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× Soggetto Giochi educativi -- Per bambini
× Soggetto Lingua inglese -- Apprendimento -- Metodi

Trovati 12 documenti.

The idioms game

The idioms game [Gioco]

Recanati : ELI, 2023

Let's play in English

Abstract: The Idioms Game is a useful card game to discover the meaning of some of the most common Idioms in English and it consists of • 132 cards divided into two decks: one deck of cards with pictures illustrating the idioms and the other containing cards showing three possible meanings for each idiom, one of those is the correct option • the instruction booklet with the instructions and suggestions on how to use the game in the classroom, at home with friends or during onlineLeggi tutto

What is it? by Chiara Colucci

Colucci, Chiara

What is it? [Gioco] / by Chiara Colucci

Recanati : ELI, 2023

Let's play in English

Super Bis by Joy Olivier

Olivier, Joy

Super Bis / by Joy Olivier

Recanati : ELI, 2018

Let's play in English

Funny English

Funny English [Gioco]

Teramo : Ludattica, 2023?

I giochi di carte Montessori

Abstract: Un gioco di carte, ispirato al metodo Montessori, per avvicinare i bambini all'apprendimento della lingua inglese

The emotions game

The emotions game [Gioco]

Recanati : ELI, 2022

Let's play in English

Abstract: The Emotions Game is an engaging card game which helps players to understand and express their own emotions, recognise emotions in others, as well as to learn and distinguish between different emotions. The aim of the game is to help learn vocabulary related to emotions in English and practice using the language structures necessary to express them.

The great verb game by Manuela Macedonia

Macedonia, Manuela

The great verb game [Gioco] / by Manuela Macedonia

Recanati : ELI, 2022?

Let's play in English

Verb Draughts

Verb Draughts [Gioco]

Recanati : ELI, 2024

Let's play in English

Abstract: Verb Draughts is a game which is inspired by the classic game of Draughts and can be used by players with varying levels of English. There are 4 different draught boards to choose from. Players move the pieces on the board to try and eliminate their opponent. As they move across the board they practise using the verbs they find along the way

Who's who?

Who's who? [Gioco]

Recanati : ELI, 2022

Let's play in English

That's my job by Joy Olivier

Olivier, Joy

That's my job / by Joy Olivier

Recanati : ELI, 2018

Let's play in English

Around the city by Joy Olivier

Olivier, Joy

Around the city / by Joy Olivier

Recanati : ELI, 2018

Let's play in English


L'inglese [Gioco] : cominciare a parlare in inglese in modo corretto

Recanati : Clementoni, 2015?

I giochi di Sapientino - I ragazzi di Sapientino

The grammar tree

The grammar tree [Gioco]

Recanati : ELI, 2022

Let's play in English

Abstract: The Grammar Tree is a game which helps students to learn and consolidate English grammar and verb forms. The multiple-choice format makes learning English grammar fun. The objective of the game is to help students to learn and consolidate basic grammar and to correct the most common errors in a fun way