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× Data 1975
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Trovati 58 documenti.

Advertising by Gerd Ulmer and Volker Rieger

Ulmer, Gerd

Advertising : theory and practice : a programmed course based on authentic texts / by Gerd Ulmer and Volker Rieger

Frankfurt am Main : Diesterweg, c1975

Modelle für den neusprachlichen Unterricht. Englisch

South African mosaic

South African mosaic : a pictorial ensemble

2. ed

Johannesburg : African international publishing company, 1975

Power semiconductor circuits S. B. Dewan, A. Straughen

Dewan, S. B.

Power semiconductor circuits / S. B. Dewan, A. Straughen

New York [etc.] : Wiley Interscience, c1975

The Rocky Horror Picture Show a Michael White, Lou Adler production ; screenplay by Jim Sharman and Richard O'Brien ; produced by Michael White ; directed by Jim Sharman
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

The Rocky Horror Picture Show [Videoregistrazione] / a Michael White, Lou Adler production ; screenplay by Jim Sharman and Richard O'Brien ; produced by Michael White ; directed by Jim Sharman

Gran Bretagna : Twenthy Century Fox Film Corporation, 1975 ; Italia : Twenthy Century Fox Home Entertainment, c2005

I film musicali di Donna Moderna

Abstract: Brad e Janet, una giovane coppia, sono in viaggio diretti dal loro professore universitario, il dottor Scotto, quando la loro auto si arresta per un guasto. I due cercano aiuto e casualmente bussano alla porta del castello di Frank Wurstel. Questi è un extraterrestre, arrivato sulla terra per dare vita al mostruoso Rocky Horror. L'essere cerca di circuirli e svela loro alcuni segreti sconosciuti al genere umano. Arriva anche il professor Scott, che è alla ricerca di suoLeggi tutto

English literature Elio Chinol

Chinol, Elio

English literature : a historical survey with an anthology / Elio Chinol

Napoli : Liguori, 1975-

Le lingue e le civiltà straniere moderne

Stepping into the future

Stepping into the future : education for South Africas black, coloured and indian peoples

Johannesburg : Erudita Publications, stampa 1975

The political interpretation of Giorgione's frescoes on the Fondaco dei tedeschi by Michelangelo Muraro

Muraro, Michelangelo

The political interpretation of Giorgione's frescoes on the Fondaco dei tedeschi / by Michelangelo Muraro

[S.l. : s.n.], 1975?

The Spanish Empire in America C. H. Haring

Haring, Clarence Henry

The Spanish Empire in America / C. H. Haring

San Diego [etc.] : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1975

Still crazy after all these years Paul Simon ; Phil Ramone

Simon, Paul

Still crazy after all these years [Audioregistrazione] / Paul Simon ; Phil Ramone

S.l. : Warner Bros. Records, c1975

The Ciba collection of medical illustrations prepared by Frank H. Netter

The Ciba collection of medical illustrations / prepared by Frank H. Netter


The language of thought Jerry A. Fodor

Fodor, Jerry A.

The language of thought / Jerry A. Fodor

Cambridge : Harvard university press, c1975

The language & thought series

Tommy a film by Ken Russell ; directed by Ken Russell ; produced by Robert Stigwood & Ken Russell ; screenplay by Ken Russell ; based upon the rock opera by Pete Townshend
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Tommy [Videoregistrazione] : by The Who / a film by Ken Russell ; directed by Ken Russell ; produced by Robert Stigwood & Ken Russell ; screenplay by Ken Russell ; based upon the rock opera by Pete Townshend

Gran Bretagna : Robert Stigwood Organization : Hemdale Film Corporation, 1975 ; Italia : Dall'Angelo Pictures, 2005?

La cineteca Repubblica-L'Espresso

Abstract: Figlio di Nora e del capitano Walker, il piccolo Tommy nasce mentre la Gran Bretagna festeggia la vittoria e il padre, precipitato con il proprio aereo durante un'azione bellica, è ritenuto un eroe morto. La vedova, messasi con Frank, inizia una nuova e fortunata vita. Pero' quando il superstite Walker compare, tutto sfigurato, di notte presso il talamo, reagisce violentemente uccidendo il legittimo marito sotto gli occhi del piccolo Tommy che, da quel momento rimaneLeggi tutto

The past in the future Pietro Gazzola

Gazzola, Pietro

The past in the future / Pietro Gazzola

2. ed

[Roma : s.n.] : DAPCO, 1975

Photography year book, 1976 edited by John Sanders

Photography year book, 1976 / edited by John Sanders

S.l. : Fountain press, c1975

On the motives wich led Husserl to trascendental idealism Roman Ingarden ; translated from the Polish by Arnór Hannibalsson

Ingarden, Roman

On the motives wich led Husserl to trascendental idealism / Roman Ingarden ; translated from the Polish by Arnór Hannibalsson

Den Haag : Martinus Nijhoff, 1975

Phaenomenologica ; 64

Design concept realisation Wolfgang Schmittel

Schmittel, Wolfgang

Design concept realisation : Braun, Citroën, Miller, Olivetti, Sony, Swissair / Wolfgang Schmittel

Zürich : ABC, c1975

Aladdin and his wonderful lamp retold by Marie Stuart ; with illustrations by Robert Ayton

Stuart, Marie

Aladdin and his wonderful lamp / retold by Marie Stuart ; with illustrations by Robert Ayton

Loughborough : Ladybird books, c1975

A ladybird book ; 740

Barry Lyndon music adapted and conducted by Leonard Rosenman

Barry Lyndon [Audioregistrazione] : music from the academy award winning soundtrack / music adapted and conducted by Leonard Rosenman

Stati Uniti d'America : WEA International, c1975

Dangerous properties of industrial materials N. Irving Sax ; assisted by Robert D. Bruce .. [et al.]

Sax, Newton Irving

Dangerous properties of industrial materials / N. Irving Sax ; assisted by Robert D. Bruce .. [et al.]

4th ed

New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, c1975

Materials science and engineering: its evolution, practice and prospects edited by Morris Cohen ; contributions by Melvin Kranzberg .. [et al.]

Materials science and engineering: its evolution, practice and prospects / edited by Morris Cohen ; contributions by Melvin Kranzberg .. [et al.]

Amsterdam : Elsevier Publishing Company, 1975?