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Trovati 799 documenti.

The invisible man H. G. Wells ; [adapted by Donatella Velluti]

Wells, H. G.

The invisible man [Medienkombination] / H. G. Wells ; [adapted by Donatella Velluti]

Rum : Helbling languages, 2019

Helbling readers [Helbling languages]. Blue series, Classics, level 4

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Merano - Biblioteca CivicaScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: One night, during a snow storm, a mysteroius stranger staggers throught the doors of a pub in a small English village, wräpped up from head to foot. The people in the village have a lot of questions. Who is the stranger? What is in his suitcase? Why has he come to the village? And why won't he let anyone see his face?

PONS Powerkurs Englisch in 4 Wochen von Rebecca Davies
Multimedia (kit)

Davies, Rebecca

PONS Powerkurs Englisch in 4 Wochen : Lernen Sie in idealen Tagesportionen / von Rebecca Davies

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2012

Y generation Olga Lee Rachello

Rachello, Olga Lee

Y generation / Olga Lee Rachello

Milano : Hoepli, c2010

Love stories [Hoepli]. Level A2

Abstract: [..] Lei è Margaret. Ha sedici anni, è dolce e carina e ha un grande talento per il teatro. Lui è Jack. Bello, ricco e di buona famiglia. Si incontrano, s’innamorano, sono felici. Ma la famiglia di lui si frappone tra i due e il loro legame si spezza. Jack lascia la città, Margaret continua la sua vita che però, senza di lui, non è più quella di prima. [..] Il volume presenta un ricco apparato di esercizi di comprensione, grammatica e lessico, attività centrate sullaLeggi tutto

The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Edgar Allan Poe ; adaptation and activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan ; illustrated by Alberto Macone

Borsbey, Janet

The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde / Edgar Allan Poe ; adaptation and activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan ; illustrated by Alberto Macone

Recanati : ELI, 2014

Young adult ELI readers. Stage 2

Abstract: Jekyll is a famous London doctor, but something unusual is happening in his house. Who is his strange young friend? Why does Jekyll like him? And why does no-one else like him? Stevenson’s dark thriller is the story of one man’s need to find himself in the dark, foggy London of Victorian times. (

Dracula Bram Stoker ; adaptation and with activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan ; illustrated by Valerio Vitali

Borsbey, Janet

Dracula / Bram Stoker ; adaptation and with activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan ; illustrated by Valerio Vitali

Recanati : ELI, 2013

Young adult readers [ELI]. Stage 2

Worthy opponents ; The new family member Mike Pilewski

Pilewski, Mike

Worthy opponents ; The new family member : mit Hörbuch / Mike Pilewski

Stuttgart [etc.] : Klett, 2020

Blu line

Up, up and away Gina Billy, Joseph Sykes, Clare Thompson

Billy, Gina

Up, up and away / Gina Billy, Joseph Sykes, Clare Thompson

München : Circon, 2022

Sprachwelten Englisch

The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson ; adaptation, dossiers and activities by Daniela Paola Madrigali

Madrigali, Daniela Paola

The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde / Robert Louis Stevenson ; adaptation, dossiers and activities by Daniela Paola Madrigali

Torino : Edisco, 2017

Rainbows [Edisco]. Elementary

William and Kate Christine Lindop

Lindop, Christine

William and Kate / Christine Lindop

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 2013

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Factfiles, Stage 1

Abstract: Everybody took photos of Prince William when he first arrived at the University of St Andrews. Crowds of photographers came to the little Scottish town next to the sea and took pictures of this new student the nineteen-year-old grandson of the Queen of England. But nobody photographed Kate Middleton on her first day at the university. She moved in quietly, ready to begin her studies in art history. She was just an ordinary student with an ordinary future in front of her.Leggi tutto

John F. Kennedy Anne Collins

Collins, Anne

John F. Kennedy / Anne Collins

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2014

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Factfiles, Stage 2

Abstract: Oxford Bookworms enjoy a world-wide reputation for high-quality storytelling and a great reading experience. Research shows reading a lot improves all your language skills. Experts recognize Oxford Bookworms as the most consistent series in terms of language control, length, and quality of story - very important for fluent reading and extensive reading. There's a wide choice of titles too - something for everyone (

The Canterville Ghost Oscar Wilde ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan ; text adaptation and activities by Gina D.B. Clemen

Clemen, Gina D. B.

The Canterville Ghost / Oscar Wilde ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan ; text adaptation and activities by Gina D.B. Clemen

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2015

Green apple.web [Black cat]. Step 1

Water of life Bernard Smith

Smith, Bernard

Water of life / Bernard Smith

Harlow : Pearson Education, 2008

Pearson English active readers. Level 2

The Imitation Game adapted by Jane Rollason

Rollason, Jane

The Imitation Game : based on the true story of Alan Turing and the Enigma code / adapted by Jane Rollason

Rum : Helbling languages : Scholastic, 2015

Helbling readers movies [Helbling languages]. Level 4

A new start refresher A2

A new start refresher A2

New ed

Berlin : Cornelsen, 2018-

Akron house mystery Gina D. B. Clemen ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan

Clemen, Gina D. B.

Akron house mystery / Gina D. B. Clemen ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan

Genoa [etc.] : Black cat, 2012

Green apple.web [Black cat]. Step 1

Missy by Terence Blacker ; illustrated by Claudia Flor

Blacker, Terence

Missy / by Terence Blacker ; illustrated by Claudia Flor

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2019

Team reader

Doomed to die Stephen Speight

Speight, Stephen

Doomed to die : a nordic thriller / Stephen Speight

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2022

Easy readers. B

Abstract: The setting: the beautiful Scandinavian Coast. The plot: a serial killer of men on their boats. Waht is sthe pattern which links the victims? The plice investigate in a race against time.

Teacher's book pack Premium Anna Cole, Michael Terry

Cole, Anna

Teacher's book pack Premium / Anna Cole, Michael Terry

London : MacMillan, 2014

Fa parte di: Beyond A2+

The golden teapot von Emma Bullimore, Mary Evans

Bullimore, Emma

The golden teapot : 20 landestypische Kurzgeschichten zum Englischlernen / von Emma Bullimore, Mary Evans

3. Aufl

Stuttgart : PONS, 2017

Lektüre in Bildern. Englisch

The black cat and other stories Edgar Allan Poe ; retold by David Wharry ; series editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

Wharry, David

The black cat and other stories / Edgar Allan Poe ; retold by David Wharry ; series editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

Harlow : Pearson Education ; München : Langenscheidt, 2008

Pearson English readers. Level 3