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Trovati 181 documenti.

David Copperfield Charles Dickens ; [retold by Anthony Toyne ; illustrated by Jonnie Mak ; simplified according to the language grading scheme especially compiled by D. H. Howe]

Toyne, Anthony

David Copperfield / Charles Dickens ; [retold by Anthony Toyne ; illustrated by Jonnie Mak ; simplified according to the language grading scheme especially compiled by D. H. Howe]

Oxford : Oxford University press, 1990

Oxford progressive English readers. Grade 2

Selected short fiction

Dickens, Charles

Selected short fiction

Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1976

Penguin english library

Hard times Charles Dickens ; abrideged and simplified by Roland John

John, Roland

Hard times / Charles Dickens ; abrideged and simplified by Roland John

London : Longman, 1977

Longman structural readers. Stage 5

A tale of two cities Charles Dickens

Dickens, Charles

A tale of two cities / Charles Dickens

London : Penguin books, 1994

Penguin popolar classics

David Copperfield Charles Dickens ; retold by Hilary Burningham ; illustrated by Chris Rowlatt ; activities by Jennifer Milton

Dickens, Charles

David Copperfield / Charles Dickens ; retold by Hilary Burningham ; illustrated by Chris Rowlatt ; activities by Jennifer Milton

Milano : Hoepli, c2012

Reading. Graphic novels

Oliver Twist [from the story by Charles Dickens] ; retold by Mairi Mackinnon ; illustrated by Elena Selivanova ; English language consultant: Peter Viney

Mackinnon, Mairi

Oliver Twist / [from the story by Charles Dickens] ; retold by Mairi Mackinnon ; illustrated by Elena Selivanova ; English language consultant: Peter Viney

London : Usborne, 2017

Usborne English readers. Level 3

The Pickwick papers Charles Dickens ; edited with an introduction and notes by James Kinsley

Dickens, Charles

The Pickwick papers / Charles Dickens ; edited with an introduction and notes by James Kinsley

Oxford : Oxford University press, 1988

The world's classics

The haunted house Charles Dickens

Dickens, Charles

The haunted house / Charles Dickens

Milano : Vallardi, 2021

Read, listen, learn

Hard times Charles Dickens

Dickens, Charles

Hard times / Charles Dickens

London [etc.] : Penguin, 2012

Penguin english library

Abstract: Coketown is dominated by the figure of Mr Thomas Gradgrind, school owner and model of Utilitarian success. Feeding both his pupils and his family with facts, he bans fancy and wonder from young minds. As their fortunes cross with those of free-spirited circus girl Sissy Jupe and victimised weaver Stephen Blackpool, Gradgrind is eventually forced to recognise the value of the human heart in an age of materialism and machinery.

A tale of two cities Charles Dickens ; adaptation and activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan ; illustrated by Giacomo Garelli

Borsbey, Janet

A tale of two cities / Charles Dickens ; adaptation and activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan ; illustrated by Giacomo Garelli

Recanati : ELI, 2014

Young adult readers. Stage 4

Abstract: Ambientato a Parigi e Londra ai tempi della Rivoluzione Francese, questo è il racconto di due uomini, un francese, Charles Darnay, e un inglese, Sydney Carton. Quando la Rivoluzione prende piede e inizia il periodo del Terrore, i destini dei due uomini li trascinano in una potente storia d’amore, di odio e di vendetta. Incontriamo rivoluzionari e aristocratici e scopriamo la povertà, diffusa sia a Londra che a Parigi, in contrasto con la ricchezza di pochi. A Tale of TwoLeggi tutto

Oliver Twist Charles Dickens ; retold by Mary Sebag-Montefiore ; illustrated by Barry Ablett ; reading consultant: Alison Kelly

Sebag-Montefiore, Mary

Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens ; retold by Mary Sebag-Montefiore ; illustrated by Barry Ablett ; reading consultant: Alison Kelly

London : Usborne, 2007

Usborne young reading

Hard times by Charles Dickens ; introduction by Robert Donald Spector

Dickens, Charles

Hard times / by Charles Dickens ; introduction by Robert Donald Spector

Toronto [etc.] : Bantam books, 1985

A Bantam classic

Great expectations Charles Dickens ; [retold by F. Page ; illustrated by P. Keung ; simplified according to the language grading scheme especially compiled by D. H. Howe]

Page, F.

Great expectations / Charles Dickens ; [retold by F. Page ; illustrated by P. Keung ; simplified according to the language grading scheme especially compiled by D. H. Howe]

Oxford : Oxford University press, 1989

Oxford progressive English readers. Grade 1

A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens ; retold by Sheila Lyne and Ken Methold

Lyne, Sheila

A Christmas Carol / Charles Dickens ; retold by Sheila Lyne and Ken Methold

London : GlobalELT, 2016

Global Compass graded readers

Abstract: Nella gelida notte della vigilia di Natale il vecchio Scrooge, che ha passato tutta la sua vita ad accumulare denaro, riceve la visita terrificante del fantasma del suo socio. Ma è solo l’inizio: ben presto appariranno altri tre spiriti, per trasportarlo in un vorticoso viaggio attraverso il Natale passato, presente e futuro

Blackout scelta e traduzione di Donatella Ziliotto

Hardy, Thomas - Timperley, Rosemary - Dickens, Charles - Bierce, Ambrose - Connell, Richard - McLelland Burrage, Alfred - Leiber, Fritz - Wells, H. G.

Blackout : nel buio del terrore / scelta e traduzione di Donatella Ziliotto

Trieste : EL, stampa 1989

Ex libris [EL] ; 3

Oliver Twist Charles Dickens

Dickens, Charles

Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens

London : Penguin books, 1994

Penguin popular classics

Great expectations by Charles Dickens ; with an introduction by John Irving

Dickens, Charles

Great expectations / by Charles Dickens ; with an introduction by John Irving

10. ed

New York ; Toronto ; London : Bantam books, 1988

A Bantam classic

A Christmas carol Charles Dickens ; retold by Hilary Burningham ; illustrated by Bob Moulder ; activities by Jennifer Milton

Burningham, Hilary

A Christmas carol / Charles Dickens ; retold by Hilary Burningham ; illustrated by Bob Moulder ; activities by Jennifer Milton

Milano : Hoepli, c2010

Graphic novels [Hoepli]. Level A1-A2

Oliver Twist Charles Dickens

Dickens, Charles

Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens

Bussolengo : Demetra, 2001

Scuola di inglese junior

Abstract: Contiene: traduzione e dizionario

Oliver Twist Charles Dickens ; retold by Margaret Tarner

Tarner, Margaret

Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens ; retold by Margaret Tarner

Oxford : Heinemann, 1993

Heinemann guided readers - Intermediate level