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× Livello lingua B2
× Data 2013

Trovati 62 documenti.

Großer Lernwortschatz Französisch aktuell Thérèse Buffard

Buffard, Thérèse

Großer Lernwortschatz Französisch aktuell : 15000 Wörter zu 150 Themen / Thérèse Buffard

Erweiterte und aktualisierte Neuausg

Ismaning : Hueber, 2013

Campus Deutsch B2-C1 Oliver Bayerlein, Patricia Buchner ; herausgegeben von Oliver Bayerlein

Bayerlein, Oliver

Campus Deutsch B2-C1 : Lesen : Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Oliver Bayerlein, Patricia Buchner ; herausgegeben von Oliver Bayerlein

Ismaning : Hueber, c2013

Abstract: Befähigt Teilnehmer/innen sich eigenständig einen wissenschaftlichen Text zu erschließen und dabei gezielt das Wörterbuch einzusetzen. (

Blog Jean-Philippe Blondel ; Worterklärungen von Laure Soccard

Blondel, Jean-Philippe

Blog / Jean-Philippe Blondel ; Worterklärungen von Laure Soccard

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2013

Collection jeunes adultes [Klett]

Prüfungstraining DSD Stufe 2 von Jürgen Weigmann

Weigmann, Jürgen

Prüfungstraining DSD Stufe 2 : Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz / von Jürgen Weigmann

Berlin : Cornelsen, 2013

Multimedia (kit)

Medienpaket : CDs und DVD zum Kursbuch

Ismaning : Hueber, c2013

Fa parte di: Sicher! : Niveau B23

Ortografía divertida Pedro Tena Tena

Tena Tena, Pedro

Ortografía divertida / Pedro Tena Tena

Madrid : Edinumen, 2013?

Abstract: Escribir no es difícil. Escribir es divertido. Y escribir en español no es difícil y es divertido. Este libro ofrece una serie de explicaciones y actividades que ayudarán a escribir de forma correcta a un estudiante de B1 y, también, de A1 y A2.

L'eredità Luisa Brisi

Brisi, Luisa

L'eredità / Luisa Brisi

Roma : Edilingua, 2013

Primiracconti [Edilingua]

Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch Lektion 1-6 Michaela Perlmann-Balme, Susanne Schwalb, Magdalena Matussek

Perlmann-Balme, Michaela

Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch Lektion 1-6 / Michaela Perlmann-Balme, Susanne Schwalb, Magdalena Matussek

Ismaning : Hueber, 2013

Deutsch als Fremdsprache [Hueber]

Fa parte di: Sicher! : Niveau B21

El cronómetro Alejandro Bech Tormo .. [et al.]

El cronómetro : manual de preparación del DELE : nivel B2 / Alejandro Bech Tormo .. [et al.]

Madrid : Edinumen, 2013

Langenscheidt Italienische Grammatik - kurz und schmerzlos von Maria Balì

Balì, Maria

Langenscheidt Italienische Grammatik - kurz und schmerzlos / von Maria Balì

Berlin [etc.] : Langenscheidt, c2013

Upper intermediate workbook with key Anna Cowper

Cowper, Anna

Upper intermediate workbook with key / Anna Cowper

New ed

Harlow : Pearson, c2013

Always learning [Pearson]

Fa parte di: English for international tourism3

Posobie po obučeniju russkomu udareniju dlja izučajuščih russkij jazyk kak inostrannyj M. N. Šutova = М.Н. Шутова

Sutova, Marina Nikolaevna

Posobie po obučeniju russkomu udareniju dlja izučajuščih russkij jazyk kak inostrannyj / M. N. Šutova = М.Н. Шутова

Moskva = Москва : Russkij Jazyk Kursy = Русский язык Курсы, 2013

Putešestvuem po Rossii [Russkij Jazyk Kursy] = Путешествуем по России [Русский язык Курсы]

Pro e contro junior a cura di Pierangela Diadori e Stefania Semplici ; con la collaborazione di Eleonora Spinosa

Pro e contro junior : materiali per lo sviluppo della capacità di argomentazione orale per adolescenti, livello B1-B2 / a cura di Pierangela Diadori e Stefania Semplici ; con la collaborazione di Eleonora Spinosa

Roma : Bonacci, 2013

Praxis-Grammatik von Margarita Görrissen

Görrissen, Margarita

Praxis-Grammatik : Spanisch / von Margarita Görrissen

Stuttgart : PONS, 2013

Beowulf Gaston Leroux ; adaptation and activities by Robert Hill ; illustrated by Anna and Elena Balbusso

Hill, Robert

Beowulf / Gaston Leroux ; adaptation and activities by Robert Hill ; illustrated by Anna and Elena Balbusso

Genova [etc.] : Cideb, 2013

Reading & training.web [Cideb]. Step four B2.1

Abstract: The mighty warrior Beowulf offers to help the King of the Danes in a quest to kill the vicious monster Grendel and free his people from terror. After killing Grendel, Beowulf must also kill the monster’s mother before he can return to his homeland, where he eventually becomes king. But he is called for a new adventure, as a great dragon comes to destroy his kingdom. Will Beowulf’s efforts cost him his life this time? (

Ritorno alle origini Valentina Mapelli

Mapelli, Valentina

Ritorno alle origini / Valentina Mapelli

Roma : Edilingua, 2013

Primiracconti [Edilingua]

Le père Goriot Honoré de Balzac ; adaptation libre et activités: Pierre Hauzy ; illustrations: Katiuscya Dimartino

Hauzy, Pierre

Le père Goriot / Honoré de Balzac ; adaptation libre et activités: Pierre Hauzy ; illustrations: Katiuscya Dimartino

Recanati : ELI, 2013

Lectures ELI seniors. Niveau 4

Deceiving beauty Oscar Wilde ; notes and activities by Rosa Anna Rizzo

Wilde, Oscar

Deceiving beauty : two fairy tales / Oscar Wilde ; notes and activities by Rosa Anna Rizzo

Milano : Hoepli, c2013

Classics [Hoepli]. Level B1/B2

The great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald ; retold by Clare West

West, Clare

The great Gatsby / F. Scott Fitzgerald ; retold by Clare West

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 2013

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 5

Abstract: Gatsby's mansion on Long Island blazes with light, and the beautiful, the wealthy, and the famous drive out from New York to drink Gatsby's champagne and to party all night long. But Jay Gatsby, the owner of all this wealth, wants only one thing - to find again the woman of his dreams, the woman he has held in his heart and his memory for five long years.. (

Work on your grammar

Work on your grammar : upper intermediate B2

London : Harper Collins Publishers, 2013