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× Soggetto Lingua inglese -- Apprendimento -- Libri per ragazzi
× Lingue Inglese

Trovati 431 documenti.

Roberto's backpack Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Francesca Assirelli

Puchta, Herbert

Roberto's backpack / Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Francesca Assirelli

Rum : Helbling languages, 2016

The thinking train

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Biblioteca Succursale NovacellaScaffale aperto
E C1 PUCH rob
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: Die Geschwister Colin, Dylan und Lara leben mit ihren Eltern auf einem Bauernhof in Irland. Tag für Tag müssen sie weite Strecken zu Fuß bewältigen, um nach den Schafen zu sehen.

The jaguar and the cow Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Cristiano Lissoni

Puchta, Herbert

The jaguar and the cow / Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Cristiano Lissoni

Rum : Helbling languages, 2015

The thinking train

Abstract: Paulo und Catrina leben in einem kleinen brasilianischen Dorf in der Nähe des Dschungels. Eines Tages entdecken sie die Fußspuren eines Jaguars, gefährlich nahe an ihrem Dorf. Kurz darauf verspeist das wilde Tier sogar eine Kuh aus dem Stall von Paulos und Catrinas Familie. Warum bleibt der Jaguar nicht in seinem angestammten Jagdrevier und wildert neuerdings im Dorf?

The three seeds Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Maria Sole Macchia

Puchta, Herbert

The three seeds / Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Maria Sole Macchia

Rum : Helbling languages, 2016

The thinking train

Abstract: Die Geschwister Colin, Dylan und Lara leben mit ihren Eltern auf einem Bauernhof in Irland. Tag für Tag müssen sie weite Strecken zu Fuß bewältigen, um nach den Schafen zu sehen.

What are You Doing, Daniel? Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Stefano Misesti

Puchta, Herbert

What are You Doing, Daniel? / Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Stefano Misesti

Rum : Helbling languages, 2015

The thinking train

Abstract: Daniel spielt leidenschaftlich gerne am Computer. Die Spiele fesseln ihn so sehr, dass er gar keine Zeit mehr hat seinen Eltern und seiner Schwester Ruby zu helfen, wenn sie ihn darum bitten.

A problem for Prince Percy Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Andrea Alemanno

Puchta, Herbert

A problem for Prince Percy / Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Andrea Alemanno

Rum : Helbling languages, 2015

The thinking train

Abstract: Der schlaue und hilfsbereite, aber arme Prince Percy möchte gerne die schöne und kluge Prinzessin Isabel heiraten. Doch ist er schlau genug, um sich gegen die zahlreichen wohlhabenden Konkurrenten durchzusetzen und die schwierigen Aufgaben, die Isabels Vater ihm stellt, bewältigen zu können?

What's on TV? Mary Rogers, Lara Sorrentino

Rogers, Mary

What's on TV? : readings, dialogues, tests and much more from the best American TV series in recent years : with grammar sections and exercises / Mary Rogers, Lara Sorrentino

Napoli : Esselibri ; Napoli : Simone per la scuola, 2011

Abstract: What’s on TV? presenta cinque tra le più celebri serie televisive degli ultimi anni attraverso letture, approfondimenti, test, canzoni e molto altro ancora. Si tratta di un repertorio di situazioni spesso già note allo studente, e che, proprio per questo, riproposte in lingua originale, possono costituire un mezzo utile e stimolante per familiarizzare con la lingua inglese (

One, two, three illustrated by Fred Blunt

Blunt, Fred

One, two, three / illustrated by Fred Blunt

London : Usborne, 2011

Usborne very first reading

The Tudors Caterina Lerro e Luisa Marro

Lerro, Caterina

The Tudors : a royal soap opera : lives, loves and deaths of the most famous english Royal Family / Caterina Lerro e Luisa Marro

Napoli : Esselibri ; Napoli : Simone per la scuola, 2011

Christmas karaoke
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Christmas karaoke [Videoregistrazione]

Recanati : ELI, c2009

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Merano - Mediateca multilingueScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Non a scaffale


Cinisello Balsamo : Hobby & Work, 1998?

Fa parte di: Snoopy & Co.1

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bronzolo - Biblioteca VivaldiScaffale aperto
R 425 SNO
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Bolzano - Biblioteca PianiScaffale aperto
R 425 SNO
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Reading and writing 1 Tamzin Thompson

Thompson, Tamzin

Reading and writing 1 / Tamzin Thompson

Oxford : Oxford University press, c2009

Oxford primary skills

Fa parte di: Reading and writing

Altruism Brian Sargent

Sargent, Brian

Altruism : what's in it for me? / Brian Sargent

Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University press, 2014

Cambridge discovery interactive readers [Cambridge University press]

The lost world sir Arthur Conan Doyle ; text adaptation by Susan Kingsley ; illustrated by Anders Westerberg

Kingsley, Susan

The lost world / sir Arthur Conan Doyle ; text adaptation by Susan Kingsley ; illustrated by Anders Westerberg

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2002

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. Level two

A stranger at Green Knowe Lucy M. Boston ; retold by Diane Mowart ; illustrated by Peter Boston

Mowart, Diane

A stranger at Green Knowe / Lucy M. Boston ; retold by Diane Mowart ; illustrated by Peter Boston

2nd ed

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2000

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Human interest, Stage 2

Stories from the five towns Arndol Bennett ; retold by Nick Bullard

Bullard, Nick

Stories from the five towns / Arndol Bennett ; retold by Nick Bullard

2nd ed

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2000

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Human interest, Stage 2

The Canterville Ghost Oscar Wilde ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan ; text adaptation and activities by Gina D.B. Clemen

Clemen, Gina D. B.

The Canterville Ghost / Oscar Wilde ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan ; text adaptation and activities by Gina D.B. Clemen

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2015

Green apple.web [Black cat]. Step 1

Rip van Winkle & the legend of Sleepy Hollow Washington Irving ; retold by Alan Hines ; illustrated by Thomas Sperling

Hines, Alan

Rip van Winkle & the legend of Sleepy Hollow / Washington Irving ; retold by Alan Hines ; illustrated by Thomas Sperling

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2002

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. Starter

The eagle of the ninth Rosemary Sutcliff ; retold by John Escott

Escott, John

The eagle of the ninth / Rosemary Sutcliff ; retold by John Escott

2nd ed

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2000

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Thriller & adventure, Stage 4

Henry 8. and his six wives Janet Hardy-Gould

Hardy-Gould, Janet

Henry 8. and his six wives / Janet Hardy-Gould

2nd ed

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2000

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. True stories, Stage 2

Missy by Terence Blacker ; illustrated by Claudia Flor

Blacker, Terence

Missy / by Terence Blacker ; illustrated by Claudia Flor

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2019

Team reader