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× Data 2006
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× Nomi Gregson-Williams, Rupert
× Target di lettura Giovani (in generale)

Trovati 3 documenti.

Il piccolo Yeti producer: Peilin Chou, Suzanne Buirgy ; written and directed by Jill Culton
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Il piccolo Yeti [Videoregistrazione] / producer: Peilin Chou, Suzanne Buirgy ; written and directed by Jill Culton

Roma : Universal Pictures Italia, 2019

Abstract: Quando l'adolescente Yi incontra un giovane Yeti sul tetto del suo palazzo a Shanghai, insieme ai suoi amici birichini Jin e Peng soprannominano "Everest", decidono di intraprendere una ricerca epica con l'obiettivo di ricongiungere la creatura magica con la sua famiglia nel punto più alto della Terra. Ma i tre amici dovranno stare un passo avanti a Burnish, un uomo facoltoso intenzionato a catturare uno Yeti, ed alla dottoressa Zara, una zoologa.

Bee Movie Directed by Simon J. Smith, Steve Hickner ; Written by Jerry Seinfeld and Spike Feresten & Barry Marder & Andy Robin ; Produced by Jerry Seinfeld, Christina Steinberg
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Bee Movie [Bildtonträger] / Directed by Simon J. Smith, Steve Hickner ; Written by Jerry Seinfeld and Spike Feresten & Barry Marder & Andy Robin ; Produced by Jerry Seinfeld, Christina Steinberg

Unterföhring : Paramount, 2009

Abstract: Jungbiene Barry B. Benson hat gerade das College absolviert. Nun winkt ihm eine Karriere bei Honex, wo er für den Rest seines Lebens Honig produzieren soll. Tolle Aussichten! Barry nutzt die erste Gelegenheit, in die weite Welt zu fliehen und rast mit einer Bienenfliegerstaffel in den Central Park. Dort landet er alsbald in der Wohnung von Floristin Vanessa, die ihm das Leben rettet. Deshalb vertraut sich Barry ihr an und lernt, für die Rechte der Bienen einzutreten.

Thunderpants directed by Pete Hewitt ; produced by Damian Jones, Graham Broadbent ; written by Pete Hewitt, Phil Hughes
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Thunderpants [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Pete Hewitt ; produced by Damian Jones, Graham Broadbent ; written by Pete Hewitt, Phil Hughes

Gran Bretagna : Pathé Distribution, c2002

Abstract: Born with two stomachs, Patrick Smash is uncontrollably and devastatingly flatulent. No more than thirty seconds after his birth, he first broke wind, horrifying his parents and doctor. As he grew up, Patrick's farts became so uncontrollable and destructive that his father had to flee their home, as he was often injured by the sheer power of his son's awesome gaseous emissions, whose force is so strong that it can blow people over.. (