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× Nomi Sclaunich, Renato
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× Nomi Brodey, Kenneth
× Data 2005

Trovati 5 documenti.

Famous british criminals


Spence, Victoria

Famous british criminals : from the Newgate calendar / retold by Victoria Spence ; activities by Kenneth Brodey

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2005

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step four B2.1

Titolo e contributi: Famous british criminals : from the Newgate calendar / retold by Victoria Spence ; activities by Kenneth Brodey

Pubblicazione: Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2005

Descrizione fisica: 112 p. : ill. color. ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD), (69')

Serie: Reading & training [Cideb]. Step four B2.1

ISBN: 9788853001641


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Versione semplificata ad uso scolastico
  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: Read about some of the most famous British criminals, whose lives and many crimes were recorded in The Newgate Calendar.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Great mysteries of our world


Clemen, Gina D. B.

Great mysteries of our world / Gina D. B. Clemen ; activities by Kenneth Brodey

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2005

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step three B1.2

Titolo e contributi: Great mysteries of our world / Gina D. B. Clemen ; activities by Kenneth Brodey

Pubblicazione: Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2005

Descrizione fisica: 96 p. : ill. color. ; 22 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD), (75')

Serie: Reading & training [Cideb]. Step three B1.2

ISBN: 9788853002914


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Versione semplificata ad uso scolastico
  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: Some of the world's most puzzling mysteries remain unsolved. Do you think a fast sports car can be evil and kill its drivers? Would you wear a splendid diamond that brings bad luck?.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Sons and lovers


Malvern, Blanche

Sons and lovers / D. H. Lawrence ; retold by Blanche Malvern ; activities by Kenneth Brodey

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2005

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step five B2.2

Titolo e contributi: Sons and lovers / D. H. Lawrence ; retold by Blanche Malvern ; activities by Kenneth Brodey

Pubblicazione: Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2005

Descrizione fisica: 144 p. : ill. color. ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD)

Serie: Reading & training [Cideb]. Step five B2.2

ISBN: 8853001704 (del CD)


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Versione semplificata ad uso scolastico
  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: Mrs Morel is a strong, intelligent, domineering woman. Her marriage to a miner is not happy one. She antagonistic to her husband and gives all her love to her sons.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

The pearl


Stockton, Sally M.

The pearl / John Steinbeck ; retold by Sally M. Stockton ; activities by Kenneth Brodey ; illustrated by Duilio Lopez

Genoa [etc.] : Cideb : Black cat, 2005

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step three B1.2

Titolo e contributi: The pearl / John Steinbeck ; retold by Sally M. Stockton ; activities by Kenneth Brodey ; illustrated by Duilio Lopez

Pubblicazione: Genoa [etc.] : Cideb : Black cat, 2005

Descrizione fisica: 112 p. : ill. color. ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD)

Serie: Reading & training [Cideb]. Step three B1.2

ISBN: 9788853002938


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Con schede didattiche alla fine di ogni capitolo
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Abstract: Kino, a young, strong, poor fisherman, lives in a small town, La Paz, with his wife Juana, and his baby son, Coyotito. When the baby, Coyotito, is stung by a scorpion, Kino must find a way to pay the town doctor so he will cure him. Shortly thereafter, Kino discovers an enormous pearl while out diving with Juana and he is ready to sell it for money to pay the doctor. Sadly, other forces work against Kino.. (

The fisherman and his soul


Brodey, Kenneth

The fisherman and his soul / Oscar Wilde ; text adaptation and activities by Kenneth Brodey

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2005

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step two B1.1

Titolo e contributi: The fisherman and his soul / Oscar Wilde ; text adaptation and activities by Kenneth Brodey

Pubblicazione: Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2005

Descrizione fisica: 112 p. : ill. color. ; 21 cm. +1 disco ottico elettronico (audio CD-ROM)

Serie: Reading & training [Cideb]. Step two B1.1

ISBN: 8853001585


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Versione semplificata ad uso scolastico
  • Con apparato didattico
  • Requisiti minimi di sistema per l'alleg. per Windows: 200 Mhz Processor or above; 64 Mb RAM; Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP; risoluzione grafica 800x600; scheda audio con microfono o altoparlanti; lettore CD-ROM compatibile con Windows 12x
  • Requisiti minimi di sistema per l'alleg. per Macintosh: Processore Power PC o successivo; 64 MB RAM; Mac OS 9.0/X
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Abstract: One evening a young fisherman catches a mermaid in his nets. He lets her go because she promises to help him fish.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)