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Interactive Media

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Abstract: Sophocles' Philoctetes begins with their arrival on the island. Odysseus explains to Neoptolemus that he must perform a shameful action in order to garner future glory - to take Philoctetes by tricking him with a false story while Odysseus hides. Neoptolemus is portrayed as an honorable boy, and so it takes some persuading to get him to play this part. To gain Philoctetes's trust, Neoptolemus tricks Philoctetes into thinking he hates Odysseus as well. Neoptolemus doesLeggi tutto

eBook / testo digitale

Maenza, Diego - Torres, Gastón Jofre


Tektime, 09/04/2020

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Abstract: Over the course of a year, I undertook the task of working with twenty cartoons that stimulated my imagination. I pretended to reverse the traditional process of illustrating texts. I "texted" the illustrations daily. Like "action painting", I could have called it "literature in action", but it would have been to distort the nature of the project, which was a work in progress, a dynamic entity, an evolving process, a writing on the go, a progressive writing. I never had aLeggi tutto

The Pursuit of the House-Boat
eBook / testo digitale

Bangs, John Kendrick

The Pursuit of the House-Boat

Midwest Journal Press, 08/11/2017

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Abstract: The Pursuit of the House-Boat is an 1897 novel by John Kendrick Bangs, and the second one to feature his Associated Shades take on the afterlife.The original full title was The Pursuit of the House-Boat: Being Some Further Account of the Divers Doings of the Associated Shades, Under the Leadership of Sherlock Holmes, Esq. and it has also been titled In Pursuit of the House-Boat and Pursuit of the House-Boat.There are 12 chapters in the book. They were first published as aLeggi tutto

The story of the king of the Ebony isles. A persian children's story from 1001 arabian nights
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E.

The story of the king of the Ebony isles. A persian children's story from 1001 arabian nights

Abela Publishing, 08/05/2017

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 224In this 224th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Arabian Nights story of "THE STORY OF THE KING OF THE EBONY ISLES".A young prince succeeds the throne of his country upon his father's death. He takes to himself a wife, his cousin and thinks himself happily married. One day whilst dozing in his chambers, his maid servants, thinking him asleep, begin speaking amongst themselves and what the young kingsLeggi tutto

Ozma of Oz
eBook / testo digitale

Baum, L. Frank

Ozma of Oz

Interactive Media

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Abstract: Ozma of Oz: A Record of Her Adventures with Dorothy Gale of Kansas, Billina the Yellow Hen, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, the Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger; Besides Other Good People Too Numerous to Mention Faithfully Recorded Herein. It is the first Oz book where the majority of the action takes place outside of the Land of Oz. Only the final two chapters take place in Oz itself. This reflects a subtle change in theme: in the first book, Oz is the dangerous landLeggi tutto

Aphrodisiac. Jack Delaney chronicles
eBook / testo digitale

Hayward, Terry

Aphrodisiac. Jack Delaney chronicles

Abela Publishing, 30/03/2017

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Abstract: Rhinos are being poached from a Private Game Reserve and Jack Delaney and his team are called in to investigate and put a stop to this blight. There is little time to waste and the non-stop action moves from the offices of the owners of the Big 5 Game Reserves into the bushveld setting of the Game reserve. Crocodile and hippo infested rivers become potential murder weapons as a Game Ranger is kidnapped - and murder, too, rears its ugly head.The mob are ruthless in theirLeggi tutto

McALISTER'S WAY - Free Serialisation Vol. 01
eBook / testo digitale

Marman, Richard

McALISTER'S WAY - Free Serialisation Vol. 01

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: Zach McAlister's mother is sick and due to go into hospital for an operation. To "get him out the way" his father puts him on a flight to Merimbula, New South Wales, Australia where he is met by his Grandfather Danny McAlister.Out on his Grandfather's ranch, or what's left of it, it didn't take Zach long to become bored silly. Hunting around for things to do, he finds a box of old photos and a strip of six medals hidden away. The photos were mostly dog-eared and ragged atLeggi tutto

Danton: A study
eBook / testo digitale

Belloc, Hilaire

Danton: A study

Librorium Editions

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Abstract: Before writing a life of Danton in English it is necessary to do three things. First, to take a definite point of view with regard to the whole revolutionary movement; secondly, to explain, so far as is possible, the form which it took in France; thirdly, to show where Danton stood in the scheme of events, the nature of his personality, the effects of his brief action. This triple task is necessary to a book which, but for it, would be only a string of events, alwaysLeggi tutto

The story of the Yara. A brazilian fairy tale
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E.

The story of the Yara. A brazilian fairy tale

Abela Publishing, 23/02/2018

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 410In this 410th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Brazilian Fairy Tale "THE STORY OF THE YARA".The Brazilian Yara, also called a water-witch, is said to lure young men by her marvellous singing, much as the mermaids on the Rhine's Lorelei  Rock would lure sailors to run their barges aground with their singing. After seeing her, the youth would become melancholy and would haunt the river day and nightLeggi tutto

The italian reset diet. The Polisano method for resetting your body and improving your well-being
eBook / testo digitale

Polisano, Dario - Martino, Giuseppe Di

The italian reset diet. The Polisano method for resetting your body and improving your well-being

Tektime, 08/09/2020

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Abstract: In this book, Dr. Dario Polisano will give you the answers that no one has ever given you regarding food and nutrition. He will explain how to achieve psycho-physical well-being, resetting and detoxifying your body, followed by a gradual reintroduction of the allowed foods. You can finally lose all excess weight in a quick and healthy fashion.Most people know the relationship between diet and health, and many among them already understand that gluten, dairy products, andLeggi tutto

Ozma of Oz
eBook / testo digitale

Baum, L. Frank

Ozma of Oz

Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018

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Abstract: Ozma of Oz was the third book of L. Frank Baum's Oz series. It was the first in which Baum was clearly intending a series of Oz books.It is the first Oz book where the majority of the action takes place outside of the Land of Oz. Only the final two chapters take place in Oz itself. This reflects a subtle change in theme: in the first book, Oz is the dangerous land through which Dorothy must win her way back to Kansas; in the third, Oz is the end and aim of the book.Leggi tutto

Sandra's Diary
eBook / testo digitale

Sabattini, Sandra

Sandra's Diary

Sempre Editore, 02/05/2022

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Abstract: "This life is not mine. It is evolving rhythmically through a regular breath that is not mine, cheered by a peaceful day that is not mine.There is nothing in this world that is yours. Sandra, realize it!It is all a gift in which the 'Giver' can intervene when and how he wishes.Take care of the gift given to you, make it more beautiful and full for when the time comes."Sandra's Diary stops here, on 27th of April 1984. Words that seem to presage the tragic accident in whichLeggi tutto

Sound & rhythm. Understanding spoken english
eBook / testo digitale

Lippmann, Nancy

Sound & rhythm. Understanding spoken english

Firenze University Press, 01/01/2008

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Abstract: Sound & Rhythm takes the English language student through the first moves in learning how to decode the fast-moving flow of oral speech. Written for those studying in a classroom setting, the book takes a dual approach. It provides the phonological concepts that shape English sound and works on developing the student's ear, specifically training the student in how to take in a small stretch of sound and construct its meaning. While the primary focus is on theLeggi tutto

Le relazioni non sono pericolose
eBook / testo digitale

Ronchi, Manuela

Le relazioni non sono pericolose

Edizioni Gribaudo, 30/11/2020

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Abstract: "Manu" Ronchi è un personaggio ben noto a chi si occupa di spettacolo e intrattenimento. Intraprende la sua carriera manageriale di responsabile della gestione dell'immagine e della comunicazione per noti artisti e sportivi e nella produzione di eventi e produzioni televisive per l'agenzia di Gerry Scotti, per la quale lavora dal 1990 al 1995. Fonda l'agenzia Action, occupandosi dell'immagine di personaggi quali Marco Pantani, Max Biaggi, Marco Melandri, Alberto Tomba,Leggi tutto

SONGS AND VERSES OF THE SUFFRAGETTES - music and hymns from the Suffrage Movement
eBook / testo digitale

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

SONGS AND VERSES OF THE SUFFRAGETTES - music and hymns from the Suffrage Movement

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: A MUST READ FOR EVERY TEENAGE GIRL AND WOMEN OF ALL AGES! This book will impart the passion and feeling behind the women of the Suffrage movement whithout whom women of today would not have the right to vote and other civil liberties.Herein are 25 songs and poems compiled from various sources by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (July 3, 1860 – August 17, 1935), who was active in Californian Suffrage Movement. These are the songs that the Suffragettes sang and the poems whichLeggi tutto

Divorce by murder. Jack Delaney chronicles
eBook / testo digitale

Hayward, Terry

Divorce by murder. Jack Delaney chronicles

Abela Publishing, 30/03/2017

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Abstract: A South African crime boss institutes divorce proceedings against his wife who defends the action. Later, she is found shot dead in her apartment and the criminal husband charged with her murder. But have the police been too blinkered in their approach and too quick to conclude that the husband's criminal connections automatically make him the killer?So starts a flying trip to New York by the notorious lawyer, Jack Delaney, to investigate the husband's mafia connectionsLeggi tutto

SOLARIO THE TAILOR and His Tales Of The Magic Doublet
eBook / testo digitale

William Bowen

SOLARIO THE TAILOR and His Tales Of The Magic Doublet

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: The sequel to The Enchanted Forest, "Solario The Tailor And His Tales Of The Magic Doublet" is equally enchanting and full of the author's imagination!The stories in this book are interconnected adventures told by one of the characters. In addition, all the princes, princesses, queens, and kings from The Enchanted Forest are present, and they make comments as they listen to Solario's stories.Even though the illustrations are old fashioned and quaint, if you like cleverLeggi tutto

Bleak house
eBook / testo digitale

Dickens, Charles

Bleak house

Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018

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Abstract: Bleak House is one of Charles Dickens's major novels.The novel has many characters and several sub-plots, and the story is told partly by the novel's heroine, Esther Summerson, and partly by an omniscient narrator. At the centre of Bleak House is the long-running legal case, Jarndyce and Jarndyce, which came about because someone wrote several conflicting wills. This legal case is used by Dickens to satirise the English judicial system, and he makes use of his earlierLeggi tutto

Fail Your Way to Success - The Definitive Guide to Failing Forward and Learning How to Extract The Greatness Within
eBook / testo digitale

Andrews, Chase

Fail Your Way to Success - The Definitive Guide to Failing Forward and Learning How to Extract The Greatness Within

CAC Publishing LLC

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Abstract: Finally, a book that peels back the true nature of failure and uncovers the inextricable relationship between failure and success.It shows you chapter after revealing chapter how to not only embrace failure but how that failure creates a trajectory forward.This results in the need to fail fast, before getting too far in the game; fail often so that you learn more about your task; and, fail big.The book reveals the implementation of the FSG, failure-success-greatnessLeggi tutto

Discipline Your Way to Success: The Definitive Guide to Success Through Self-Discipline
eBook / testo digitale

Andrews, Chase

Discipline Your Way to Success: The Definitive Guide to Success Through Self-Discipline

CAC Publishing LLC

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Abstract: Many inspired people miss the opportunities of being gifted the way they are because they don't have the will or the discipline to move the inspiration from their soul to their hands.If you are the kind of person that is full of inspiration, loads of ideas, and have plenty knocking around in your head, but none of that has materialized, then there is a good chance what you need is more discipline.In most circles among adults, suggesting discipline is problematic becauseLeggi tutto