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× Data 1941
× Target di lettura Adulti, generale
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× Livello lingua B1

Trovati 859 documenti.

El rayo de luna y otras leyendas Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer ; reducción lingüística, actividades y reportajes de David Tarradas Agea ; ilustraciones de Maria Herguerta

Tarradas Agea, David

El rayo de luna y otras leyendas / Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer ; reducción lingüística, actividades y reportajes de David Tarradas Agea ; ilustraciones de Maria Herguerta

Recanati : ELI, 2017

Lecturas jóvenes y adultos [ELI]. Nivel 3

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
SP 753 TAR 1
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Le fantôme de l'opera Gaston Leroux ; illustrations de Sara Gavioli ; adaptation et activités de Mari-Claude Chastant

Leroux, Gaston

Le fantôme de l'opera / Gaston Leroux ; illustrations de Sara Gavioli ; adaptation et activités de Mari-Claude Chastant

Recanati : ELI, 2012

Lectures ELI juniors. Niveau 3

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Liceo G. CarducciScaffale aperto
LFF 61
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Merano - Istituto IS II grado GandhiLiceo Classico Carducci
448 LER
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Unterm Birnbaum Theodor Fontane ; Anmerkungen und didaktische Bearbeitung von Claudio Brigliano und Fiorenza Doni

Fontane, Theodor

Unterm Birnbaum / Theodor Fontane ; Anmerkungen und didaktische Bearbeitung von Claudio Brigliano und Fiorenza Doni

Milano : Hoepli, c2010

Lesen [Hoepli]. Klassiker

Pride and prejudice Jane Austen ; adaptation and teaching material by Jennifer Milton

Milton, Jennifer

Pride and prejudice / Jane Austen ; adaptation and teaching material by Jennifer Milton

Milano : Hoepli, 2011

Reading. Semplified classics

The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson ; text adaption, notes and activities by James Butler and Maria Lucia De Vanna ; additional activities by Jennifer Gascoigne and Kenneth Brodery ; illustred by Gianni De Conno

Butler, James

The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde / Robert Louis Stevenson ; text adaption, notes and activities by James Butler and Maria Lucia De Vanna ; additional activities by Jennifer Gascoigne and Kenneth Brodery ; illustred by Gianni De Conno

New ed

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2008

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step three B1.2

La fuerza de las palabras Flavia Bocchio Ramazio ; ilustraciones de Alfredo Belli

Bocchio Ramazio, Flavia

La fuerza de las palabras : Vida de Luis Sepúlveda / Flavia Bocchio Ramazio ; ilustraciones de Alfredo Belli

Genova [etc.] : Cideb, 2021

Leer y aprender. Nivel tercero B1

Macbeth retold by Mairi Mackinnon ; illustrated by Daniele Dickmann ; English language consultant: Peter Viney

Mackinnon, Mairi

Macbeth / retold by Mairi Mackinnon ; illustrated by Daniele Dickmann ; English language consultant: Peter Viney

London : Usborne, 2021

Usborne English readers. Level 3

Der große Audio-Wortschatztrainer Spanisch
eBook / testo digitale

Der große Audio-Wortschatztrainer Spanisch : Anfänger & Fortgeschrittene

München : Langenscheidt, 2022

Ariadne's Story Joyce Hannam ; illustrated by Levi Pinfold

Hannam, Joyce

Ariadne's Story / Joyce Hannam ; illustrated by Levi Pinfold

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2010

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. Level two

Abstract: 'When he went home to Athens, the great prince Theseus left me on the island of Naxos. But why did he leave me? Everyone says that he was tired of me. But when we met, I was the princess of Crete and the most beautiful woman in the Aegean Sea.' Ariadne's story is one woman's tale of secret love, adventure and of escape - both from danger and from a life that she wanted to leave far behind her - many years ago in Ancient Greece.. (

Multimedia (kit)

Medienpaket : CDs und DVD zum Kursbuch

Ismaning : Hueber, c2017

Fa parte di: Schritte plus neu 5+63

Die Blaumacherin Leonhard Thoma

Thoma, Leonhard

Die Blaumacherin / Leonhard Thoma

Madrid : Idiomas ; Ismaning : Hueber, 2003

Lehrbuch mit Audio-CD

Lehrbuch mit Audio-CD

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2015

Fa parte di: Wir neu B11

English championship by Joy Olivier ; English version: Lisa Suett

Olivier, Joy

English championship / by Joy Olivier ; English version: Lisa Suett

Recanati : ELI, c2012

Let's play in English [ELI]

Henry 8th and his six wives Janet Hardy-Gould

Hardy-Gould, Janet

Henry 8th and his six wives / Janet Hardy-Gould

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. True stories, Stage 2

Abstract: After the King's death in 1547, his sixth wife finds a box of old letters - one from each of the first five wives. They are sad, angry, frightened letters. They tell the story of what it was like to be the wife of Henry 8th of England.. (

Dinosaurs Tim Vicary

Vicary, Tim

Dinosaurs / Tim Vicary

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2012

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Factfiles, Stage 3

Fiches de grammaire Giuseppe Vietri

Vietri, Giuseppe

Fiches de grammaire : Grammaire pratique du français aves exercices / Giuseppe Vietri

3. ed

Torino : Edisco, c2010

Un giorno diverso Marco Dominici

Dominici, Marco

Un giorno diverso / Marco Dominici

Roma : Edilingua, 2008

Primiracconti [Edilingua]

Casino Royale Ian Fleming ; retold by John Escott

Escott, John

Casino Royale [Medienkombination] / Ian Fleming ; retold by John Escott

Oxford : Macmillan, 2006

Macmillan readers. Pre-intermediate

Leo & Co.

Leo & Co.. Stille Nacht

Berlin [etc.] : Langenscheidt, c2008

Lektüre [Langenscheidt]. Stufe 3

Fa parte di: Stille Nacht

Abstract: Weihnachten steht vor der Tür und wie alle Jahre stellt sich die Frage: Wer feiert mit wem? Wo und wie? Diesmal soll alles einmal ganz anders werden!

Arsène Lupin Maurice Leblanc ; adaptation, notes et appareil didactique élaborés par Lidia Parodi et Marina Vallacco

Parodi, Lidia

Arsène Lupin : gentleman-cambrioleur / Maurice Leblanc ; adaptation, notes et appareil didactique élaborés par Lidia Parodi et Marina Vallacco

Milano : Hoepli, 2023

Classiques faciles [Hoepli]. Niveau A2/B1