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The diamond fairy book
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Mouse, Anon E.

The diamond fairy book

Abela Publishing, 19/01/2018

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Abstract: The Diamond Fairy Book is a compilation of fairy stories written by various authors, some whose names have been lost in the mists of time. This book retells but 19 of the thousands of fairy tales and legends from around the world. We believe each story was carefully selected by Pape and Millar and also exquisitely illustrated by them. The 8 colour plates and 82 pen and ink drawings by Pape and Millar give further life to the stories.Not only children by parents too, canLeggi tutto

Gentle Dora. A Czech folk tale
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Mouse, Anon E.

Gentle Dora. A Czech folk tale

Abela Publishing, 07/04/2017

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 99In Issue 99 of the Baba Indaba Children's Stories, Baba Indaba narrates the Czech Folk Tale of a simple, young devil who commits a transgression and is condemned to wandered over the earth for seven years. He decides that it would be a mighty clever thing for him to marry Gentle Dora, who had already nagged five husbands to death. But the devil finds that being a husband is not such a simple thing, especially when you're the husband of Gentle Dora.…Leggi tutto

The shoemaker's Apron. 20 czech and slovak folk tales
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Mouse, Anon E.

The shoemaker's Apron. 20 czech and slovak folk tales

Abela Publishing, 05/08/2017

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Abstract: THIS book contains 20  Czech and Slovak folk and fairy tales translated and retold in English by Parker Fillmore, with excellent illustrations and decorations by Jan Matulka.Drawn from original Slavic sources, and chosen for their variety of subject and range of interest with tales like The Twelve Months, Zlatovlaska The Golden-Haired, The Shepherd's Nosegay, Smolicheck, The Nickerman's Wife, Batcha And The Dragon, Vitazko The Victorious and many more. Unlike storiesLeggi tutto

The key of gold. 23 czech folk tales
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Mouse, Anon E.

The key of gold. 23 czech folk tales

Abela Publishing, 23/08/2017

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Abstract: HEREIN you will find 23 Czech tales like THE TWELVE MONTHS, BOOTS, CLOAK, AND RING, SILLY JURA, SLEEPY JOHN, KOJATA, THE ENCHANTED PRINCESSES, NINE AT A BLOW and many more. Some of which are the Czech equivalent of perennial favourites and others will seem to be completely new and previously unread.THIS collection of 23 Czech folk tales is intended to exemplify the richness of spirit of the Czech race. While it may be argued that folk-tales are part of a common stockLeggi tutto

Fairy tales of the slav peasants and herdsmen
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Mouse, Anon E.

Fairy tales of the slav peasants and herdsmen

Abela Publishing, 30/08/2017

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Abstract: Originally published in French, Fairy Tales of the Slav Peasants and Herdsmen features 20 folk tales from the Slavic countries and territories. Very few of the 20 fairy tales included in this volume have been presented before in an English dress; this will doubtless enhance their value in the eyes of the young folk, for whom, principally, they are intended.Herein you will find tales like The Twelve Months - the story of Marouckla, who is set seemingly impossible tasks byLeggi tutto

An Armenian story and Armenian poem. Artashes and Satenik & The tears of the Araxes
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Mouse, Anon E.

An Armenian story and Armenian poem. Artashes and Satenik & The tears of the Araxes

Abela Publishing, 28/03/2017

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Abstract: In Issue 40 of the Baba Indaba Children's Stories, Baba Indaba narrates the Armenian legend of ARTASHES AND SATENIK and a well-known battle between the Alans and the Armenians which had an altogether more peaceful outcome. He also recites the Armenian poem, THE TEARS OF THE ARAXES, a famous poem about the Araxes river and how it weeps tears for the lost people of Armenia.Baba Indaba is a fictitious Zulu storyteller who narrates children's stories from around the world.Leggi tutto

Armenian legends
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Mouse, Anon E. - Boettiger, Louis A.

Armenian legends

Abela Publishing, 18/02/2018

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Abstract: The book containing 7 Armenian legends is the result of a study conducted by Louis A. Boettiger which have been selected from a larger mass of material.Of particular interest is the Legend of Haik or Hayk. In the account by Moses of Chorene, Hayk emigrated from Babylon to the region near Mount Ararat after Titanid Bel made himself king over all. Considering this occurred in circa 2500BC and that Hayk had an extended household of over 300, moving his hosehold a distance ofLeggi tutto

The second book of fairy tales. 19 stories raising funds for children in need
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Mouse, Anon E. - Halsted, John

The second book of fairy tales. 19 stories raising funds for children in need

Abela Publishing, 14/02/2018

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Abstract: This book has been especially re-published to raise funds for the BBC's Children in Need Appeal. The stories herein were originally published over a century ago. Some will be familiar fare and others less familiar, but all are entertaining and appealing nonetheless.The 19 illustrated stories in this volume are:The Sleeping Beauty In The WoodPrince Hyacinth And The Dear Little PrincessCinderella Or The Little Glass SlipperEast Of The Sun And West Of TheLeggi tutto

The saga of gunnlaug the worm tongue and raven the skald
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Mouse, Anon E.

The saga of gunnlaug the worm tongue and raven the skald

Abela Publishing, 12/02/2018

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Abstract: The saga of Gunnlaug the Worm-Tongue and Raven the Skald, composed in the 13th century, relates the story of two Icelandic poets Gunnlaugr Ormstunga and Hrafn Önundarson, and their competition for the love of Helga the Fair, daughter of Þorsteinn Egilsson and granddaughter of Egill Skallagrímsson.The story opens with a prophetic dream of two eagles fighting over a swan, prefiguring the love triangle in the story. The rivalry is initially fought using verse, but later withLeggi tutto

The monkey and the crocodile. A tale from the Jatakas
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Mouse, Anon E.

The monkey and the crocodile. A tale from the Jatakas

Abela Publishing, 25/03/2017

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Abstract: ISSN: 23979607013In issue 13 of the Baba Indaba children's Stories, Baba Indaba narrates the Buddhist Jataka tale of the Monkey and the Crocodile. On the mighty Indus river, a crocodile tries to seduce a monkey with only one intention in mind. But will the monkey fall for his deceptive talk?This book also has a "Where in the World - Look it Up" section, where young readers are challenged to look up a place on a map somewhere in the world. The place, town or city isLeggi tutto