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× Nomi Kafka, Franz
× Data 2018

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In the penal colony

eBook / testo digitale

Kafka, Franz

In the penal colony

Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018

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Titolo e contributi: In the penal colony

Pubblicazione: Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: In the Penal Colony is a short story by Franz Kafka written in German in October 1914, revised in November 1918, and first published in October 1919.The story is set in an unnamed penal colony. Internal clues and the setting on an island suggest Octave Mirbeau's The Torture Garden as an influence. As in some of Kafka's other writings, the narrator in this story seems detached from, or perhaps numbed by, events that one would normally expect to be registered with horror. "In the Penal Colony" describes the last use of an elaborate torture and execution device that carves the sentence of the condemned prisoner on his skin before letting him die, all in the course of twelve hours. As the plot unfolds, the reader learns more and more about the machine, including its origin and original justification.The story focuses on the Explorer, who is encountering the brutal machine for the first time. Everything about the machine and its purpose is told to him by the Officer. The Soldier and the Condemned (who is unaware that he has been sentenced to die) placidly watch from nearby. The Officer tells of the religious epiphany the executed experience in their last six hours in the machine.Eventually, it becomes clear that the use of the machine and its associated process of justice – the accused is always instantly found guilty, and the law he has broken is inscribed on his body as he slowly dies over a period of 12 hours – has fallen out of favor with the current Commandant. The Officer is nostalgic regarding the torture machine and the values that were initially associated with it. As the last proponent of the machine, he strongly believes in its form of justice and the infallibility of the previous Commandant, who designed and built the device. In fact, the Officer carries its blueprints with him and is the only person who can properly decipher them; no one else is allowed to handle these documents.


eBook / testo digitale

Kafka, Franz


Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Metamorphosis

Pubblicazione: Sheba Blake Publishing Corp., 01/09/2018


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Metamorphosis is a novella by Franz Kafka. It has been called one of the seminal works of fiction of the 20th century and is studied in colleges and universities across the Western world.The story begins with a traveling salesman, Gregor Samsa, waking to find himself transformed (metamorphosed) into a large, monstrous insect-like creature. The cause of Gregor's transformation is never revealed, and Kafka himself never gave an explanation. The rest of Kafka's novella deals with Gregor's attempts to adjust to his new condition as he deals with being burdensome to his parents and sister, who are repelled by the horrible, verminous creature Gregor has become.One day, Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman, wakes up to find himself transformed into a giant insect (the most common translation of the German description ungeheur Ungeziefer, literally "monstrous vermin"). He reflects on how dreary life as a traveling salesman is. As he looks at the wall clock, he notices that he has overslept and missed his train for work. He ponders the consequences of this delay. Gregor becomes annoyed at how his boss never accepts excuses or explanations from any of his employees no matter how hard-working they are, displaying an apparent lack of trusting abilities. Gregor's mother knocks on the door, and he answers her. She is concerned for Gregor because he is late for work, which is unorthodox for him. Gregor answers his mother and realizes that his voice has changed, but his answer is short, so his mother does not notice. His sister, Grete, to whom he is very close, then whispers through the door and begs him to open it. He tries to get out of bed but is incapable of moving his body. While trying to move, he finds that his office manager, the chief clerk, has shown up to check on him. He finally rocks his body to the floor and calls out that he will open the door shortly.Offended by Gregor's delayed response in opening the door, the clerk warns him of the consequences of missing work. He adds that Gregor's recent performance has been unsatisfactory. Gregor disagrees and tells him that he will open the door shortly. Nobody on the other side of the door has understood a single word he had uttered as Gregor's voice has also transformed, and they conclude that he is seriously ill. Finally, Gregor manages to unlock and open the door with his mouth. He apologizes to the office manager for the delay. Horrified by Gregor's appearance, his mother faints, and the manager bolts out of the apartment. Gregor tries to catch up with him, but his father drives him back into the bedroom with a cane and a rolled newspaper. Gregor injures himself squeezing back through the doorway, and his father slams the door shut. Gregor, exhausted, falls asleep.


eBook / testo digitale

Kafka, Franz


Bauer Books, 19/05/2018

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Titolo e contributi: America

Pubblicazione: Bauer Books, 19/05/2018


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Il capitolo racconta la storia di Karl Rossmann, un sedicenne praghese che viene costretto dai suoi genitori ad emigrare in America per sfuggire allo scandalo provocato dal fatto che era stato sedotto da una donna più grande - la cameriera di casa - la quale era successivamente rimasta incinta. Il giovane Karl s'imbarca così sulla prima nave diretta a New York; appena giunto a destinazione, costretto a rientrare sulla nave per aver dimenticato l'ombrello, incontra un fuochista di bordo.

Il processo

eBook / testo digitale

Kafka, Franz

Il processo

Crescere, 27/08/2018

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Titolo e contributi: Il processo

Pubblicazione: Crescere, 27/08/2018

EAN: 9788883371448


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Il Processo", opera pubblicata postuma nel 1925 e rimasta incompiuta, narra la storia di Josef K., impiegato bancario ingiustamente e stranamente accusato. Il protagonista si trova coinvolto in un processo giudiziario assurdo e oppressivo, senza sapere di cosa sia accusato né chi siano gli accusatori. I suoi tentativi di difendersi si rivelano inutili, in un sistema giudiziario contro il quale non servono la razionalità e la lucidità. Una giustizia ineluttabile che agisce come un fenomeno fisico e autoreferenziale: il tribunale diventa un mondo a parte e non resta che attendere l'esecuzione. Lo stile di Kafka rende la narrazione spersonalizzante e angosciosa e fa di questo libro uno dei suoi capolavori.