WITH GOD - Book 2 in the Journeys With God trilogy

Pubblicazione: Abela Publishing

EAN: 9781909302389

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Although there is a lot of advice in this book about how to 'do' your quiet time with God, it definitely is not a sort of DIY work on meditation or prayer. It was written in the hope that it would be a help in not only developing our own prayer life, but also of becoming aware that God is with us all the time, not just during our Prayers, or our Coffee with God. Paul tells us to Pray at all times and the intention of this book is to help us understand what this means and then apply that to our everyday life. The aim of this book is to help each one of us to understand exactly what it is that God wants of us and then to do it by coming into such a deep relationship with Him. In the book we will look into many subjects all of which are in a way related to each other and so the different subjects are really only chapters dealing with one subject matter, notably our walk with God by making Him assume prime place in our lives. Let me make myself clear at the outset that although I'm no expert in "Christian Spirituality", I do I invite you not to just ignore my suggestions, but to at least give them a chance and thereafter feel free to make up your own mind about them. The book is wide-ranging in an effort to show that nothing falls outside of our walk with Him but all of them can and will lead to an awareness of the Presence of God.Terry Hayward================= ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Terry Hayward is a retired Anglican (Episcopalian) Priest who previously practised law in Durban, South Africa, for 25 years during the Apartheid era. He is married to Rita and the two now live in New Zealand with their daughter, son in law and two of their grandchildren. Their son was a game ranger in Zululand for 15 years and married a Canadian who is also deeply into conservation. The family have always had a deep love for conservation and that is where the inspiration for this and Terry's other books stems from.================= KEYWORDS/TAGS: Coffee with God, Terry Hayward, DIY, Christian, Walk, God, will, Jesus, people, life, need, love, faith, believe, good, prayer, Pray, give, Paul, Bible, Christ, wife, John, Holy Spirit, person, needs, , Presence, church, man, old, learn, live, children, experience, family, money, relationship meditation, encounter, Lord, Corinthians, , without desire, honour, honor, verse, woman, obedience, Father, Law, heaven, poor, silence, solitude, , test, attitude, husband, advice, purpose, Power, peace, ministry, achieve, created, divorce, Africa, self, Scripture, prophet, beautiful, disciples, Testament, salvation, obedient, spouse, Judas, gift, sin, marriage,, nature, Psalm, Romans,, opportunity, calling, provide, Gospel, Peter, conversion, New Zealand, bodies, body, Temple, tithe, content, Daniel, chosen, submit, warning, , Moses, Cross, faithful, temptation, Israelites, Samaritan, Lord, Ephesians, search, Biblical, Prison, oil, disobedience, Wanderings