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× Nomi Dahl, Roald
× Data 2017

Trovati 2 documenti.

Il GGG a Steven Spielberg film ; produced by Steven Spielberg, Frank Marshall, Sam Mercer ; based on the book by Roald Dahl ; screenplay by Melissa Mathison ; directed by Steven Spielberg
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Il GGG [Videoregistrazione] : il grande gigante gentile / a Steven Spielberg film ; produced by Steven Spielberg, Frank Marshall, Sam Mercer ; based on the book by Roald Dahl ; screenplay by Melissa Mathison ; directed by Steven Spielberg

Milano : Eagle Pictures, 2017

Abstract: Il GGG è un gigante, un Grande Gigante Gentile, molto diverso dagli altri abitanti del Paese dei Giganti che come San Guinario e Inghiotticicciaviva si nutrono di esseri umani, preferibilmente bambini. E così una notte il GGG - che è vegetariano e si ciba soltanto di Cetrionzoli e Sciroppio - rapisce Sophie, una bambina che vive a Londra e la porta nella sua caverna.. (

Billy and the minpins Roald Dahl ; illustrated by Quentin Blake

Dahl, Roald

Billy and the minpins / Roald Dahl ; illustrated by Quentin Blake

London : Puffin, 2017

Puffin Books

Abstract: Billy's mum says he must never go out through the garden gate and explore the dark forest beyond. So, one day, that's exactly what he does! There he meets the Minpins, tiny tree-dwelling people whose children are the size of matchsticks. They live in fear of the terrible, galloping Gruncher. Will it gobble Billy too, or can he find a way to defeat the hungry beast?