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× Nomi Conrad, Joseph
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Trovati 41 documenti.

The shadow-line Joseph Conrad ; edited with an introduction and notes by Jeremy Hawthorn

Conrad, Joseph

The shadow-line : a confession / Joseph Conrad ; edited with an introduction and notes by Jeremy Hawthorn

Revised ed

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2003

Oxford world's classics

Abstract: A young sea captain's first command brings with it a succession of crises: his sea is becalmed, the crew laid low by fever, and his deranged first mate is convinced that the ship is haunted by the malignant spirit of a previous captain.

The secret agent Joseph Conrad ; retold by Nancy Timmins ; activities by Louis Vaughan ; illustrated by Massimo Valenti

Timmins, Nancy

The secret agent / Joseph Conrad ; retold by Nancy Timmins ; activities by Louis Vaughan ; illustrated by Massimo Valenti

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2006

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step four B2.1

Abstract: Mr Verloc, the secret agent, is a lazy man. He has a shop in London, where he lives peacefully with his wife Winnie, her mother and her brother, Stevie. But when Mr Verloc becomes involved in an anarchist plot to blow up the Greenwich Royal Observatory, things go disastrously wrong.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

The secret agent Joseph Conrad ; text adaptation by Leslie Thompson

Thompson, Lesley

The secret agent / Joseph Conrad ; text adaptation by Leslie Thompson

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2010

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. Level three

Victory Joseph Conrad ; abridged and simplified by Viola Huggins

Huggins, Viola

Victory / Joseph Conrad ; abridged and simplified by Viola Huggins

Glasgow : Collins, 1982

Collins English library. Level 5

Heart of darkness Joseph Conrad ; Introduction And Notes By Gene M. Moore

Conrad, Joseph

Heart of darkness : and other stories / Joseph Conrad ; Introduction And Notes By Gene M. Moore

Hertfordshire (GB) : Wordsword Editions Ltd, 1999

Wordsworth classics

The nigger of the Narcissus by Joseph Conrad

Conrad, Joseph

The nigger of the Narcissus : a tale of the sea / by Joseph Conrad

Leipzig : Tauchnitz, 1928

Tauchnitz edition of British and American authors ; 4813

Lord Jim Joseph Conrad ; retold by Clare West

West, Clare

Lord Jim / Joseph Conrad ; retold by Clare West

Oxford : Oxford university press, 2000

Oxford bookworms library. Classics. Stage 4

The secret agent Joseph Conrad

Conrad, Joseph

The secret agent / Joseph Conrad

Rum : Helbling languages, 2017

Helbling readers classics. Blue series, Level 4

Abstract: When Mary Lennox’s parents die in India, she moves to England to live in her uncle’s enormous manor. Mary is sad and lonely but one day she finds an old key to a secret garden that no one goes into and a whole new world of magic and enchantment opens up to her. Before long Mary learns to make friends for the first time.

The british empire J. Conrad .. [et al.] ; adaptation, dossiers and activities by Paola Della Valle

Della Valle, Paola

The british empire : stories from the five continents / J. Conrad .. [et al.] ; adaptation, dossiers and activities by Paola Della Valle

Torino : Edisco, 2011

Rainbows [Edisco]. Intermediate

Heart of darkness Joseph Conrad ; text adaptation by James Butler ; activities by Louis Vaughan

Butler, James

Heart of darkness / Joseph Conrad ; text adaptation by James Butler ; activities by Louis Vaughan

Canterbury : Black cat ; Genova : Cideb, 2003

Reading and training [Cideb]. Intermediate

Heart of darkness Joseph Conrad ; introduction, notes and activities by Jozef Falinski

Conrad, Joseph

Heart of darkness / Joseph Conrad ; introduction, notes and activities by Jozef Falinski

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c1995

Reading classics [Cideb]

Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad ; text adaptation by James Butler ; activities by Louis Vaughan ; illustrated by Gianni De Conno

Butler, James

Heart of Darkness / Joseph Conrad ; text adaptation by James Butler ; activities by Louis Vaughan ; illustrated by Gianni De Conno

Revised ed

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2006

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step five B2.2

The shadow-line Joseph Conrad ; edited with an introduction by Jeremy Hawthorn

Conrad, Joseph

The shadow-line : a confession / Joseph Conrad ; edited with an introduction by Jeremy Hawthorn

Oxford : Oxford University press, 1985

The world's classics

Typhoon Joseph Conrad ; a cura di Ugo Mursia ; note al testo di Lionello Boscardi

Conrad, Joseph

Typhoon / Joseph Conrad ; a cura di Ugo Mursia ; note al testo di Lionello Boscardi

Milano : Mursia : APE, stampa 1960

Biblioteca di classici stranieri. Sezione inglese e americana ; 3

Empire tales Joseph Conrad .. [et al.] ; introduction, notes and activities by Dorothea Barrett

Conrad, Joseph

Empire tales / Joseph Conrad .. [et al.] ; introduction, notes and activities by Dorothea Barrett

Genova : CIDEB, 1997

Reading classics

Abstract: Con schede didattiche

The nigger of the Narcissus ; Typhoon ; Amy Foster ; Falk ; Tomorrow Joseph Conrad

Conrad, Joseph

The nigger of the Narcissus ; Typhoon ; Amy Foster ; Falk ; Tomorrow / Joseph Conrad


Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1982

Penguin modern classics

The rescue by Joseph Conrad

Conrad, Joseph

The rescue : a romance of the shallows / by Joseph Conrad

Leipzig : Tauchnitz, c1935

Tauchnitz edition of British and American authors ; 5215

Lord Jim Joseph Conrad

Conrad, Joseph

Lord Jim : a tale / Joseph Conrad


Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1983

Penguin modern classics

The secret agent Joseph Conrad ; edited with an introduction and notes by Martin Seymour-Smith

Conrad, Joseph

The secret agent : a simple tale / Joseph Conrad ; edited with an introduction and notes by Martin Seymour-Smith


Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1990

Penguin twentieth-century classics

Empire Tales Joseph Conrad .. [et Al.] ; Introduction, Notes And Activities By Dorothea Barrett

Empire Tales / Joseph Conrad .. [et Al.] ; Introduction, Notes And Activities By Dorothea Barrett

Genova : Cideb Editrice, 1997

Reading classics