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× Data 2012
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× Nomi Gregson-Williams, Rupert

Trovati 9 documenti.

Hotel Ruanda

Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Hotel Ruanda [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Terry George ; written by Keir Pearson & Terry George ; produced by A. Kitman Ho, Terry George ; a United Kingdom, South Africa, Italy co-production ; a Miracle Pictures, Seamus Production

Francia : Lions Gate Films ; Gran Bretagna : United Artists : Miracle, 2004 ; Germania : Universum Film, c2005

Titolo e contributi: Hotel Ruanda [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Terry George ; written by Keir Pearson & Terry George ; produced by A. Kitman Ho, Terry George ; a United Kingdom, South Africa, Italy co-production ; a Miracle Pictures, Seamus Production

Pubblicazione: Francia : Lions Gate Films ; Gran Bretagna : United Artists : Miracle, 2004 ; Germania : Universum Film, c2005

Descrizione fisica: 1 DVD (118') : color. (PAL), son. ; 12 cm


Lingua: Tedesco (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Guinea-Bissau

Hotel Rwanda
  • Lingue: tedesco, inglese
  • Sottotitoli: tedesco per non udenti, inglese
  • Freigegeben ab 12 Jahren
  • DVD area 2
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Abstract: La storia vera di Paul Rusesabagina, direttore di un hotel a quattro stelle in Rwanda, che ha aiutato più di un migliaio di rifugiati Tutsi a nascondersi dalle milizie Hutu che negli anni '90 scatenarono il terrore nello stato africano. Allo scoppio del conflitto, non si limita a mettere in salvo i suoi familiari, ma, facendo leva sui suoi privilegi lavorativi, apre le porte dell'hotel a quanti rischiavano di essere uccisi nel terribile eccidio che ha provocato un milione di morti (Cinematografo)

Made of honor

Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Made of honor [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Paul Weiland ; story by Adam Sztykiel and Deborah Kaplan & Harry Elfont ; produced by Neil H. Moritz

München : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, c2008

Titolo e contributi: Made of honor [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Paul Weiland ; story by Adam Sztykiel and Deborah Kaplan & Harry Elfont ; produced by Neil H. Moritz

Pubblicazione: München : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, c2008

Descrizione fisica: 1 disco ottico elettronico (DVD), (97') : color., son. ; 12 cm


Lingua: Tedesco (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Guinea-Bissau

Made of honor
Varianti del titolo:
  • Verliebt in die Braut
  • Lingue: tedesco, inglese
  • Sottotitoli: tedesco, inglese, turco
  • Con contenuti extra
  • Per tutti
  • DVD area 2 ; PAL ; formato video: schermo panoramico 2.40:1, widescreen 16:9 ; formato audio: Dolby Digital 5.1
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Abstract: Tom und Hannah sind seit Jahren beste Freunde - rein platonisch. Während "Herzensbrecher" Tom ein Date nach dem anderen hat, wartet Hannah noch auf "Mr. Right" und eine Traumhochzeit. Ausgerechnet als Tom endlich merkt, dass oberflächliche Beziehungen nicht alles sind, verlobt sich Hannah. Sie möchte, dass Tom ihr Trauzeuge wird. Tom willigt ein, aber nur, um alles daran zu setzen, die Hochzeit zu verhindern und am Ende doch noch Hannahs Herz für sich zu gewinnen.. (

Ab durch die Hecke

Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Ab durch die Hecke [Videoregistrazione] / based on characters created by M. Fry and T. Lewis ; screenplay by Len Blum .. [et al.] ; produced by Bonnie Arnold ; directed by Tim Johnson, Karey Kirkpatrick

Unterföhring : Paramount Home Entertainment, c2006

Titolo e contributi: Ab durch die Hecke [Videoregistrazione] / based on characters created by M. Fry and T. Lewis ; screenplay by Len Blum .. [et al.] ; produced by Bonnie Arnold ; directed by Tim Johnson, Karey Kirkpatrick

Pubblicazione: Unterföhring : Paramount Home Entertainment, c2006

Descrizione fisica: 1 disco ottico elettronico (DVD), (89') : color., son. ; 12 cm


Lingua: Tedesco (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Guinea-Bissau

Over the hedge
  • Lingue: tedesco, inglese, turco
  • Sottotitoli: italiano, inglese, turco
  • Con contenuti speciali
  • Per tutti
  • DVD area 2 ; PAL ; formato video: 1.85:1, anamorfico widescreen ; formato audio: Dolby Digital 5.1, 2.0
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Abstract: Eine Gruppe von Tieren lebt friedlich und zurückgezogen in einem Wald, der von der angrenzenden Stadt durch eine große Hecke abgeschottet ist. Und das ist auch gut so, denn Anführer Vern - eine Schildkröte - hat seit einer Begegnung mit Kindern große Angst vor Menschen. Eines Tages kommt der clevere Waschbär Richie des Weges, der es den verängstigten Tieren schmackhaft macht, die große Hecke zu überwinden. Gemeinsam machen sie sich auf um eine neue Welt zu erkunden. (

Bee Movie

Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Bee Movie [Bildtonträger] / Directed by Simon J. Smith, Steve Hickner ; Written by Jerry Seinfeld and Spike Feresten & Barry Marder & Andy Robin ; Produced by Jerry Seinfeld, Christina Steinberg

Unterföhring : Paramount, 2009

Titolo e contributi: Bee Movie [Bildtonträger] / Directed by Simon J. Smith, Steve Hickner ; Written by Jerry Seinfeld and Spike Feresten & Barry Marder & Andy Robin ; Produced by Jerry Seinfeld, Christina Steinberg

Pubblicazione: Unterföhring : Paramount, 2009

Descrizione fisica: 1 DVD (87') : Farbe, Tonfilm ; 12 cm


Lingua: Tedesco (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Guinea-Bissau

Bee Movie
  • Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Türkisch
  • Untertitel: Deutsch, Englisch, Türkisch
  • Enthält Bonusmaterial
  • Freigegeben ohne Altersbeschränkung
  • Ländercode: 2 ; Videosystem und -format: PAL,Anamorphic Widescreen 1.78:1 ; Tonformat: Dolby Digital 5.1
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Abstract: Jungbiene Barry B. Benson hat gerade das College absolviert. Nun winkt ihm eine Karriere bei Honex, wo er für den Rest seines Lebens Honig produzieren soll. Tolle Aussichten! Barry nutzt die erste Gelegenheit, in die weite Welt zu fliehen und rast mit einer Bienenfliegerstaffel in den Central Park. Dort landet er alsbald in der Wohnung von Floristin Vanessa, die ihm das Leben rettet. Deshalb vertraut sich Barry ihr an und lernt, für die Rechte der Bienen einzutreten.

Bee Movie


Bee Movie [Bildtonträger] : das Honigkuchenkomplott / directed by Simon J. Smith, Steve Hickner ; written by Jerry Seinfeld .. [et al.] ; produced by Jerry Seinfeld .. [et al.]

Unterföhring : Paramount Home Entertainment, c2008

Titolo e contributi: Bee Movie [Bildtonträger] : das Honigkuchenkomplott / directed by Simon J. Smith, Steve Hickner ; written by Jerry Seinfeld .. [et al.] ; produced by Jerry Seinfeld .. [et al.]

Pubblicazione: Unterföhring : Paramount Home Entertainment, c2008

Descrizione fisica: 1 DVD (87') : Farbe, Tonfilm ; 12 cm


Lingua: Tedesco (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Guinea-Bissau

Bee Movie
  • Sprachen: englisch, deutsch, türkisch
  • Untertitel: englisch, deutsch
  • Enthält Bonusmaterial
  • Freigegeben ohne Altersbeschränkung
  • Ländercode: 2; PAL ; Videosystem und -format: PAL 1:78.1 anamorphic videoscreen; Tonformat: Dolby Digital 5.1
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Wonder Woman

Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Wonder Woman [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Patty Jenkins ; music by Rupert Gregson-Williams ; director of photography Matthew Jensen ; based on the characters from DC ; story by Zack Snyder & Allan Heinberg and Jason Fuchs ; screenplay by Allan Heinberg

Deutschland : Warner Bros. Entertainment, 2017

Titolo e contributi: Wonder Woman [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Patty Jenkins ; music by Rupert Gregson-Williams ; director of photography Matthew Jensen ; based on the characters from DC ; story by Zack Snyder & Allan Heinberg and Jason Fuchs ; screenplay by Allan Heinberg

Pubblicazione: Deutschland : Warner Bros. Entertainment, 2017

Descrizione fisica: 1 DVD (135 min.) : son., color. ; 12 cm


Lingua: Tedesco (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Guinea-Bissau

Wonder Woman
Note di contenuto:
  • Contiene anche: Die Vision der Regisseurin: Diana in der Gegenwart
  • Descrizione basata sul contenitore
  • Lingue: tedesco, inglese, italiano, francese
  • Sottotitoli: francese , olandese
  • Sottotitoli per non udenti: tedesco, inglese, italiano
  • Codice area: 2; sistema e formato video: PAL, 16:9, 2.40:1, adatto a ogni tipo di televisore ; formato audio;: Dolby digital 5.1
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Abstract: Diana ist eine Amazonenprinzessin, die auf einer verborgenen Insel zu einer unbezwingbaren Kriegerin ausgebildet werden soll. Als dort der Pilot Steve Trevor eine Bruchlandung hinlegt und den Kämpferinnen davon berichtet, dass weit entfernt von ihrer Welt ein verzweifelt geführter Weltkrieg tobt, zieht Diana ohne Erlaubnis mit ihm los, um in den Konflikt einzugreifen und das Gute gewinnen zu lassen. Während sie in die Schlacht zieht, entdeckt sie ungeahnte Fähigkeiten, die sie zu Wonder Woman werden lassen.

Winter's tale

Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Winter's tale [Videoregistrazione] / written for the screen, produced and directed by Akiva Goldsman ; music by Hans Zimmer and Rupert Gregson-Williams ; director of photography Caleb Deschanel ; based on the novel by Mark Helprin

Deutschland : Warner home video, c2014

Titolo e contributi: Winter's tale [Videoregistrazione] / written for the screen, produced and directed by Akiva Goldsman ; music by Hans Zimmer and Rupert Gregson-Williams ; director of photography Caleb Deschanel ; based on the novel by Mark Helprin

Pubblicazione: Deutschland : Warner home video, c2014

Descrizione fisica: 1 DVD, (113') : color., son. ; 12 cm


Lingua: Tedesco (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Guinea-Bissau

Winter's tale
  • Lingue: tedesco, inglese, spagnolo
  • Sottotitoli: spagnolo, portoghese, danese, finlandese, svedese, norvegese, islandese
  • Sottotitoli per non udenti: tedesco, inglese
  • Freigegeben ab 12 Jahren
  • Codice area: 2; sistema e formato video: PAL, 16:9, 2.40:1 ; formato audio: Dolby digital 5.1
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Abstract: Bei dem Versuch, eine Villa auszurauben, begegnet der Ganove Peter Lake Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts der jungen, todkranken Beverly und verliebt sich in sie. Nach ihrem Tod findet sich Peter unerklärlicherweise im New York der Jahrtausendwende wieder, wo er in einem kleinen Mädchen eine Seelenverwandtschaft zu Beverly zu erkennen glaubt. Wie schon zuvor muss er auch hier seine Liebe gegen dunkle Mächte verteidigen.. []

Over the hedge

Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Over the hedge [Videoregistrazione] / based on characters created by M. Fry and T. Lewis ; screenplay by Len Blum .. [et al.] ; produced by Bonnie Arnold ; directed by Tim Johnson, Karey Kirkpatrick

Great Britain : Paramount Home Entertainment, 2006

Titolo e contributi: Over the hedge [Videoregistrazione] / based on characters created by M. Fry and T. Lewis ; screenplay by Len Blum .. [et al.] ; produced by Bonnie Arnold ; directed by Tim Johnson, Karey Kirkpatrick

Pubblicazione: Great Britain : Paramount Home Entertainment, 2006

Descrizione fisica: 1 disco ottico elettronico (DVD), (80') : color., son. ; 12 cm


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

Over the hedge
  • Lingue: inglese
  • Sottotitoli: inglese
  • Con contenuti extra
  • Per tutti
  • DVD area 2 ; PAL ; formato video: 1.85:1, anamorphic widescreen ; formato audio: Dolby Digital 5.1, stereo
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Abstract: A group of hungry critters take a bit of suburbia! Led by RJ the raccoon, furry friends plot to make their way over a giant hedge that was built to separate the woodland animals from their usual treasure trove of snack food. The gang sets out to overcome the new divide in hopes of pleasing a hungry bear – and themselves.


Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Thunderpants [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Pete Hewitt ; produced by Damian Jones, Graham Broadbent ; written by Pete Hewitt, Phil Hughes

Gran Bretagna : Pathé Distribution, c2002

Titolo e contributi: Thunderpants [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Pete Hewitt ; produced by Damian Jones, Graham Broadbent ; written by Pete Hewitt, Phil Hughes

Pubblicazione: Gran Bretagna : Pathé Distribution, c2002

Descrizione fisica: 1 disco ottico elettronico (DVD), (83') : color., son. ; 12 cm


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • Descrizione basata sul sito
  • Lingue: inglese
  • Sottotitoli: inglese per non udenti
  • Con contenuti speciali
  • Visione in presenza di un adulto
  • DVD area 2 ; PAL ; formato video: 1.85:1, widescreen version 16:9 ; formato audio: Dolby Digital 5.1
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Abstract: Born with two stomachs, Patrick Smash is uncontrollably and devastatingly flatulent. No more than thirty seconds after his birth, he first broke wind, horrifying his parents and doctor. As he grew up, Patrick's farts became so uncontrollable and destructive that his father had to flee their home, as he was often injured by the sheer power of his son's awesome gaseous emissions, whose force is so strong that it can blow people over.. (