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× Nomi Joyce, James

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Joyce, James


Ozymandias Press

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Titolo e contributi: Ulysses

Pubblicazione: Ozymandias Press

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Ulysses is a modernist novel. It was first serialised in parts in the American journal The Little Review from March 1918 to December 1920, and then published in its entirety by Sylvia Beach in February 1922, in Paris. It is considered to be one of the most important works of modernist literature, and has been called "a demonstration and summation of the entire movement" According to Declan Kiberd, "Before Joyce, no writer of fiction had so foregrounded the process of thinking."

Chamber Music

eBook / testo digitale

Joyce, James

Chamber Music

Classic Poetry

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Titolo e contributi: Chamber Music

Pubblicazione: Classic Poetry

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Chamber Music is a collection of poems by James Joyce, first published in May of 1907. The collection originally comprised thirty-four love poems, but two further poems were added before publication ("All day I hear the noise of waters" and "I hear an army charging upon the land").Although the poems did not sell well, they received some critical acclaim. Ezra Pound admired the "delicate temperament" of these early poems, while Yeats described "I hear an army charging upon the land" as "a technical and emotional masterpiece". In 1909, Joyce wrote to his wife, "When I wrote [Chamber Music], I was a lonely boy, walking about by myself at night and thinking that one day a girl would love me."James Joyce (1882-1941), Irish novelist, noted for his experimental use of language in such works as Ulysses (1922) and Finnegans Wake (1939). Joyce's technical innovations in the art of the novel include an extensive use of interior monologue; he used a complex network of symbolic parallels drawn from the mythology, history, and literature, and created a unique language of invented words, puns, and allusions.James Joyce was born in Dublin, on February 2, 1882, as the son of John Stanislaus Joyce, an impoverished gentleman, who had failed in a distillery business and tried all kinds of professions, including politics and tax collecting. Joyce's mother, Mary Jane Murray, was ten years younger than her husband. She was an accomplished pianist, whose life was dominated by the Roman Catholic Church. In spite of their poverty, the family struggled to maintain a solid middle-class facade.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

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Joyce, James

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Bauer Books

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Titolo e contributi: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Pubblicazione: Bauer Books

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is the first novel by Irish writer James Joyce. A Künstlerroman in a modernist style, it traces the religious and intellectual awakening of young Stephen Dedalus, a fictional alter ego of Joyce and an allusion to Daedalus, the consummate craftsman of Greek mythology. Stephen questions and rebels against the Catholic and Irish conventions under which he has grown, culminating in his self-exile from Ireland to Europe

Finnegans Wake

eBook / testo digitale

Joyce, James

Finnegans Wake

Studium Legis, 22/03/2017

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Titolo e contributi: Finnegans Wake

Pubblicazione: Studium Legis, 22/03/2017


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: James Augustine Aloysius Joyce (2 February 1882 – 13 January 1941) was an Irish novelist, short story writer, and poet. He contributed to the modernist avant-garde and is regarded as one of the most influential and important authors of the 20th century.Joyce is best known for Ulysses (1922), a landmark work in which the episodes of Homer's Odyssey are paralleled in an array of contrasting literary styles, perhaps most prominent among these the stream of consciousness technique he utilised. Other well-known works are the short-story collection Dubliners (1914), and the novels A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) and Finnegans Wake (1939). His other writings include three books of poetry, a play, occasional journalism and his published letters.


eBook / testo digitale

Joyce, James


Synapse Publishing

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Titolo e contributi: Dubliners

Pubblicazione: Synapse Publishing

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Living overseas but writing, always, about his native city, Joyce made Dublin unforgettable. The stories in Dubliners show us truants, seducers, gossips, rally-drivers, generous hostesses, corrupt politicians, failing priests, amateur theologians, struggling musicians, moony adolescents, victims of domestic brutishness, sentimental aunts and poets, patriots earnest or cynical, and people striving to get by. In every sense an international figure, Joyce was faithful to his own country by seeing it unflinchingly and challenging every precedent and piety in Irish literature.Complete edition with interactive table of contents.


eBook / testo digitale

Joyce, James


Synapse Publishing

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Titolo e contributi: Ulysses

Pubblicazione: Synapse Publishing

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: James Joyce's astonishing masterpiece, Ulysses, tells of the diverse events which befall Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus in Dublin on 16 June 1904, during which Bloom's voluptuous wife, Molly, commits adultery. Initially deemed obscene in England and the USA, this richly-allusive novel, revolutionary in its Modernistic experimentalism, was hailed as a work of genius by W. B. Yeats, T. S. Eliot and Ernest Hemingway. Scandalously frank, wittily erudite, mercurially eloquent, resourcefully comic and generously humane, Ulysses offers the reader a life-changing experience.Complete edition with interactive table of contents.

A portrait of the artist as a young man

eBook / testo digitale

Joyce, James

A portrait of the artist as a young man

Synapse Publishing

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Titolo e contributi: A portrait of the artist as a young man

Pubblicazione: Synapse Publishing

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man traces the religious and intellectual awakening of young Stephen Dedalus, a fictional alter ego of Joyce and an allusion to Daedalus, the consummate craftsman of Greek mythology. Stephen questions and rebels against the Catholic and Irish conventions under which he has grown, culminating in his self-exile from Ireland to Europe. His struggle to find identity parallels the Irish struggle for independence during the early twentieth century. Although he rejects any outright nationalism, he is also heavily concerned with his country's future and understands himself as an Irishman. This leads clearly to a contradiction.The novel mixes third-person narrative with free indirect speech, which allows both identification with and distance from Stephen, and is written primarily as a third-person narrative with minimal dialogue until the final chapter. Joyce fully employs the free indirect style to demonstrate Stephen's intellectual development from his childhood, through his education, to his increasing independence and ultimate exile from Ireland as a young man.Complete edition with interactive table of contents.


eBook / testo digitale

Joyce, James



Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: Dubliners


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: This book, Dubliners is a collection of 15 short stories by James Joyce. The fifteen stories were meant to be a naturalistic depiction of the Irish middle class life in and around Dublin in the early years of the 20th century.The stories were written at the time when Irish nationalism was at its peak, and a search for a national identity and purpose was raging; at a crossroads of history and culture, Ireland was jolted by various converging ideas and influences. They center on Joyce's idea of an epiphany: a moment where a character has a special moment of self-understanding or illumination.The initial stories in the collection are narrated by children as protagonists, and as the stories continue, they deal with the lives and concerns of progressively older people. This is in line with Joyce's tripartite division of the collection into childhood, adolescence and maturity.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

eBook / testo digitale

Joyce, James

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man


Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Pubblicazione: eGriffo

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road and this moocow that was coming down along the road met a nicens little boy named baby tuckoo....His father told him that story: his father looked at him through a glass: he had a hairy face.He was baby tuckoo. The moocow came down the road where Betty Byrne lived: she sold lemon platt.O, the wild rose blossomsOn the little green place.He sang that song. That was his song.O, the green wothe botheth.When you wet the bed, first it is warm then it gets cold. His mother put on the oilsheet. That had the queer smell.His mother had a nicer smell than his father. She played on the piano the sailor's hornpipe for him to dance. He danced:Tralala lala,Tralala tralaladdy,Tralala lala,Tralala lala.Uncle Charles and Dante clapped. They were older than his father and mother but uncle Charles was older than Dante.Dante had two brushes in her press. The brush with the maroon velvet back was for Michael Davitt and the brush with the green velvet back was for Parnell. Dante gave him a cachou every time he brought her a piece of tissue paper.The Vances lived in number seven. They had a different father and mother. They were Eileen's father and mother. When they were grown up he was going to marry Eileen. He hid under the table. His mother said:—O, Stephen will apologise.


eBook / testo digitale

Joyce, James



Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: Dubliners

Pubblicazione: eGriffo

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: There was no hope for him this time: it was the third stroke. Night after night I had passed the house (it was vacation time) and studied the lighted square of window: and night after night I had found it lighted in the same way, faintly and evenly. If he was dead, I thought, I would see the reflection of candles on the darkened blind for I knew that two candles must be set at the head of a corpse. He had often said to me: "I am not long for this world," and I had thought his words idle. Now I knew they were true. Every night as I gazed up at the window I said softly to myself the word paralysis. It had always sounded strangely in my ears, like the word gnomon in the Euclid and the word simony in the Catechism. But now it sounded to me like the name of some maleficent and sinful being. It filled me with fear, and yet I longed to be nearer to it and to look upon its deadly work.Old Cotter was sitting at the fire, smoking, when I came downstairs to supper. While my aunt was ladling out my stirabout he said, as if returning to some former remark of his:"No, I wouldn't say he was exactly ... but there was something queer ... there was something uncanny about him. I'll tell you my opinion...."


eBook / testo digitale

Joyce, James


Orpheus Editions

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Titolo e contributi: Ulysses

Pubblicazione: Orpheus Editions

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: - Annotated editionIn 1922 was published James Joyce's novel Ulysses, one of the landmark novels of the modernist style, which began in the end of the 19th century and continued into the beginning of the 20th century.The construction and characters of the novel mimics Homer's Odyssey, only to put it in perspective and to offer a radical view of our world, and a journey into what could be pure madness.  This novel is considered by many critics and academics as a masterpiece, and numerous commentary, editorials and analysis were published - and still are - about it.  

Dedalus. Ritratto dell'artista da giovane

eBook / testo digitale

Joyce, James

Dedalus. Ritratto dell'artista da giovane

Passerino, 10/02/2021

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Titolo e contributi: Dedalus. Ritratto dell'artista da giovane

Pubblicazione: Passerino, 10/02/2021


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Et ignotas animum dimittit in artesOVIDIO, Metamorfosi, VIII, 18Ritratto dell'artista da giovane (A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man), conosciuto in Italia anche come Dedalus, è un romanzo semiautobiografico di James Joyce, pubblicato per la prima volta a puntate nella rivista The Egoist tra il 1914 e il 1915 e in volume nel 1916. Il romanzo descrive gli anni formativi della vita di Stephen Dedalus, l'alter-ego di Joyce, un'allusione all'architetto della mitologia greca, Dedalo (Dædalus in latino) e a Santo Stefano, il martire cristiano che denunciò la sua stessa comunità.James Joyce (Dublino, 2 febbraio 1882 – Zurigo, 13 gennaio 1941), è stato uno scrittore, poeta e drammaturgo irlandese.Traduzione a cura di Cesare Pavese. 

A portrait of the artist as a young man

eBook / testo digitale

Joyce, James

A portrait of the artist as a young man

Enhanced Media Publishing, 17/01/2017

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Titolo e contributi: A portrait of the artist as a young man

Pubblicazione: Enhanced Media Publishing, 17/01/2017


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: James Joyce's 1916 novella A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is about the early manhood of Stephen Dedalus, later one of the leading characters in Ulysses. Stephen's growing self-awareness as an artist forces him to reject the whole narrow world in which he has been brought up, including family ties, nationalism, and the Catholic religion.


eBook / testo digitale

Joyce, James



Logo mlol

Titolo e contributi: Exiles

Pubblicazione: GAEditori

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Exiles is James Joyce's only extant play and draws on the story of "The Dead", the final short story in Joyce's story collection Dubliners. The play was rejected by W. B. Yeats for production by the Abbey Theatre. Its first major London performance was in 1970, when Harold Pinter directed it at the Mermaid Theatre. The plot is deceptively simple: Richard, a writer, returns to Ireland from Rome with Bertha, the mother of his illegitimate son, Archie. While there, he meets his former lover and correspondent Beatrice Justice and former drinking partner and now successful journalist Robert Hand. Robert was also Beatrice's lover, and here the complications begin.

Dedalus. Ritratto dell'artista da giovane

eBook / testo digitale

Joyce, James

Dedalus. Ritratto dell'artista da giovane

GAEditori, 07/03/2021

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Titolo e contributi: Dedalus. Ritratto dell'artista da giovane

Pubblicazione: GAEditori, 07/03/2021


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Stephen Dedalus è un bambino curioso a cui piace ascoltare le storie del padre Simon; è sempre rimasto stupito ed estasiato dalle tante cose nuove che la vita continua a metter davanti ai suoi occhi. Giunto il momento viene iscritto alla scuola gestita dai gesuiti per famiglie benestanti.Un giorno, durante un gioco spericolato tra allievi, il giovane Stephen viene spinto accidentalmente dentro un fosso pieno d'acqua da Wells, motivo per cui trascorre la notte seguente in infermeria, per prevenir eventuali malanni: qui vi sogna la propria morte, assieme alle conseguenze che questa porterà agli altri, alla sua famiglia e conoscenti. 

Gente di Dublino

eBook / testo digitale

Joyce, James - Ghirardi Minoja, Margherita

Gente di Dublino

BUR, 23/05/2012

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Titolo e contributi: Gente di Dublino

Pubblicazione: BUR, 23/05/2012

EAN: 9788817059701


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Pubblicato per la prima volta a Londra, da Grant Richards, nel 1914. È possibile sfuggire a una città spenta, provinciale, intontita dall'alcol e afflitta da una mortificante asfissia morale? Quando Joyce, ventenne irrequieto e pieno di talento, decide di dedicare la sua prima opera alla città in cui è nato, ha già la risposta a questa domanda. Sceglie la forma del racconto, la molteplicità delle circostanze e dei punti di vista, per costringere i suoi concittadini, e i suoi lettori, a guardarsi come in uno specchio. L'immagine che ne trarrà sarà impietosa: le situazioni e i personaggi, gli aneddoti e i dettagli ne illumineranno la spaventosa inconsistenza spirituale. Ma dai pregiudizi e dalle miserie di questa Dublino realissima eppure universale, a oltre un secolo di distanza, quale città può dirsi immune?

Ritratto dell'artista da giovane

eBook / testo digitale

Joyce, James

Ritratto dell'artista da giovane

BUR, 22/06/2012

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Titolo e contributi: Ritratto dell'artista da giovane

Pubblicazione: BUR, 22/06/2012

EAN: 9788817054843


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: PDF/EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Nel Ritratto Joyce ci fa capire che l'artista, o almeno questo artista, sviluppa i suoi poteri evocativi come una strategia di autodifesa contro la retorica aggressiva che lo circonda. Da ultimo, sarà la padronanza delle parole a fornire a Stephen Dedalus le ali per consentirgli di fuggire dalla prigione in cui l'Irlanda vuole rinchiuderlo." - Tim Parks


eBook / testo digitale

Wilde, Oscar - Joyce, James


BUR, 05/11/2013

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Titolo e contributi: Racconti

Pubblicazione: BUR, 05/11/2013

EAN: 9788817123570


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Alle favole di Oscar Wilde si riconosce il merito di una narrazione semplice e avvincente. Lo stesso scrittore definiva i suoi racconti come "studi in prosa volti in forma fantastica e intesi in parte per i bambini e in parte per coloro che hanno mantenuto la capacità di gioire e stupirsi".In questo volume viene proposta la serie completa dei racconti di Wilde, in cui fiaba e miti pagani si incontrano e avvincono il lettore con il talento brioso e parodistico di uno dei più grandi conversatori dell'Ottocento inglese.

Gente di Dublino

eBook / testo digitale

Joyce, James - Cancogni, Franca

Gente di Dublino

Einaudi, 14/02/2012

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Titolo e contributi: Gente di Dublino

Pubblicazione: Einaudi, 14/02/2012

EAN: 9788806210380


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Quindici storie che segnano l'esordio narrativo di James Joyce e compongono un mosaico unitario che rappresenta le tappe fondamentali della vita umana: l'infanzia, l'adolescenza, la maturità, la vecchiaia, la morte. In queste pagine Joyce ritrae oggettivamente il mondo della sua città natale, i pregi e i difetti della piccola borghesia dublinese, l'attaccamento alla tradizione cattolica, il sentimento nazionalistico, il decoro, la grettezza, le meschinità, i pregiudizi, osservati e descritti con mordente ironia e profondo senso poetico. Ogni storia, dove pare nulla succeda, rivela in realtà una complessità di sentimenti che smascherano, agli occhi e al cuore di Joyce, la vera anima di Dublino.

The dead-I morti

eBook / testo digitale

Joyce, James - Marengo Vaglio, Carla - Cancogni, Franca

The dead-I morti

Einaudi, 22/10/2013

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Titolo e contributi: The dead-I morti

Pubblicazione: Einaudi, 22/10/2013

EAN: 9788806128173


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Scritto durante il volontario esilio triestino, nel 1907, il racconto I morti occupa un posto di rilievo non solo nella raccolta Gente di Dublino, di cui costituisce l'epilogo, ma anche nell'intera opera di James Joyce (1882-1941). Durante una festa delle sorelle Morkan, officiata dal nipote, Gabriel Conroy, fra questi e la moglie Gretta si insinua la presenza inquietante e il ricordo di un morto, Michael Furey, un innamorato di Gretta nei tempi giovanili, certamente piú vivo e possente dell'incolore consorte.