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× Livello lingua B2
× Soggetto Lingua inglese -- Apprendimento -- Manuali per stranieri

Trovati 75 documenti.

Children or devils? Saki (Hector Hugh Munro) ; notes and activities by Maria Antonietta Vidori


Children or devils? : six edwardian short stories / Saki (Hector Hugh Munro) ; notes and activities by Maria Antonietta Vidori

Milano : Hoepli, c2010

Classics [Hoepli]. Level B1/B2

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Liceo G. CarducciScaffale aperto
LFE 232
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
EN 753 SAK con CD
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Bolzano - Scuola secondaria I grado Leonardo da VinciScaffale aperto
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: Il conflitto tra il mondo emotivo dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza e quello realistico, spesso freddo e distante, degli adulti è il tema centrale delle sei storie qui presentate: The Open Window, The Lull, The Quince Tree, The Dreamer, The Lumber Room e Shredni Vashtar. Il comportamento dei giovani protagonisti nel loro relazionarsi agli adulti dà vita a situazioni sia umoristiche (nelle prime quattro storie), sia sottilmente crudeli o sinistre (nelle ultime due). Fa daLeggi tutto

Deceiving beauty Oscar Wilde ; notes and activities by Rosa Anna Rizzo

Wilde, Oscar

Deceiving beauty : two fairy tales / Oscar Wilde ; notes and activities by Rosa Anna Rizzo

Milano : Hoepli, c2013

Classics [Hoepli]. Level B1/B2

Ghost-seeking Edward Frederic Benson, Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce ; notes and activities by Rosa Anna Rizzo

Benson, Edward Frederic

Ghost-seeking : stories / Edward Frederic Benson, Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce ; notes and activities by Rosa Anna Rizzo

Milano : Hoepli, c2012

Classics [Hoepli]. Level B1/B2

Abstract: Il volume presenta i racconti The Bus-Conductor di E.F. Benson e The Damned Thing di A.G. Bierce. Autori noti per i loro racconti del terrore, entrambi si sono interessati ai fenomeni psichici e ai fantasmi. (

Writing Genevieve White

White, Genevieve

Writing : B2+ upper intermediate / Genevieve White

London : Collins, 2014

English for life [Collins]

Polar bears in trouble Rob Waring, series editor

Polar bears in trouble / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle : Cengage learning, c2009

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

Cambridge English: First 2

Cambridge English: First 2 : with answers : authentic examination papers

Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press, 2016

Complete IELTS Guy Brook-Hart and Vanessa Jakeman

Brook-Hart, Guy

Complete IELTS : Bands 5-6.5 / Guy Brook-Hart and Vanessa Jakeman

Cambridge : Cambridge University press, 2012

Cambridge English [Cambridge University Press]

Misery Stephen King ; retold by Robin Waterfield ; series editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

Waterfield, Robin

Misery / Stephen King ; retold by Robin Waterfield ; series editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

London : Pearson education, 2008

Pearson English readers. Level 6

Global workbook Robert Campbell, Rob Metcalf, Adrian Tennant

Campbell, Robert

Global workbook / Robert Campbell, Rob Metcalf, Adrian Tennant

Oxford : Macmillan, 2011

Fa parte di: Global upper intermediate2

Abstract: Global is a ground-breaking 6-level adult course for today's learners of English. It enables you to learn English as it is used in our globalised world, to learn through English using information-rich topics and texts, and to learn about English as an international language. Global offers a comprehensive range of interactive digital components for use in class, out of class and even on the move. These include extra listening, video material and online practice (

Coursebook Lindsay Clanfield, Rebecca Robb Benne ; with additional material by Amanda Jeffries

Clandfield, Lindsay

Coursebook / Lindsay Clanfield, Rebecca Robb Benne ; with additional material by Amanda Jeffries

Oxford : Macmillan, 2011

Fa parte di: Global upper intermediate1

Abstract: Global is a ground-breaking 6-level adult course for today's learners of English. It enables you to learn English as it is used in our globalised world, to learn through English using information-rich topics and texts, and to learn about English as an international language. Global offers a comprehensive range of interactive digital components for use in class, out of class and even on the move. These include extra listening, video material and online practice (

Gold first Sally Burgess, Jacky Newbrook

Burgess, Sally

Gold first / Sally Burgess, Jacky Newbrook

Harlow : Pearson, c2014

Always learning [Pearson]

Fa parte di: Gold : exam maximiser with key1

Cambridge English first Nick Kenny, Lucrecia Luque-Mortimer

Kenny, Nick

Cambridge English first : practice tests plus 2 with key / Nick Kenny, Lucrecia Luque-Mortimer

New ed. for the 2015 exam specifications

Harlow : Pearson, c2014

Always learning [Pearson]

Gold first Jan Bell, Amanda Thomas

Bell, Jan

Gold first : coursebook / Jan Bell, Amanda Thomas

New ed. with 2015 exam specifications

Harlow : Pearson, 2014

Always learning [Pearson]

Cambridge English Compact first Peter May

May, Peter

Cambridge English Compact first : student's book with answers / Peter May

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, c2014

Objective IELTS Michael Black, Wendy Sharp

Black, Michael

Objective IELTS : Self-study student's book : intermediate / Michael Black, Wendy Sharp

Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press, 2006

Student's book and workbook Annie Broadhead .. [et al.]

Student's book and workbook / Annie Broadhead .. [et al.]

Novara : De Agostini scuola, 2015 ; Genova : Black cat

Fa parte di: Cult B21

Audiotraining Profi business english von Debby Rebsch und Angelique Slaats

Rebsch, Debby

Audiotraining Profi business english [Audioregistrazione] : für Fortgeschrittene und Profis hören, verstehen und sprechen / von Debby Rebsch und Angelique Slaats

Stuttgart : PONS, c2014

Audiotraining Profi Business English von Debby Rebsch und Angelique Slaats

Rebsch, Debby

Audiotraining Profi Business English [Audioregistrazione] : für Fortgeschrittene und Profis hören, verstehen und sprechen / von Debby Rebsch und Angelique Slaats

Stuttgart : PONS, 2017

Upper intermediate teacher's book Lynda Edwards .. [et al.]

Upper intermediate teacher's book / Lynda Edwards .. [et al.]

Stuttgart : Klett, 2015

Fa parte di: Cambridge English Empower B2

Coursebook with grammar and vocabulary booklet Angela Lloyd ; advisers Jürgen Ettenauer .. [et al.]

Lloyd, Angela

Coursebook with grammar and vocabulary booklet / Angela Lloyd ; advisers Jürgen Ettenauer .. [et al.]

New ed

Berlin : Cornelsen, 2016

Fa parte di: A new start refresher B2