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The History of Ancient Rome

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Mommsen, Theodor

The History of Ancient Rome

Perennial Press

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Titolo e contributi: The History of Ancient Rome

Pubblicazione: Perennial Press

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The Mediterranean Sea with its various branches, penetrating far into the great Continent, forms the largest gulf of the ocean, and, alternately narrowed by islands or projections of the land and expanding to considerable breadth, at once separates and connects the three divisions of the Old World. The shores of this inland sea were in ancient times peopled by various nations belonging in an ethnographical and philological point of view to different races, but constituting in their historical aspect one whole. This historic whole has been usually, but not very appropriately, entitled the history of the ancient world. It is in reality the history of civilization among the Mediterranean nations; and, as it passes before us in its successive stages, it presents four great phases of development—the history of the Coptic or Egyptian stock dwelling on the southern shore, the history of the Aramaean or Syrian nation which occupied the east coast and extended into the interior of Asia as far as the Euphrates and Tigris, and the histories of the twin-peoples, the Hellenes and Italians, who received as their heritage the countries on the European shore. Each of these histories was in its earlier stages connected with other regions and with other cycles of historical evolution; but each soon entered on its own distinctive career. The surrounding nations of alien or even of kindred extraction—the Berbers and Negroes of Africa, the Arabs, Persians, and Indians of Asia, the Celts and Germans of Europe—came into manifold contact with the peoples inhabiting the borders of the Mediterranean, but they neither imparted unto them nor received from them any influences exercising decisive effect on their respective destinies. So far, therefore, as cycles of culture admit of demarcation at all, the cycle which has its culminating points denoted by the names Thebes, Carthage, Athens, and Rome, may be regarded as an unity. The four nations represented by these names, after each of them had attained in a path of its own a peculiar and noble civilization, mingled with one another in the most varied relations of reciprocal intercourse, and skilfully elaborated and richly developed all the elements of human nature. At length their cycle was accomplished. New peoples who hitherto had only laved the territories of the states of the Mediterranean, as waves lave the beach, overflowed both its shores, severed the history of its south coast from that of the north, and transferred the centre of civilization from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Ocean. The distinction between ancient and modern history, therefore, is no mere accident, nor yet a mere matter of chronological convenience. What is called modern history is in reality the formation of a new cycle of culture, connected in several stages of its development with the perishing or perished civilization of the Mediterranean states, as this was connected with the primitive civilization of the Indo-Germanic stock, but destined, like the earlier cycle, to traverse an orbit of its own. It too is destined to experience in full measure the vicissitudes of national weal and woe, the periods of growth, of maturity, and of age, the blessedness of creative effort in religion, polity, and art, the comfort of enjoying the material and intellectual acquisitions which it has won, perhaps also, some day, the decay of productive power in the satiety of contentment with the goal attained. And yet this goal will only be temporary: the grandest system of civilization has its orbit, and may complete its course but not so the human race, to which, just when it seems to have reached its goal, the old task is ever set anew with a wider range and with a deeper meaning...

The History of Ancient Rome

eBook / testo digitale

Mommsen, Theodor

The History of Ancient Rome

Perennial Press

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Titolo e contributi: The History of Ancient Rome

Pubblicazione: Perennial Press

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The strict conception of the unity and omnipotence of the state in all matters pertaining to it, which was the central principle of the Italian constitutions, placed in the hands of the single president nominated for life a formidable power, which was felt doubtless by the enemies of the land, but was not less heavily felt by its citizens. Abuse and oppression could not fail to ensue, and, as a necessary consequence, efforts were made to lessen that power. It was, however, the grand distinction of the endeavours after reform and the revolutions in Rome, that there was no attempt either to impose limitations on the community as such or even to deprive it of corresponding organs of expression—that there never was any endeavour to assert the so-called natural rights of the individual in contradistinction to the community—that, on the contrary, the attack was wholly directed against the form in which the community was represented. From the times of the Tarquins down to those of the Gracchi the cry of the party of progress in Rome was not for limitation of the power of the state, but for limitation of the power of the magistrates: nor amidst that cry was the truth ever forgotten, that the people ought not to govern, but to be governed.This struggle was carried on within the burgess-body. Side by side with it another movement developed itself—the cry of the non-burgesses for equality of political privileges. Under this head are included the agitations of the plebeians, the Latins, the Italians, and the freedmen, all of whom—whether they may have borne the name of burgesses, as did the plebeians and the freedmen, or not, as was the case with the Latins and Italians—were destitute of, and desired, political equality.A third distinction was one of a still more general nature; the distinction between the wealthy and the poor, especially such as had been dispossessed or were endangered in possession. The legal and political relations of Rome led to the rise of a numerous class of farmers—partly small proprietors who were dependent on the mercy of the capitalist, partly small temporary lessees who were dependent on the mercy of the landlord—and in many instances deprived individuals as well as whole communities of the lands which they held, without affecting their personal freedom. By these means the agricultural proletariate became at an early period so powerful as to have a material influence on the destinies of the community. The urban proletariate did not acquire political importance till a much later epoch...

The History of Ancient Rome

eBook / testo digitale

Mommsen, Theodor

The History of Ancient Rome

Perennial Press

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Titolo e contributi: The History of Ancient Rome

Pubblicazione: Perennial Press

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The Semitic stock occupied a place amidst, and yet aloof from, the nations of the ancient classical world. The true centre of the former lay in the east, that of the latter in the region of the Mediterranean; and, however wars and migrations may have altered the line of demarcation and thrown the races across each other, a deep sense of diversity has always severed, and still severs, the Indo- Germanic peoples from the Syrian, Israelite, and Arabic nations. This diversity was no less marked in the case of that Semitic people which spread more than any other in the direction of the west—the Phoenicians. Their native seat was the narrow border of coast bounded by Asia Minor, the highlands of Syria, and Egypt, and called Canaan, that is, the "plain." This was the only name which the nation itself made use of; even in Christian times the African farmer called himself a Canaanite. But Canaan received from the Hellenes the name of Phoenike, the "land of purple," or "land of the red men," and the Italians also were accustomed to call the Canaanites Punians, as we are accustomed still to speak of them as the Phoenician or Punic race...

The History of Ancient Rome

eBook / testo digitale

Mommsen, Theodor

The History of Ancient Rome

Perennial Press

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Titolo e contributi: The History of Ancient Rome

Pubblicazione: Perennial Press

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: With the abolition of the Macedonian monarchy the supremacy of Rome not only became an established fact from the Pillars of Hercules to the mouths of the Nile and the Orontes, but, as if it were the final decree of fate, it weighed on the nations with all the pressure of an inevitable necessity, and seemed to leave them merely the choice of perishing in hopeless resistance or in hopeless endurance. If history were not entitled to insist that the earnest reader should accompany her through good and evil days, through landscapes of winter as well as of spring, the historian might be tempted to shun the cheerless task of tracing the manifold and yet monotonous turns of this struggle between superior power and utter weakness, both in the Spanish provinces already annexed to the Roman empire and in the African, Hellenic, and Asiatic territories which were still treated as clients of Rome. But, however unimportant and subordinate the individual conflicts may appear, they have collectively a deep historical significance; and, in particular, the state of things in Italy at this period only becomes intelligible in the light of the reaction which the provinces exercised over the mother-country...

The History of Ancient Rome

eBook / testo digitale

Mommsen, Theodor

The History of Ancient Rome

Perennial Press

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: The History of Ancient Rome

Pubblicazione: Perennial Press

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: When Sulla died in the year 676, the oligarchy which he had restored ruled with absolute sway over the Roman state; but, as it had been established by force, it still needed force to maintain its ground against its numerous secret and open foes. It was opposed not by any single party with objects clearly expressed and under leaders distinctly acknowledged, but by a mass of multifarious elements, ranging themselves doubtless under the general name of the popular party, but in reality opposing the Sullan organization of the commonwealth on very various grounds and with very different designs. There were the men of positive law who neither mingled in nor understood politics, but who detested the arbitrary procedure of Sulla in dealing with the lives and property of the burgesses. Even during Sulla's lifetime, when all other opposition was silent, the strict jurists resisted the regent; the Cornelian laws, for example, which deprived various Italian communities of the Roman franchise, were treated in judicial decisions as null and void; and in like manner the courts held that, where a burgess had been made a prisoner of war and sold into slavery during the revolution, his franchise was not forfeited. There was, further, the remnant of the old liberal minority in the senate, which in former times had laboured to effect a compromise with the reform party and the Italians, and was now in a similar spirit inclined to modify the rigidly oligarchic constitution of Sulla by concessions to the Populares. There were, moreover, the Populares strictly so called, the honestly credulous narrow-minded radicals, who staked property and life for the current watchwords of the party-programme, only to discover with painful surprise after the victory that they had been fighting not for a reality, but for a phrase. Their special aim was to re-establish the tribunician power, which Sulla had not abolished but had divested of its most essential prerogatives, and which exercised over the multitude a charm all the more mysterious, because the institution had no obvious practical use and was in fact an empty phantom—the mere name of tribune of the people, more than a thousand years later, revolutionized Rome...

Provinces of the Roman Empire - Volume I

eBook / testo digitale

Mommsen, Theodor

Provinces of the Roman Empire - Volume I

Perennial Press

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Titolo e contributi: Provinces of the Roman Empire - Volume I

Pubblicazione: Perennial Press

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The history of Rome under the Empire presents problems similar to those encountered in the history of the earlier Republic. Such information as may be directly obtained from literary tradition is not merely without form and colour, but in fact for the most part without substance. The list of the Roman monarchs is just about as trustworthy and just about as instructive as that of the consuls of the republic. The great crises that convulsed the state may be discerned in outline; but we are not much better informed as to the Germanic wars under the emperors Augustus and Marcus, than as to the wars with the Samnites. The republican store of anecdote is very much more decorous than its counterpart under the empire; but the tales told of Fabricius and of the emperor Gaius are almost equally insipid and equally mendacious. The internal development of the commonwealth is perhaps exhibited in the traditional accounts more fully for the earlier republic than for the imperial period; in the former case there is preserved a picture—however bedimmed and falsified—of the changes of political order that were brought at least to their ultimate issue in the open Forum of Rome; in the latter case the arrangements are settled in the imperial cabinet, and come before the public, as a rule, merely in unimportant matters of form. We must take into account, moreover, the vast extension of the sphere of rule, and the shifting of the vital development from the centre to the circumference. The history of the city of Rome widens out into that of the country of Italy, and the latter into that of the Mediterranean world; and of what we are most concerned to know, we learn the least. The Roman state of this epoch resembles a mighty tree, the main stem of which, in the course of its decay, is surrounded by vigorous offshoots pushing their way upwards. The Roman senate and the Roman rulers soon came to be drawn from any other region of the empire just as much as from Italy; the Quirites of this epoch, who have become the nominal heirs of the world–subduing legionaries, have nearly the same relation to the memories of the olden time as our Knights of St. John have to Rhodes and Malta; and they look upon their heritage as a right capable of being turned to profitable account—as an endowment provided for the benefit of the poor that shrink from work...

Provinces of the Roman Empire - Volume II

eBook / testo digitale

Mommsen, Theodor

Provinces of the Roman Empire - Volume II

Perennial Press

Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: Provinces of the Roman Empire - Volume II

Pubblicazione: Perennial Press

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The only great state with which the Roman empire bordered was the empire of Iran, based upon that nationality which was best known in antiquity, as it is in the present day, under the name of the Persians, consolidated politically by the old Persian royal family of the Achaemenids and its first great-king Cyrus, united religiously by the faith of Ahura Mazda and of Mithra. No one of the ancient peoples of culture solved the problem of national union equally early and with equal completeness. The Iranian tribes reached on the south as far as the Indian Ocean, on the north as far as the Caspian Sea; on the north–east the steppes of inland Asia formed the constant battle-ground between the settled Persians and the nomadic tribes of Turan. On the east mighty mountains formed a boundary separating them from the Indians. In western Asia three great nations early encountered one another, each pushing forward on its own account: the Hellenes, who from Europe grasped at the coast of Asia Minor, the Aramaic peoples, who from Arabia and Syria advanced in a northern and north–eastern direction and substantially filled the valley of the Euphrates, and lastly, the races of Iran, not merely inhabiting the country as far as the Tigris, but even penetrating to Armenia and Cappadocia, while primitive inhabitants of other types in these far–extending regions succumbed under these leading powers and disappeared. In the epoch of the Achaemenids, the culminating point of the glory of Iran, the Iranian rule went far beyond this wide domain proper to the stock on all sides, but especially towards the west. Apart from the times, when Turan gained the upper hand over Iran and the Seljuks and Mongols ruled over the Persians, foreign rule, strictly so called, has only been established over the flower of the Iranian stocks twice, by Alexander the Great and his immediate successors and by the Arabian Abbasids, and on both occasions only for a comparatively short time; the eastern regions—in the former case the Parthians, in the latter the inhabitants of the ancient Bactria—not merely threw off again the yoke of the foreigner, but dislodged him also from the cognate west...

Storia di Roma

eBook / testo digitale

Mommsen, Theodor

Storia di Roma

Sinapsi Editore, 16/01/2019

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Titolo e contributi: Storia di Roma

Pubblicazione: Sinapsi Editore, 16/01/2019


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Storia di Roma è il lavoro più noto di Theodor Mommsen, un classico dei trattati di storiografia. Comparve originariamente in tre volumi fra il 1854 e il 1856, esponendo la storia romana dalla preistoria fino alla fine della repubblica romana e al governo di Cesare, che Mommsen ritrasse come uno dei maggiori statisti di tutti i tempi. Mommsen, Premio Nobel per la Letteratura nel 1902, è considerato il più grande classicista del XIX secolo. Il suo studio della storia romana è ancora di importanza fondamentale nella ricerca contemporanea. Questo volume, pubblicato integralmente e completo di note, resta una delle pietre miliari della storiografia mondiale.

Theodor Mommsen


Mommsen, Theodor

Theodor Mommsen

Torino : UTET, 1966

Scrittori del mondo: i Nobel

Titolo e contributi: Theodor Mommsen

Pubblicazione: Torino : UTET, 1966

Descrizione fisica: LX,730 p., [1] c. di tav. : ritr. ; 18 cm

Serie: Scrittori del mondo: i Nobel


Lingua: Italiano (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Sul dorso: Premio Nobel 1902
  • Contiene: Dalla lettera premessa alle Iscrizioni latine del Regno di Napoli ; da: Storia di Roma ; da: L'impero di Roma ; da: Disegno del diritto pubblico romano ; dal Codicillo testamentario
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La rivoluzione


Mommsen, Theodor

La rivoluzione : i Gracchi, Mario e Silla / Theodor Mommsen

Firenze : Sansoni, 1984

Classici della storia e del pensiero

Fa parte di: Storia di Roma antica / Theodor Mommsen2

Titolo e contributi: La rivoluzione : i Gracchi, Mario e Silla / Theodor Mommsen

Pubblicazione: Firenze : Sansoni, 1984

Descrizione fisica: XV, 561 p. ; 20 cm

Serie: Classici della storia e del pensiero


Lingua: Italiano (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • 998021537308896 - Storia di Roma antica / Theodor Mommsen - 2 -
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Italienische Analekten zur Reichsgeschichte des 14. Jahrhunderts


Mommsen, Theodor

Italienische Analekten zur Reichsgeschichte des 14. Jahrhunderts : (1310-1378) / von Theodor E. Mommsen ; unter Mitarbeit von Wolfgang Hagemann

Stuttgart : Hiersemann, 1952

Monumenta Germaniae historica inde ab anno Christi quingentesimo usque ad annum millesimum et quingentesimum. Schriften ; 11

Titolo e contributi: Italienische Analekten zur Reichsgeschichte des 14. Jahrhunderts : (1310-1378) / von Theodor E. Mommsen ; unter Mitarbeit von Wolfgang Hagemann

Pubblicazione: Stuttgart : Hiersemann, 1952

Descrizione fisica: VIII, 220 p. ; 24 cm

Serie: Monumenta Germaniae historica inde ab anno Christi quingentesimo usque ad annum millesimum et quingentesimum. Schriften ; 11


Lingua: Tedesco (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

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La Tavola clesiana di proprietà del signor Giacomo Moggio portante un editto dell'imperatore Claudio dell'anno 46 dopo Cristo, risguardante la cittadinanza romana degli Anauni


Mommsen, Theodor

La Tavola clesiana di proprietà del signor Giacomo Moggio portante un editto dell'imperatore Claudio dell'anno 46 dopo Cristo, risguardante la cittadinanza romana degli Anauni / dissertazione di Teod Mommsen ; traduzione dal tedesco di M. S.

Trento : Monauni, 1869

Titolo e contributi: La Tavola clesiana di proprietà del signor Giacomo Moggio portante un editto dell'imperatore Claudio dell'anno 46 dopo Cristo, risguardante la cittadinanza romana degli Anauni / dissertazione di Teod Mommsen ; traduzione dal tedesco di M. S.

Pubblicazione: Trento : Monauni, 1869

Descrizione fisica: 30 p. ; 20 cm. +[1] c. ripieg


Lingua: Italiano (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Dati dalla cop
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La fondazione della monarchia militare


Mommsen, Theodor

La fondazione della monarchia militare / Theodor Mommsen

2. ed

Firenze : Sansoni, 1973

Biblioteca Sansoni

Fa parte di: Storia di Roma antica5/1-5/2

Titolo e contributi: La fondazione della monarchia militare / Theodor Mommsen

2. ed

Pubblicazione: Firenze : Sansoni, 1973

Descrizione fisica: 2 v. ; 20 cm

Serie: Biblioteca Sansoni


Lingua: Italiano (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

Note di contenuto:
  • Comprende: tomo 1: Dalla morte di Silla al passaggio del Rubicone. - P XII, 565-989. - (73) -- tomo 2 : Giulio Cesare dal Rubicone alla monarchia. - 2. ed. - P. IX, 991-1293, [4] c. di tav. - (75)
  • 998062223608896 - Storia di Roma antica - 5/1-5/2 -
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Viaggio in Italia


Mommsen, Theodor

Viaggio in Italia : 1844-1845 / Theodor Mommsen ; introduzione, traduzione e note di Anacleto Verrecchia

Torino : Fògola, 1980

La torre d'avorio

Titolo e contributi: Viaggio in Italia : 1844-1845 / Theodor Mommsen ; introduzione, traduzione e note di Anacleto Verrecchia

Pubblicazione: Torino : Fògola, 1980

Descrizione fisica: XXIX, 217 p. : ill. ; 21 cm

Serie: La torre d'avorio


Lingua: Italiano (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

Varianti del titolo:
  • Tagebuch der französisch-italienischen Reise 1844/1845 -
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Reden und Aufsätze


Mommsen, Theodor

Reden und Aufsätze / Theodor Mommsen

Rist. anast

Hildesheim [etc.] : Olms, 1976

Titolo e contributi: Reden und Aufsätze / Theodor Mommsen

Rist. anast

Pubblicazione: Hildesheim [etc.] : Olms, 1976

Descrizione fisica: VI, 479 p. : [1] ritr. ; 20 cm


Lingua: Tedesco (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Guinea-Bissau

  • Ripr. facs. dell'ed.: Berlin : Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1905
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Storia di Roma antica


Mommsen, Theodor

Storia di Roma antica : illustrata nei luoghi, nelle persone e nei monumenti / Teodoro Mommsen ; nuova traduzione italiana eseguita sull'ultima edizione tedesca da Luigi di San Giusto ; edizione curata da Ettore Pais

Torino : STEN, 1925-

Le monumentali storie di Roma ; 3

Titolo e contributi: Storia di Roma antica : illustrata nei luoghi, nelle persone e nei monumenti / Teodoro Mommsen ; nuova traduzione italiana eseguita sull'ultima edizione tedesca da Luigi di San Giusto ; edizione curata da Ettore Pais

Pubblicazione: Torino : STEN, 1925-

Descrizione fisica: [5 v.] ; 24 cm

Serie: Le monumentali storie di Roma ; 3


Lingua: Italiano (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

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Römische Forschungen


Mommsen, Theodor

Römische Forschungen / von Th. Mommsen

Hildesheim : Olms, 1962

Titolo e contributi: Römische Forschungen / von Th. Mommsen

Pubblicazione: Hildesheim : Olms, 1962

Descrizione fisica: 2 v. (IV, 396 ; IV, 556 p.) ; 21 cm


Lingua: Tedesco (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Guinea-Bissau

  • Ripr. facs. dell'ed.: Berlin : Weimannsche Buchhandlung, 1864-1879
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Theodor Mommsen und die Römische Geschichte


Christ, Karl

Theodor Mommsen und die Römische Geschichte : Anhang und Register / Karl Christ

3. Aufl

München : Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1984

Dtv-Bibliothek ; 6060

Fa parte di: Römische Geschichte / Theodor Mommsen

Titolo e contributi: Theodor Mommsen und die Römische Geschichte : Anhang und Register / Karl Christ

3. Aufl

Pubblicazione: München : Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1984

Descrizione fisica: 253 p. ; 18 cm

Serie: Dtv-Bibliothek ; 6060

EAN: 4423060603


Lingua: Tedesco (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Guinea-Bissau

  • 998062809908896 - Römische Geschichte / Theodor Mommsen -
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Die Begründung der Militärmonarchie


Mommsen, Theodor

Die Begründung der Militärmonarchie

3. Aufl

München : Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1984

Dtv-Bibliothek ; 6056-6057

Fa parte di: Römische Geschichte / Theodor Mommsen5

Titolo e contributi: Die Begründung der Militärmonarchie

3. Aufl

Pubblicazione: München : Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1984

Descrizione fisica: 2 v. (330, 308, [1] p.) ; 18 cm

Serie: Dtv-Bibliothek ; 6056-6057

ISBN: 3423060565 (Teil 1)

EAN: 3423060579


Lingua: Tedesco (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Guinea-Bissau

  • 998062809908896 - Römische Geschichte / Theodor Mommsen - 5 -
  • Comprende Erster Teil e Zweiter Teil
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Römische Geschichte


Mommsen, Theodor

Römische Geschichte : vollständige Ausgabe in acht Bänden / Theodor Mommsen

5. Aufl

München : Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1993

DTV Bibliothek