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× Livello lingua A2

Trovati 2775 documenti.

Fare grammatica 1 Alan Pona, Francesco Questa

Pona, Alan

Fare grammatica 1 : quaderno di italiano L2 : dal livello A1 al A2 / Alan Pona, Francesco Questa

Bergamo : Sestante, 2020

Das Auge vom Bodensee Roland Dittrich

Dittrich, Roland

Das Auge vom Bodensee / Roland Dittrich

Stuttgart : Klett, 2008

Tatort DaF [Klett]. Hörkrimi

Abstract: Die Reihe TATORT DaF entführt die Leser in den Norden, Süden, Osten und Westen von Deutschland. Mit den spannenden Hörkrimis lernen sie nicht nur bekannte Städte und Regionen kennen, sondern auch deren kulturelle Aspekte. Worterklärungen auf Deutsch erleichtern die Lektüre, Fragen und Aufgaben trainieren das Leseverstehen

Skillful 1 series consultant: Dorothy E. Zemach

Skillful 1 : listening and speaking / series consultant: Dorothy E. Zemach

London : Macmillan Education, c2012-2013

Macmillan Academik skills

Book2 français-allemand pour débutants Johannes Schumann

Schumann, Johannes

Book2 français-allemand pour débutants : un livre bilingue / Johannes Schumann

München : Goethe-Verl., c2009

Abstract: donne toutes les infos sur les téléchargements et met à disposition gratuitement tous les fichiers audios.

Parties and presents by Katherine Mansfield ; retold by Margaret Johnson

Johnson, Margaret

Parties and presents : three short stories / by Katherine Mansfield ; retold by Margaret Johnson

Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University press, 2010

Cambridge discovery readers [Cambridge University Press]. Level 2

Abstract: Three classic stories from the New Zealand writer.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

La llamada de La Habana Lourdes Miquel y Neus Sans

Miquel, Lourdes

La llamada de La Habana / Lourdes Miquel y Neus Sans

Barcelona : Difusión, c2003

Lola Lago detective [Difusión]

Abstract: Manu tiene 16 años y no piensa en otra cosa: encontrar a la chica ideal. Empiezan las vacaciones y tiene que irse al Pirineo con su familia, aunque él preferiría quedarse con sus amigos y divertirse. Pero las vacaciones le tienen preparadas algunas sorpresas. (

The great adventure at Yellowstone Gina D. B. Clemen ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan ; activities by Eleanor Donaldson

Clemen, Gina D. B.

The great adventure at Yellowstone / Gina D. B. Clemen ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan ; activities by Eleanor Donaldson

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2014

Green apple.web [Black cat]. Step 1

Listening Chris Flint & Jamie Flockhart

Flint, Chris

Listening / Chris Flint & Jamie Flockhart

London : HarperCollins, 2013

Collins English for life [HarperCollins]

Abstract: To improve your listening skills, you need to hear real conversations. That′s why Listening (A2) is based entirely on authentic, everyday interactions to help you understand what is said to you in a variety of different situations. Listening (A2) is based on 20 authentic recordings so you practise listening to real English in a range of accents by native and non-native speakers. From talking about family and daily life, to discussing work and travel, Listening (A2) willLeggi tutto

Alla scoperta dell'Italia Silvana La Scala

La Scala, Silvana

Alla scoperta dell'Italia : percorso di storia, cultura e civiltà italiana : livelli A2-B1 del Quadro comune europeo di riferimento delle lingue / Silvana La Scala

Milano : Hoepli, 2012

Le avventure di Pinocchio Carlo Collodi ; adattamento e attività di Giorgio Massei ; illustrazioni di Monica Zani

Massei, Giorgio

Le avventure di Pinocchio / Carlo Collodi ; adattamento e attività di Giorgio Massei ; illustrazioni di Monica Zani

Recanati : ELI, 2013

Letture graduate giovani adulti [ELI]. Livello 2

Campus sur

Campus sur : curso intensivo de español A1-B1

Barcelona : Difusión, 2017

The black arrow Robert Louis Stevenson ; retold by George Gibson ; activities by Stuart Cochrane ; illustrated by Alfredo Belli

Gibson, George

The black arrow / Robert Louis Stevenson ; retold by George Gibson ; activities by Stuart Cochrane ; illustrated by Alfredo Belli

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2006

Green apple [Cideb]. Step 1

Tales from the Thousand and one nights text adaptation and activities by Jennifer Gascoigne ; illustrated by Alida Massari

Gascoigne, Jennifer

Tales from the Thousand and one nights / text adaptation and activities by Jennifer Gascoigne ; illustrated by Alida Massari

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2006

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step one A2

Abstract: A selection from the famous collection of Oriental stories, including the favourites Ali Baba and the fourty Thieves and Sindbad the sailor.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

The bottle imp Robert Louis Stevenson ; retold by Patrizia Caruzzo

Caruzzo, Patrizia

The bottle imp / Robert Louis Stevenson ; retold by Patrizia Caruzzo

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2005

Green apple [Cideb]. Step 1

Little women Louisa May Alcott ; text adaptation and activities by Kelly Reinhart ; illustrated by Marina Marcolin

Reinhart, Kelly

Little women / Louisa May Alcott ; text adaptation and activities by Kelly Reinhart ; illustrated by Marina Marcolin

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2006

Green apple [Cideb]. Step 1

Obiettivo professione Anna Costantino, Antonella Rivieccio

Costantino, Anna

Obiettivo professione : corso di italiano per scopi professionali : livello A2-B1 / Anna Costantino, Antonella Rivieccio

Formello : Bonacci, c2011

Le città impossibili Maurizio Sandrini ; con illustrazioni di Ottavia Bruno

Sandrini, Maurizio

Le città impossibili / Maurizio Sandrini ; con illustrazioni di Ottavia Bruno

Firenze : Alma, 2015

Letture italiano facile [Alma]. Livello 2

Abstract: Un viaggio in Italia, con gli occhi di uno straniero. Nel Bel Paese ogni città ha un su preciso carattere: ma è proprio vero? Visitando ogni volta una città diversa, il viaggiatore fa incontri particolari, esperienze divertenti o strane e osserva con ironia un paese che ha tante anime e tante particolarità.

German by Maria Roemer ; adapted for English-speaking learners by Kerstin Pfeiffer ; illustrated by J. L. Goussé
Multimedia (kit)

Roemer, Maria

German / by Maria Roemer ; adapted for English-speaking learners by Kerstin Pfeiffer ; illustrated by J. L. Goussé

Chennevières-sur-Marne : Assimil, 2014

With ease [Assimil]

Prima A2 Grammatiki Rizou

Grammatiki, Rizou

Prima A2 : Deutsch für Jugendliche : Band 3/4 Testheft / Grammatiki Rizou

Berlin : Cornelsen, 2011

Selima lernt Autofahren Käthi Staufer-Zahner

Staufer-Zahner, Käthi

Selima lernt Autofahren : Autofahren lernen, Verkehr, Emanzipation, Generationenkonflikt : Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache A2/B1 / Käthi Staufer-Zahner

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2020

Einfach weiterlesen - Deutsch als Fremdsprache