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× Nomi Blyton, Enid
× Data 2022

Trovati 3 documenti.

Il Natale di Coniglietto Enid Blyton ; traduzione di Manuela Salvi ; illustrazioni di Becky Cameron

Blyton, Enid

Il Natale di Coniglietto / Enid Blyton ; traduzione di Manuela Salvi ; illustrazioni di Becky Cameron

Milano : Mondadori, 2022

Abstract: Il Natale si avvicina e presto i giocattoli del negozio avranno una nuova casa. Il piccolo Coniglietto, però, è preoccupato e non vorrebbe separarsi dal suo migliore amico, il marinaio con la carica a molla. Quando Coniglietto viene scelto come regalo, spera di finire tra le mani di un bambino gentile, ma il suo nuovo proprietario non sembra molto interessato a lui..

Stories of wonders and wiches Enid Blyton ; illustrated by Mark Beech

Blyton, Enid

Stories of wonders and wiches / Enid Blyton ; illustrated by Mark Beech

London : Hodder children's books, 2022

Abstract: A magical collection of enchanting tales by the world's best-loved storyteller. Perfect for children aged 5 and up! Prepare to be dazzled with stories of witches, wizards and magical folk. From spells and enchantments to potions and wishes, there's magic and wonder brewing in this bumper collection by Enid Blyton. These traditional tales are ideal for younger children being read to and for newly confident readers to read alone. Each story stands alone and is the perfectLeggi tutto

The magic faraway tree Jacqueline Wilson ; illustrated by Mark Beech ; inspried by Enid Blyton

Wilson, Jacqueline

The magic faraway tree : a new adventure / Jacqueline Wilson ; illustrated by Mark Beech ; inspried by Enid Blyton

London : Hodder children's books, 2022

Abstract: Three kids, Milo, Mia and Birdy, are on a countryside holiday when they wander into an Enchanted Wood. Among the whispering leaves, there is a beautiful tree that stands high above the rest. The Magic Faraway Tree is home to remarkable creatures including a fairy called Silky, her best friend Moonface and more. Birdy is delighted to find that fairies are real. Even her older brother and sister are soon won over by the magic of the Faraway Tree and the extraordinary placesLeggi tutto