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× Nomi Aristophanes

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Passerino Editore, 10/06/2016

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Titolo e contributi: Lysistrata

Pubblicazione: Passerino Editore, 10/06/2016


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: "Lysistrata" is a comedy by Aristophanes. Originally performed in classical Athens in 411 BC, it is a comic account of one woman's extraordinary mission to end the Peloponnesian War. Lysistrata persuades the women of Greece to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and lovers as a means of forcing the men to negotiate peace—a strategy, however, that inflames the battle between the sexes. The play is notable for being an early exposé of sexual relations in a male-dominated society.Aristophanes was a comic playwright of ancient Athens.Edition published in 1912 for the Athenian Society.

The frogs

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The frogs

Passerino Editore, 09/09/2017

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Titolo e contributi: The frogs

Pubblicazione: Passerino Editore, 09/09/2017


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: "The Frogs" is a comedy written by the Ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes.Aristophanes was a comic playwright of ancient Athens. Translated by E D A MorsheadE H PlumptreGilbert MurrayB B Rogers

The clouds

eBook / testo digitale


The clouds

Passerino Editore, 09/09/2017

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: The clouds

Pubblicazione: Passerino Editore, 09/09/2017


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: "The Clouds" is a Greek comedy play written by the celebrated playwright Aristophanes.Aristophanes was a comic playwright of ancient Athens.Translated by William James Hickie

The birds

eBook / testo digitale


The birds

Passerino, 02/11/2017

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: The birds

Pubblicazione: Passerino, 02/11/2017


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The Birds is a comedy by the Ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes. Aristophanes was a comic playwright of ancient Athens. 

The wasps

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The wasps

Passerino, 02/11/2017

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Titolo e contributi: The wasps

Pubblicazione: Passerino, 02/11/2017


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The Wasps is the fourth in chronological order of the eleven surviving plays by Aristophanes.Aristophanes was a comic playwright of ancient Athens. 

The knights

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The knights

Passerino, 02/11/2017

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: The knights

Pubblicazione: Passerino, 02/11/2017


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: "The Knights" is a satire on the social and political life of classical Athens during the Peloponnesian War.Aristophanes was a comic playwright of ancient Athens. 


eBook / testo digitale



Interactive Media

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Titolo e contributi: Lysistrata

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Lysistrata is a comedy originally performed in classical Athens in 411 BC. A comic account of one woman's extraordinary mission to end the Peloponnesian War. Lysistrata persuades the women of Greece to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and lovers as a means of forcing the men to negotiate peace—a strategy, however, that inflames the battle between the sexes. The play is notable for being an early exposé of sexual relations in a male-dominated society.

The Clouds

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The Clouds

Interactive Media

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Titolo e contributi: The Clouds

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Strepsiades complains to the audience that he is too worried about household debts to get any sleep – his aristocratic wife has encouraged their son's expensive interest in horses. Strepsiades, having thought up a plan to get out of debt, wakes the youth gently and pleads with him to do something for him. Pheidippides at first agrees to do as he's asked then changes his mind when he learns that his father wants to enroll him in The Thinkery, a school for wastrels and bums that no self-respecting, athletic young man dares to be associated with.

The Birds

eBook / testo digitale


The Birds

Interactive Media

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Titolo e contributi: The Birds

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Two middle-aged men stumbling across a hillside wilderness are guided by a pet crow and a pet jackdaw. One of them advises the audience that they are fed up with life in Athens, where people do nothing all day but argue over laws, and they are looking for Tereus, a king who was once metamorphosed into the Hoopoe, for they believe he might help them find a better life somewhere else.

The Frogs

eBook / testo digitale


The Frogs

Interactive Media

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: The Frogs

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The Frogs tells the story of the god Dionysus, who, despairing of the state of Athens' tragedians, travels to the underworld to bring the playwright Euripides back from the dead. He brings along his slave Xanthias, who is smarter and braver than Dionysus. As the play opens, Xanthias and Dionysus argue over what kind of jokes Xanthias can use to open the play.

The Knights

eBook / testo digitale


The Knights

Interactive Media

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: The Knights

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The Knights is a satire on political and social life in 5th-century BC Athens, the characters are drawn from real life and Cleon is clearly intended to be the villain. However it is also an allegory, the characters are figures of fantasy and the villain in this context is Paphlagonian, a comic monstrosity responsible for almost everything that's wrong with the world.

The Acharnians

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The Acharnians

Interactive Media

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Titolo e contributi: The Acharnians

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The protagonist, Dikaiopolis, miraculously obtains a private peace treaty with The Spartans and he enjoys the benefits of peace in spite of opposition from some of his fellow Athenians.


eBook / testo digitale



Interactive Media

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Titolo e contributi: Peace

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Trygaeus, a middle-aged Athenian, miraculously brings about a peaceful end to the Peloponnesian War, thereby earning the gratitude of farmers while bankrupting various tradesmen who had profited from the hostilities. He celebrates his triumph by marrying Harvest, a companion of Festival and Peace, all of whom he has liberated from a celestial prison.

The Wasps

eBook / testo digitale


The Wasps

Interactive Media

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Titolo e contributi: The Wasps

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The play begins with a strange scene—a large net has been spread over a house, the entry is barricaded and two slaves are sleeping in the street outside. A third man is positioned at the top of an exterior wall with a view into the inner courtyard but he too is asleep. The two slaves wake and we learn from their banter that they are keeping guard over a 'monster'. The man asleep above them is their master and the monster is his father—he has an unusual disease.

The Thesmophoriazusae

eBook / testo digitale


The Thesmophoriazusae

Interactive Media

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: The Thesmophoriazusae

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Today the women at the festival are going to kill me for insulting them!' This bold statement by Euripides is the absurd premise upon which the whole play depends. The women are incensed by his plays' portrayal of the female sex as mad, murderous, and sexually depraved, and they are using the festival of the Thesmophoria (an annual fertility celebration dedicated to Demeter) as an opportunity to debate a suitable choice of revenge.

The Ecclesiazusae

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The Ecclesiazusae

Interactive Media

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: The Ecclesiazusae

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: A group of women, led by the wise and redoubtable Praxagora, has decided that the women of Athens must convince the men to give them control of the city, as they are convinced they can do a better job. Disguised as men, the women sneak into the assembly and command the majority of votes needed to carry their series of revolutionary proposals, even convincing some of the men to vote for it on the grounds that it is the only thing they have not tried.


eBook / testo digitale



Interactive Media

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: Plutus

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Chremylus, a poor but just man, accompanied by his servant Cario consults the Delphic Oracle concerning his son, whether he ought not to be instructed in injustice and knavery and the other arts whereby worldly men acquire riches. By way of answer the god only tells him that he is to follow whomsoever he first meets upon leaving the temple, who proves to be a blind and ragged old man. But this turns out to be no other than Plutus himself, the god of riches, whom Zeus has robbed of his eyesight, so that he may be unable henceforth to distinguish between the just and the unjust.

The Women's Festival

eBook / testo digitale


The Women's Festival

Interactive Media

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: The Women's Festival

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Today the women at the festival are going to kill me for insulting them!' This bold statement by Euripides is the absurd premise upon which the whole play depends. The women are incensed by his plays' portrayal of the female sex as mad, murderous, and sexually depraved, and they are using the festival of the Thesmophoria (an annual fertility celebration dedicated to Demeter) as an opportunity to debate a suitable choice of revenge.

Women In Council

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Women In Council

Interactive Media

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: Women In Council

Pubblicazione: Interactive Media

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: A group of women, led by the wise and redoubtable Praxagora, has decided that the women of Athens must convince the men to give them control of the city, as they are convinced they can do a better job. Disguised as men, the women sneak into the assembly and command the majority of votes needed to carry their series of revolutionary proposals, even convincing some of the men to vote for it on the grounds that it is the only thing they have not tried.

La festa delle donne



La festa delle donne / Aristofane ; introduzione, traduzione e note di Guido Paduano

Milano : Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, 1983

I classici della BUR - BUR L ; 416

Titolo e contributi: La festa delle donne / Aristofane ; introduzione, traduzione e note di Guido Paduano

Pubblicazione: Milano : Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, 1983

Descrizione fisica: 201, [2] p. : ill. ; 18 cm

Serie: I classici della BUR - BUR L ; 416

ISBN: 8817124168


Lingua: Italiano (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

Varianti del titolo:
  • Thesmophoriazusai -
  • Tit. orig. traslitterato dal greco
  • Testo orig. a fronte
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