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× Nomi Xenophon

Trovati 6 documenti.

The retreat of the ten thousand

eBook / testo digitale

Xenophon - Witt, Carl - Dakyns, Henry Graham - Younghusband, Frances

The retreat of the ten thousand

Librorium Editions

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Titolo e contributi: The retreat of the ten thousand

Pubblicazione: Librorium Editions

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: From time to time, in the course of the world's history, the title of Great has been given to some monarch who has distinguished himself, either by the splendour of his victories, or by the value of his services to his fellowmen. We speak, for example, of Alexander the Great, and amongst English kings, of Alfred the Great.There was however one empire, that of Persia, in which the title of Great carried with it no distinction, for in this country every king was called the Great King, not because it was supposed that his nature was more noble or his actions more splendid than those of other men, but because he was lord of a vast empire, greater than had ever yet been seen upon the face of the earth.

Die Kyropädie

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Die Kyropädie

Librorium Editions

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Titolo e contributi: Die Kyropädie

Pubblicazione: Librorium Editions

  • Lingua: tedesco
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Es hat mich zuweilen schon der Gedanke beschäftigt, wie viele Demokratien aufgelöst wurden von Solchen die irgend eine andere Verfassung der Demokratie vorzogen; ferner, wie viele Monarchien und Oligarchien vom Volke schon zerstört, und wie Viele die nach unumschränkter Herrschaft strebten zum Theil nach kurzer Zeit völlig gestürzt, zum Theil aber auch, wenn sie nur eine Zeitlang die Herrschaft behaupteten, wegen ihrer Weisheit und ihres Glücks bewundert wurden. Auch im häuslichen Leben glaubte ich die Bemerkung zu machen, wie manche Hausherren eine ziemlich starke Dienerschaft halte, andere dagegen eine sehr kleine, und doch selbst diese wenigen Leute nicht ganz im Gehorsam erhalten können.

Expédition des dix mille

eBook / testo digitale

Xenophon - Talbot, Eugène

Expédition des dix mille

Librorium Editions

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Titolo e contributi: Expédition des dix mille

Pubblicazione: Librorium Editions

  • Lingua: francese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Darius et Parysatis eurent deux fils : l'aîné, Artaxercès, le plus jeune, Cyrus. Darius étant tombé malade et sentant sa fin approcher, voulut avoir près de lui ses deux fils. L'aîné se trouvait là ; Cyrus fut mandé par son père des gouvernements dont il l'avait fait satrape, en le nommant aussi général de toutes les troupes campées dans la plaine du Castole. Cyrus vint donc, accompagné de Tissapherne, qu'il croyait son ami, et suivi de trois cents hoplites grecs que commandait Xénias de Parrhasie.Darius meurt : Artaxercès lui succède. Alors Tissapherne accuse Cyrus auprès de son frère de tramer contre lui. Artaxercès le croit, et fait arrêter Cyrus, pour le mettre à mort. Leur mère, à force d'instances, fléchit le roi, et obtient que Cyrus soit renvoyé dans son gouvernement. Cyrus, tout ému du danger et de l'affront, s'en va et songe aux moyens de ne plus dépendre de son frère, mais, s'il peut, de régner à sa place. Parysatis, leur mère, favorisait Cyrus, qu'elle chérissait plus que le roi régnant Artaxercès. D'ailleurs, quiconque venait de chez le roi auprès de Cyrus, il le changeait si bien, qu'au départ on avait plus d'amitié pour lui que pour le roi ; et il mettait tous ses soins à ce que les Barbares qui étaient à son service devinssent de bons soldats et dévoués à sa personne.

Las Helénicas

eBook / testo digitale

Xenophon - Soms y Castelín, Enrique

Las Helénicas

Librorium Editions

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Titolo e contributi: Las Helénicas

Pubblicazione: Librorium Editions

  • Lingua: spagnolo
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Algunos días después de estos sucesos, Timócares llegó de Atenas con algunas naves e inmediatamente verificose un combate naval entre atenienses y lacedemonios, quedando vencedores estos últimos bajo la dirección de Agesándridas.Poco después y a principios del invierno, Dorieo, hijo de Diágoras, partió de Rodas y llegó al Helesponto al clarear el día. El centinela de los atenienses que debía anunciarle señaló su presencia a los generales, los cuales se hacen a la vela contra él con veinte naves. Huye ante ellos Dorieo, y vara las naves en los alrededores de Reteo. Acércanse los atenienses, y combaten junto a las naves y en la costa, hasta que se juntan con el resto del ejército en Mádito, sin haber realizado cosa alguna de provecho.

The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates

eBook / testo digitale


The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates


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Titolo e contributi: The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates

Pubblicazione: GAEditori

  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: This translation of Xenophon's "Memorabilia of Socrates" was first published in 1712, and is here printed from the revised edition of 1722.  Its author was Edward Bysshe, who had produced in 1702 "The Art of English Poetry," a well-known work that was near its fifth edition when its author published his translation of the "Memorabilia."  This was a translation that remained in good repute.  There was another edition of it in 1758.  Bysshe translated the title of the book into "The Memorable Things of Socrates."  I have changed "Things" into "Thoughts," for whether they be sayings or doings, the words and deeds of a wise man are alike expressions of his thought.Xenophon is said to have been, when young, a pupil of Socrates.  Two authorities have recorded that in the flight from the battle of Delium in the year b.c. 424, when Xenophon fell from his horse, Socrates picked him up and carried him on his back for a considerable distance.  p. 6The time of Xenophon's death is not known, but he was alive sixty-seven years after the battle of Delium. But his best memorial of his old guide, philosopher, and friend is this work, in which Xenophon brought together in simple and direct form the views of life that had been made clear to himself by the teaching of Socrates.  Xenophon is throughout opposing a plain tale to the false accusations against Socrates.  He does not idealise, but he feels strongly, and he shows clearly the worth of the wisdom that touches at every point the actual conduct of the lives of men.

Die Sokratischen Schriften



Die Sokratischen Schriften / Xenophon ; übertragen und herausgegeben von Ernst Bux

Stuttgart : Kröner, c1956

Kröners Taschenausgabe ; 185

Titolo e contributi: Die Sokratischen Schriften / Xenophon ; übertragen und herausgegeben von Ernst Bux

Pubblicazione: Stuttgart : Kröner, c1956

Descrizione fisica: 333 p., [1] c. di tav. : ritr. ; 18 cm

Serie: Kröners Taschenausgabe ; 185


Lingua: Tedesco (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Contiene: Memorabilien ; Symposion ; Oikonomikos ; Apologie
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