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Trovati 22730 documenti.

Two part inventions BWV 772a-786 ; Three-part inventions BWV 787-781 J. S. Bach ; András Schiff [piano]

Bach, Johann Sebastian

Two part inventions BWV 772a-786 ; Three-part inventions BWV 787-781 [Audioregistrazione] / J. S. Bach ; András Schiff [piano]

London : The Decca Record Company, p1985

The last seven months of Anne Frank Willy Lindwer ; translated from the dutch by Alison Meersschaert

Lindwer, Willy

The last seven months of Anne Frank : the stories of six women who knew Anne Frank / Willy Lindwer ; translated from the dutch by Alison Meersschaert

London : Picador, 2004

Fruit tree island Sue Arengo

Arengo, Sue

Fruit tree island / Sue Arengo

Oxford : Oxford University press, 1993

Hotshots 2 [Oxford University press]

Symphony No. 1 in C major, Op. 21 ; Symphony No. 7 in A major, Op. 92 Beethoven ; [musiche eseguite da] Royal Philharmonic Orchestra ; conducted by Barry Wordsworth

Beethoven, Ludwig <van>

Symphony No. 1 in C major, Op. 21 ; Symphony No. 7 in A major, Op. 92 [Audioregistrazione] / Beethoven ; [musiche eseguite da] Royal Philharmonic Orchestra ; conducted by Barry Wordsworth

Aylesbury : Tring International, 1998?

The Royal Philharmonic Collection

Armadale Wilkie Collins ; edited with an introduction and notes by John Sutherland

Collins, Wilkie

Armadale / Wilkie Collins ; edited with an introduction and notes by John Sutherland

London : Penguin books, 1995

Penguin classics

Abstract: It tells the story of two distant cousins both named Allan Armadale; the father of one has murdered the father of the other (the two fathers are also named Allan Armadale). The story starts with a deathbed confession by the murderer in the form of a letter which is to be given to his baby son when he grows up.

Mott Mott the Hoople

Mott the Hoople <gruppo musicale>

Mott [Audioregistrazione] / Mott the Hoople

United States of America : Columbia : Legacy, 2006

Jobs Kamini Khanduri

Khanduri, Kamini

Jobs / Kamini Khanduri

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 2013

Oxford read and discover [Oxford University press]. Discover 2

Abstract: This exciting new series of non-fiction readers provides interesting and educational content, with activities and project work. The readers are graded at four levels, from 3 to 6, suitable for students from age 8 and older. (

The great age of fresco organized in collaboration with the Soprintendenza of the Florentine Galleries, under the high Patronage of the honorable Lyndon B. Johnson and the honorable Giseppe Saragat

The great age of fresco : Giotto to Pontormo : an exhibition of mural paintings and monumental drawings at the Metropolitan museum of art / organized in collaboration with the Soprintendenza of the Florentine Galleries, under the high Patronage of the honorable Lyndon B. Johnson and the honorable Giseppe Saragat

New York : The Metropolitan Museum of art ; Florence : Il fiorino, 1968

24 Präludien BWV846-869 aus Das Wohltemperierte Clavier 1. ; Concerto BWV 971 (Italienisches Konzert in F) J. S. Bach ; [musiche eseguite da] Ensemble Ongaku-Zammai

Bach, Johann Sebastian

24 Präludien BWV846-869 aus Das Wohltemperierte Clavier 1. ; Concerto BWV 971 (Italienisches Konzert in F) [Audioregistrazione] / J. S. Bach ; [musiche eseguite da] Ensemble Ongaku-Zammai

Giappone : Creation, c2008

Ouvertures Ludwig van Beethoven ; [musiche eseguite da] Bamberger Symphoniker ; [direttore] Eugen Jochum ; conducted by Barry Wordsworth

Beethoven, Ludwig <van>

Ouvertures [Audioregistrazione] / Ludwig van Beethoven ; [musiche eseguite da] Bamberger Symphoniker ; [direttore] Eugen Jochum ; conducted by Barry Wordsworth

Germania : BMG Music, c1994

RCA classics - Classical navigator. Viennese classicism ; 29

Zamenhof by Marjorie Boulton

Boulton, Marjorie

Zamenhof : creator of Esperanto / by Marjorie Boulton

London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1960

The romantic revival to the present Elio Chinol

Chinol, Elio

The romantic revival to the present / Elio Chinol

2. ed

Napoli : Liguori, 1983

Fa parte di: English literature : a historical survey with an anthology2

The golden bowl Henry James ; edited with an introduction and notes by Ruth Bernard Yeazell

James, Henry

The golden bowl / Henry James ; edited with an introduction and notes by Ruth Bernard Yeazell

London : Penguin books, 2009

Penguin classics

Abstract: Maggie Verver, a young American heiress, and her widowed father Adam, lead a life of wealth and refinement in London. They are both getting married: Maggie to Prince Amerigo, an impoverished Italian aristocrat, and Adam to the beautiful but penniless Charlotte Stant, a friend of his daughter. But both father and daughter are unaware that their new conquests share a secret - one for which all concerned must pay the price.

The marvellous fluffy squishy itty bitty Beatrice Alemagna

Alemagna, Beatrice

The marvellous fluffy squishy itty bitty / Beatrice Alemagna

London : Thames & Hudson, 2019

Abstract: Eddie knows her mum would love a Fluffy Squishy Itty Bitty for her birthday. The only problem is that she doesn't know what a Fluffy Squishy Itty Bitty is, or where to find one!

The cat in the hat by Dr. Seuss

Seuss <Dr.>

The cat in the hat / by Dr. Seuss

New York : Random House, c1985

Beginner books [Random House]

Abstract: Poor Dick and Sally. It's cold and wet and they're stuck in the house with nothing to do . . . until a giant cat in a hat shows up, transforming the dull day into a madcap adventure and almost wrecking the place in the process! Written by Dr. Seuss in 1957 in response to the concern that "pallid primers [with] abnormally courteous, unnaturally clean boys and girls' were leading to growing illiteracy among children, The Cat in the Hat (the first Random House Beginner Book)Leggi tutto

Twentieth-century American painting [a cura di] Gail Levin

Collezione Thyssen Bornemisza

Twentieth-century American painting / [a cura di] Gail Levin

London : Sotheby ; Milano : Mondadori, 1987

The call of the wild Jack London

London, Jack

The call of the wild / Jack London

S.l. : Reader's Library Classics, 2021

Abstract: The domesticated life of a powerful St. Bernard-Shepherd mix named Buck is quickly turned on end when he is stolen away from his master and put to work as a sled dog in Alaska. His once life of luxury turns into a life of survival and adaptation as he learns the ways of the wilderness.

Anne of Green Gables L. M. Montgomery ; retold by Clare West ; illustrated by Kate Simpson

West, Clare

Anne of Green Gables / L. M. Montgomery ; retold by Clare West ; illustrated by Kate Simpson

Oxford : Oxford University press, 1994

Oxford bookworms. Stage 2

German Bob Ordish

Ordish, Bob

German : from the word go! / Bob Ordish

9. ed.

Bielefeld : Reise-Know-How-Verl. Rump, c2010

Assimil on the road

The religious Kibbutz movement compiled and edited by Aryei Fishman

Fishman, Aryei

The religious Kibbutz movement : the revival of the Jewish religious community / compiled and edited by Aryei Fishman

Jerusalem : The Religious Section of the Youth and Hehalutz Department of the Zionist Organization, 1957