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× Nomi Gregson-Williams, Rupert
× Data 2006

Trovati 3 documenti.

Over the hedge based on characters created by M. Fry and T. Lewis ; screenplay by Len Blum .. [et al.] ; produced by Bonnie Arnold ; directed by Tim Johnson, Karey Kirkpatrick
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Over the hedge [Videoregistrazione] / based on characters created by M. Fry and T. Lewis ; screenplay by Len Blum .. [et al.] ; produced by Bonnie Arnold ; directed by Tim Johnson, Karey Kirkpatrick

Great Britain : Paramount Home Entertainment, 2006

Abstract: A group of hungry critters take a bit of suburbia! Led by RJ the raccoon, furry friends plot to make their way over a giant hedge that was built to separate the woodland animals from their usual treasure trove of snack food. The gang sets out to overcome the new divide in hopes of pleasing a hungry bear – and themselves.

Ab durch die Hecke based on characters created by M. Fry and T. Lewis ; screenplay by Len Blum .. [et al.] ; produced by Bonnie Arnold ; directed by Tim Johnson, Karey Kirkpatrick
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Ab durch die Hecke [Videoregistrazione] / based on characters created by M. Fry and T. Lewis ; screenplay by Len Blum .. [et al.] ; produced by Bonnie Arnold ; directed by Tim Johnson, Karey Kirkpatrick

Unterföhring : Paramount Home Entertainment, c2006

Abstract: Eine Gruppe von Tieren lebt friedlich und zurückgezogen in einem Wald, der von der angrenzenden Stadt durch eine große Hecke abgeschottet ist. Und das ist auch gut so, denn Anführer Vern - eine Schildkröte - hat seit einer Begegnung mit Kindern große Angst vor Menschen. Eines Tages kommt der clevere Waschbär Richie des Weges, der es den verängstigten Tieren schmackhaft macht, die große Hecke zu überwinden. Gemeinsam machen sie sich auf um eine neue Welt zu erkunden. (

La gang del bosco directed by Tim Johnson, Karey Kirkpatrick ; music by Rupert Gregson-Williams ; based on the characters created by Michael Fry and T. Lewis ; screenplay by Len Blum .. et al.
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

La gang del bosco [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Tim Johnson, Karey Kirkpatrick ; music by Rupert Gregson-Williams ; based on the characters created by Michael Fry and T. Lewis ; screenplay by Len Blum .. et al.

Italia : Paramount home entertainment [distributore], 2006

Abstract: RJ è un procione ingordo e opportunista che fa sempre per sé. A dargli una lezione ci pensa l’orso Vincent, a cui RJ ha cercato di rubare le provviste accumulate per il letargo. Nella fuga rocambolesca le leccornie di Vincent finiscono sotto un tir in corsa e RJ è costretto all’ultimatum: recuperare il cibo perduto entro una settimana o diventare cibo per orsi. L’incontro con una scombinata famiglia allargata in cui convivono appassionatamente una tartaruga, una puzzola,Leggi tutto