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Trovati 194 documenti.

50 ways to make a girl fall for you

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine

50 ways to make a girl fall for you

Tektime, 26/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: 50 ways to make a girl fall for you

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 26/02/2022


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Get help on how to easily get the girl of your dreams.Tip number one. EXPRESS YOUR FEELINGS AND NURTURE THE LOVETo foster a deep relationship, it is essential to share goals and dreams. Share new experiences together. If you have hurt her feelings, make sure to own up to your mistakes. Take responsibility – a key to making a girl fall for you and stay in love. Talk to her about the future; let her know you're serious about her.Tip number two. MAKE HER FEEL SECUREYour girl should feel loved and cared for. Be a good listener. She should feel comfortable sharing her secrets and insecurities with you. And, never take her for granted. Make her think she can always count on you. When she is feeling low or wants to share something, be present.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Barack Obama fully unleashed

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine

Barack Obama fully unleashed

Tektime, 25/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: Barack Obama fully unleashed

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 25/02/2022


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: The e-book is a biography of Obama's life as a child and his works before, during, and after being the 44th president of the USA.Barack Hussein Obama was born on 4th August 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. He is an American politician and attorney who served as the 44th president for two terms from 2009 to 2017. He is the son of parents from Kenya and Kansas. Barack Obama's father, Barack Obama Senior., was born of Luo ethnicity in Nyanza Province, Kenya.Obama's dad grew up herding goats in Africa. Eventually, he received a scholarship that allowed him to leave Kenya and follow his dreams of going to college in Hawaii. During World War II, Obama's mum, Ann Dunham, was born on an Army base in Wichita, Kansas.As he studied at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Obama's dad met fellow student Ann Dunham. The two got married on 2nd February 1961, and Obama Junior was born six months later. Obama Senior left soon after Obama Junior's birth, and the couple divorced two years later. In 1965, Ann Dunham was re-married to Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian student from the University of Hawaii.Twelve months later, the new family transferred to Jakarta, Indonesia, where Obama Junior's half-sister, Maya Soetoro Ng, was born in 1970. A series of incidents in Indonesia left Ann Dunham uncertain of Obama Junior's safety and education. So, when he was 10, Obama Junior was sent back to Hawaii to live with his maternal grandparents. Ann Dunham and Obama Junior's step-sister, Maya Soetoro Ng, later joined them.Barack Obama Junior Growing UpAs a child, Barack Obama Junior did not have a relationship with his father. While Obama Junior was still an infant, his father relocated to Massachusetts to attend Harvard University and pursue a Ph.D. Obama Junior's parents officially separated after some time and eventually divorced in March 1964, when Obama Junior was two years old. After a while, Obama Senior returned to Kenya.Barack Obama struggled with his dad's absence during his childhood, who he saw just once more after his parents had divorced. This was when Obama Senior visited Hawaii for a short while in 1971."[My father] had left paradise, and nothing that my mother or grandparents told me could obviate that single, unassailable fact," Obama Junior later reflected. "They couldn't describe what it might have been like had he stayed."While living with his grandparents, Obama Junior enrolled in the esteemed Punahou Academy. He excelled in basketball and graduated with academic honors in 1979. Since he was among the only three Black learners at the school, Obama Junior became conscious of racism and what it truly meant to be an African American.Obama Junior later described how he struggled to reconcile social perceptions of his multiracial heritage with his sense of self: "I noticed that there was nobody like me in the Sears, Roebuck Christmas catalog….and that Santa was a white man.Obama Junior wrote: "I went into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror with all my senses and limbs seemingly intact, looking as I had always looked, and wondered if something was wrong with me."PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

How Taylor Swift became famous. Ediz. russa

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine - Porozhenski, S. N.

How Taylor Swift became famous. Ediz. russa

Tektime, 25/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: How Taylor Swift became famous. Ediz. russa

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 25/02/2022


  • Lingua: russo
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: В этой электронной книге рассказывается о биографии Тейлор Свифт и ее взлете к славе.Рост славы Тейлор Свифт объясняется многими факторами. Но одно можно сказать наверняка. Ее запомнят как одну из величайших исполнительниц всех времен, учитывая ее многочисленные музыкальные достижения в сети и за ее пределами. Ей удалось попасть в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса благодаря своей исключительной музыке. Прочитайте эту электронную книгу, чтобы узнать больше о восхождении Тейлор Свифт к славе.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

50 ways to make him love you more

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine

50 ways to make him love you more

Tektime, 26/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: 50 ways to make him love you more

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 26/02/2022


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: This ebook gives you helpful tips on how to make him love you more.Tip number one. Don't attempt to change your man. As tempting as it can be, don't attempt to change your man to suit your ways, especially if he's happy the way he is. If your man feels like you accept him for who he is, he will cherish and love you more. There is a lot of power behind a woman who inspires her man to be the best version of himself without making him feel imperfect.Tip number two. Don't force your man to like the same things as you do. Understand that your man is a separate human being from you, and he had a life before meeting you. If you find that your likes are conflicting with his, don't make him feel guilty for not enjoying the same stuff as you do. Your man will feel more peaceful and will love you more for not pushing him around like a child to do the same things as you do.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Stop wasting time and start meditation

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine

Stop wasting time and start meditation

Tektime, 26/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: Stop wasting time and start meditation

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 26/02/2022


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: This e-book explains the meaning of meditation, it gives you the various meditation techniques you can use alongside the benefits of meditation.Want to live stress-free?Want to clear your mind?Want to get rid of all your fears?If you answered Yes to any of these, then you need to use the power of meditation!The Benefits of MeditationMeditation looks different for different people, but one thing is for sure: it is quickly gaining popularity in Western culture. It has many professional and personal benefits including:Increased productivityReduction of stress and depressionReduction of troubling physical symptoms such as headaches and muscle tensionThat's just to name a few.Meditation Doesn't Need To Take Hours of Your Time!While meditation can be a prolonged activity, it doesn't have to take hours of your day. Even a ten or fifteen minute session of meditation can provide some benefits of relaxation.Many people prefer to meditate early in the morning before starting their day to help them start with a positive outlook. Others choose to meditate just before bed to help them relieve anxious thoughts and drift off to sleep peacefully.There's more I'd like to share on this subject with you which is how this e-book came about.Allow me introduce to you...Stop Wasting Time And Start MEDITATION.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

50 maneras de hacerlo extrañarte. Cómo hacerlo desearte

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine - Reyes, Azael Avila

50 maneras de hacerlo extrañarte. Cómo hacerlo desearte

Tektime, 22/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: 50 maneras de hacerlo extrañarte. Cómo hacerlo desearte

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 22/02/2022


  • Lingua: spagnolo
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Los hombres tienden a preferir a las mujeres que les hacen sentirse bien consigo mismos. En este libro electrónico se explican las 50 maneras de hacerlo extrañarte.Consejo número uno. Asegúrate de tener una apariencia atractivaLos hombres son visuales por naturaleza. Quieren sentirse atraídos por una pareja potencial. Cuando inviertes en mejorar tu aspecto, tu hombre recibe señales de ello; te respetas a ti misma, aprecias la importancia de la presentación, tienes tu propio estilo/look y te cuidas físicamente. Eres lo que llevas puesto. Lo que llevas puesto expone mucho sobre tu autoestima y tu valor para tu hombre.Consejo número dos. Hazlo sentir reconocido y bien recibidoEntiende que los hombres quieren que las mujeres conozcan su mundo y sus logros. Si estás en una fiesta o en una reunión social y él expresa su opinión sobre cuestiones de índole social, político, económico y medioambiental, intenta complementar en apoyo de sus puntos de vista. A los hombres les ENCANTA que entiendas y reconozcas sus puntos de vista.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

50 modi per far sì che lui ti ami di più

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine - Gottardo, Eleonora

50 modi per far sì che lui ti ami di più

Tektime, 16/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: 50 modi per far sì che lui ti ami di più

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 16/02/2022


  • Lingua: italiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Questo ebook ti offre utili consigli su come far sì che lui sia ancora più innamorato di te.Consiglio numero uno. Non tentare di cambiare il tuo uomo. Per quanto possa essere allettante, non cercare di cambiare il tuo uomo per far sì che si adatti a te, specialmente se è felice così com'è. Se il tuo uomo sente che lo accetti per quello che è, ti amerà ancora di più. C'è un immenso potere in una donna che ispira il suo uomo ad essere la migliore versione di se stesso senza farlo sentire imperfetto. Consiglio numero due. Non costringere il tuo uomo ad apprezzare le stesse cose che piacciono a te. Ricorda che il tuo uomo è un essere umano distinto da te, e che ha avuto una sua vita prima di incontrarti. Se scopri che le cose che piacciono a te non sono esattamente quelle che piacciono a lui, non farlo sentire in colpa per il fatto di non apprezzare le stesse cose che invece tu trovi interessanti. Il tuo uomo si sentirà più tranquillo e ti amerà ancor di più per non averlo spinto a fare le stesse cose che fai tu, proprio come si fa con i bambini.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

Pare de perder tempo e comece a meditar

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine - Cardoso, Daniel

Pare de perder tempo e comece a meditar

Tektime, 24/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: Pare de perder tempo e comece a meditar

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 24/02/2022


  • Lingua: portoghese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Este e-book explica o significado de meditação, descrevendo as várias técnicas de meditação que você poderá usar, assim como os benefícios da meditação.Quer viver livre de estresse? Quer limpar a sua mente? Quer se livrar de todos os seus medos? Se a sua resposta for sim para qualquer uma dessas questões, então você precisa usar o poder da meditação! Os Benefícios da Meditação Meditação parece diferente para pessoas diferentes, mas uma coisa é certeza: vem ganhando popularidade rapidamente na cultura ocidental. Há vários profissionais e benefícios pessoais incluindo: Aumento da produtividade, redução do estresse e depressão, redução de sintomas de problemas físicos como dores de cabeça e tensão muscular Isto é apenas para nomear alguns. Meditação Não Precisa Tomar Horas do Seu Tempo! Enquanto meditação pode ser uma atividade prolongada, ela não precisa tomar horas do seu dia. Mesmo dez ou quinze minutos de sessão de meditação pode te prover alguns benefícios de relaxamento. Muitas pessoas preferem meditar de manhã cedo antes de principiar seus dias para ajudá-los a começar com um aspecto positivo. Outros escolhem meditar antes de ir para a cama, ajudando-os a aliviar pensamentos ansiosos e direcioná-los a um sono calmo. Há muito mais que gostaria de compartilhar com vocês neste assunto, por isto este livro surgiu. Permita-me te introduzir ao... Pare de Perder Tempo e Comece a MEDITAR.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

How to have a sparkling relationship in 49 ways

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine

How to have a sparkling relationship in 49 ways

Tektime, 19/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: How to have a sparkling relationship in 49 ways

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 19/02/2022


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: This e-book gives you tips on how to fully enjoy your relationship.Are you curious about how you too can a have a sparkling relationship? Well, reading this e-book will help you have better relationships since it has up to 49 ways that you can depend on for good relationship outcomes.1, Assess the type of your love: Falling in love with somebody is the easy part. The challenge that couples encounter is how to rekindle the fires of their romance often and also to cultivate the mature, trusting love that is the foundation of a sparkling and lasting relationship.What style of love are you using? When you say that, "I love you," What do you want to imply?Terry Hatkoff, a sociologist at California State University, has initiated a love scale that identifies six different types of love present in our closest links that are mentioned here below;Romantic love: This type of love is based on passion and sexual attraction.Best friends: This is characterized by fondness and deep affection.Logical: It is characterized by practical feelings based on shared values, financial goals, religion, among others.Playful: In this type of love, feelings are evoked by flirtation or feeling challenged.Possessive: Jealousy and obsession are the foundation of this type of love.Unselfish: This is a type of love that is characterized by nurturing, kindness, and sacrifice.Researchers have discovered that the love we feel in our highly committed relationships is mainly a combination of two or three distinctive forms of love. But usually, two individuals in the same relationship can possess extremely different versions of how they define love. Dr. Hatkoff shares the example of a man and a woman having dinner. The waiter flirts with the lady, but the husband doesn't seem to care much, and he then talks about changing the oil in her car. The wife is troubled since her husband is not jealous. Her husband feels like she is not appreciative of his extra work.How is love assessed here? Well, the husband and his wife define love differently. To him, love is practical and is best illustrated by supportive gestures such as car maintenance. To her, love is possessive, and a jealous response from her husband would make her feel treasured.So, you must understand what makes your partner feel loved to help you navigate disagreements and put the romance back into your relationship.2, Learn to ignite romance: Romantic love is termed as a natural addiction since it activates your brain's reward center that is characterized by dopamine pathways that are associated with novelty, energy, focus, learning, motivation, cravings, and ecstasy. This is why we feel very energized and motivated once we fall in love.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

What happens when women shave their faces?

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine

What happens when women shave their faces?

Tektime, 19/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: What happens when women shave their faces?

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 19/02/2022


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: This ebook explains the pros and cons of facial shaving for women, good shaving practices and methods, tools used for shaving, shaving must-haves, the outcomes of shaving, and facial shaving alternativesSomething to cheer about!Almost every woman has facial hair. Most women today are open about the benefits of shaving their faces. Through facial shaving, terminal and vellus hair can be removed off women's' faces.In a world that discourages any hint of facial hair in women, having it can be psychologically distressing, which is why some women, especially those with polycystic ovary syndrome, which causes hirsutism, already resort to shaving their faces.Besides shaving, there are several kinds of hair removal, which can help in case you are not so in to shaving.Read this book for more details.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

50 ways to make him miss you

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine

50 ways to make him miss you

Tektime, 09/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: 50 ways to make him miss you

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 09/02/2022


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: This ebook gives you fifty ways, which can help a lady influence her man to miss her in his life.Honestly, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Almost all ladies in love want to be missed by their man. Regardless of whether you are in a relationship with a new guy, or a husband in a long-term relationship, your relationship will face some challenges making the original fire you experienced at the start fade away.So, to rekindle your relationship and make him miss you like crazy, you should follow the 50 tips carefully discussed in this e-book.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

33 ways to make her miss you

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine

33 ways to make her miss you

Tektime, 14/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: 33 ways to make her miss you

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 14/02/2022


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Being apart from the lady you like can be one of the difficult things you ever have to do. So how do you make sure that the girl misses you while you're gone? This e-book gives you up to 50 ways to make her miss you.Tip number one. Minimize the amount of time you spend together If you want the girl to miss you when you're apart from one another, then you can't spend too much of your free time with her. You should hang out with her enough to make her see how awesome, fun, and interesting you are, but not so much that she starts to take you for granted or feels like you've run out of things to say to each other.Make an effort to see her once or twice a week, but ensure that she's not the only to-do on your social calendar, or she'll start to think that she can have you whenever she wants.Tip number two. Limit your phone time with her If you and the girl you are interested in talk on the phone, ensure that you keep your conversations relatively short so she doesn't assume you have nothing better to do than to talk to her all the time. You can talk to her to set up plans or to see how she's doing for some few minutes, but you shouldn't let the conversation drag on so long that you've run out of things to say. To keep her interested, you want her to feel like she can never run out of things to say to you once you meet.Don't tell her everything that you're thinking or everything that's happening in your life over the phone. Save some of it for when you actually meet her in-person.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

50 ways to make her trust you

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine

50 ways to make her trust you

Tektime, 14/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: 50 ways to make her trust you

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 14/02/2022


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: This e-book helps men get the tactics of gaining trust from the ladies they adore in their lives.Tip number one. PUT YOURSELF IN HER SHOESYou may have already heard of this. However, empathy is not an overrated thing at all. We are different, at least in some ways. So, if you're not ready to see a situation from another perspective too, how can you really understand what's going on?There is truly no doubt that men and women see relationships from varying angles, but a desire for trustful behavior isn't reserved for one gender. Indeed, you'll find that if you look at the situation from her perspective, there are similarities to what you're thinking yourself.Do you want her to be honest and trustworthy with you? Do you want to actively plan activities you'll do together? Do you want to know her circle of friends and see that she's letting you into her life? Do you want to know that she's showing trust? See, it all comes full circle! Your lady is in a similar situation.She wants you to show her that she's an essential component of your life, not that you want to keep her at arm's length. This involves restraining yourself without explaining why, not asking for "freedom" aggressively, not ghosting or gaslighting her (at all).After all, don't you want the same things?Tip number two. BE HONEST WITH HERHonesty is the foundation that keeps everything else together in your relationship. If you don't reinforce honesty daily, it'll slowly disappear. Note that being sincere doesn't imply being utterly frank. There's a big difference between "you look better in other skirts, sweetie" and "that skirt looks absolutely miserable on you."You don't desire to be ruthlessly transparent unless you and your lady agree that it's an essential part of your relationship. Otherwise, share your thoughts and opinions, although respectfully and neutrally. You want to formulate quality conversations without appearing like you're set on arguing.In other words, don't treat her like she's a fragile person who can't recognize the truth, but you shouldn't be downright mean with her either.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

???????????. ???????

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine - 张贵帅

???????????. ???????

Tektime, 16/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: ???????????. ???????

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 16/02/2022


  • Lingua: cinese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: 如果你想开发一项副业或辞去全职工作,那这本书正适合你。几乎每个人都可以依靠他们的一技之长和热爱开办自己的居家业务。如果你想开发一项副业或辞去全职工作,那这本书正适合你。几乎每个人都可以依靠他们的一技之长和热爱开办自己的居家业务。-你对于从事什么业务有没有任何想法?-你害怕承担自己创业的风险吗?-你想知道成为自营职业者需要什么技能吗?别担心,如果你对任何一个问题的回答是肯定的,和你一样的都大有人在。大多数想要成为自营职业者的人都是只想而不去做,主要是因为害怕迈出第一步。但是,这本电子书将向你展示以最低的风险和资金便可启动的业务示例。PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

How Taylor Swift became famous

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine

How Taylor Swift became famous

Tektime, 14/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: How Taylor Swift became famous

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 14/02/2022


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: This ebook explains Taylor Swift's biography and rise to fame.Taylor Swift's rise to fame is due to many factors. But one thing is certain. She will be remembered as one of the greatest female artists of all time given her numerous musical achievements online and offline.She managed to enter the Guiness World Book of Records because of her exceptional music.Read this e-book for more about Taylor Swift's rise to fame.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

50 cara membuat si dia rindu padamu

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine - Muqoffa, Muhammad

50 cara membuat si dia rindu padamu

Tektime, 16/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: 50 cara membuat si dia rindu padamu

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 16/02/2022


  • Lingua: indonesiano
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Pria cenderung lebih menyukai wanita yang membuat mereka merasa hebat tentang diri mereka sendiri. Yang dijelaskan dalam e-book ini adalah 50 cara untuk membuatnya menginginkanmu;Tips pertama. Pastikan kamu memiliki penampilan yang menarikPria secara alami tergoda melalui visual. Mereka akan tertarik pada pasangan yang potensial. Setelah kamu berinvestasi dalam meningkatkan penampilan kamu, pasangan kamu mendapat sinyal bahwa; kamh menghargai diri sendiri, menghargai pentingnya penampilan, memiliki gaya/penampilan unik, dan menjaga diri secara fisik. Kamu adalah apa yang kamu kenakan. Apa yang kamu kenakan mengungkapkan banyak hal tentang harga diri dan nilai kamu kepada pasanganmu.Tips kedua. Buat dia merasa diakui dan diterima dengan baikPahami bahwa para pria ingin wanitanya tahu tentang dunia dan pencapaian mereka. Jika kamu berada di sebuat pesta atau pertemuan dan dia mengungkapkan pendapatnya tentang masalah sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan, coba berikan dukungan terhadap pendapatnya. Para pria MENYUKAInya ketika kamu memahami dan mengakui sudut pandang mereka.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

50 ways to make him miss you. How to make him want you

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine

50 ways to make him miss you. How to make him want you

Tektime, 14/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: 50 ways to make him miss you. How to make him want you

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 14/02/2022


  • Lingua: inglese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Men tend to prefer women who make them feel great about themselves. Explained in this e-book are the 50 ways to make him want you;Tip number one. Ensure that you have an attractive appearanceMen are naturally visual. They want to feel attracted to a potential partner. Once you invest in improving your appearance, your man gets signals that; you respect yourself, appreciate the importance of presentation, have your unique style/look, and take care of yourself physically. You are what you wear. What you wear exposes a lot about your self-worth and value to your man.Tip number two. Make him feel acknowledged and well-receivedUnderstand that men want women to know about their worlds and accomplishments. If you're at a party or social gathering and he's expressing his opinion on matters on anything social, political, economic, and environmental, try to supplement in support of his views. Men LOVE it when you understand and acknowledge their points of view.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

50 de moduri ca sa-o faci sa aiba încredere în tine

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine - Ene, Claudia

50 de moduri ca sa-o faci sa aiba încredere în tine

Tektime, 14/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: 50 de moduri ca sa-o faci sa aiba încredere în tine

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 14/02/2022


  • Lingua: romeno
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Această carte electronică ajută bărbații să învețe tactici de câștigare a încrederii doamnelor din viața lor pe care le adoră.Primul Sfat. PUNE-TE ÎN LOCUL EI. S-ar putea să mai fi auzit acest lucru. Cu toate acestea, empatia nu este deloc un lucru supra estimat. Suntem diferiți, cel puțin în anumite feluri. Deci, dacă nu ești gata să evaluezi o situație și din altă perspectivă, cum poți înțelege cu adevărat ce se întâmplă? Nu există nicio îndoială că bărbații și femeile văd relațiile din diferite unghiuri, dar dorința de a avea un comportament bazat pe încredere este una comună ambelor sexe. Într-adevăr, vei găsi că, dacă evaluezi situația și din perspectiva ei, există asemănări cu ceea ce gândești tu. Vrei ca ea să fie sinceră și să aibă încredere în tine? Vrei să planifici în mod activ activități pe care să le faceți împreună? Vrei să-i cunoști cercul de prieteni și să vezi dacă ea îți permite să faci parte din viața ei? Vrei să știi că ea are încredere? Vezi, totul face parte dintr-un cerc complet! Doamna ta se află într-o situație asemănătoare. Vrea să-i arăți că ea este o parte esențială a vieții tale, nu că vrei să o ții la distanță. Acest lucru implică imobilizarea ta fără a explica de ce, nu cere "libertate" în mod agresiv, nu o ignorați și nu o provocați (deloc). La urma urmei, nu vrei aceleași lucruri ca și ea? Al doilea sfat. FII SINCER CU EA. Sinceritatea este fundamentul care menține totul la un loc în cadrul relației tale. Dacă nu consolidezi sinceritatea în fiecare zi, atunci va dispărea. Rețineți că a fi sincer nu înseamnă a fi complet sincer. Există o mare diferență între "arăți mai bine în alte fuste, dragă mea" și "fusta asta arată ca naiba pe tine." Nu îți dorești să fii necruțător de transparent decât dacă tu și doamna ta ați căzut de acord că acset aspect constituie o parte esențială a relației voastre. În caz contrar, împărtășește-ți gândurile și opiniile tale, dar într-un mod respectuos și neutru. Vrei să formulezi conversații de calitate fără a apărea ca vreți să vă certați. Cu alte cuvinte, nu o trata de parcă ar fi o persoană fragilă care nu poate recunoaște adevărul, dar nici nu ar trebui să fii răutăcios cu ea.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

33 maneras de hacerla extrañarte

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine - Reyes, Azael Avila

33 maneras de hacerla extrañarte

Tektime, 09/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: 33 maneras de hacerla extrañarte

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 09/02/2022


  • Lingua: spagnolo
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Separarse de la chica que te gusta puede ser una de las cosas más difíciles que tengas que hacer. Entonces, ¿cómo te aseguras de que la chica te extrañe mientras no estás? Este libro electrónico te ofrece hasta 33 maneras de hacerla extrañarte.Consejo número uno. Reduce el tiempo que pasan juntos como pareja.En caso de que quieras que la chica te extrañe cuando estén separados, entonces no puedes pasar mucho de tu tiempo libre con ella. Deberías salir con ella durante un periodo adecuado para hacerle ver lo increíble, divertido y atractivo que eres, pero no tanto como para que empiece a tomarte el pelo o sienta que se han quedado sin cosas que contarse.Asegúrate de verla una o dos veces en una semana, pero asegúrate de que no sea la única tarea pendiente en tu calendario social, o comenzará a pensar que puede tenerte cuando quiera.Consejo número dos. Limita el tiempo de teléfono con ella.Asegúrate en mantener las conversaciones moderadamente cortas si la chica y tú hablan por teléfono, así no asumirá que no tienes nada mejor que hacer que hablar con ella todo el tiempo. Puedes hablar con ella para formular planes y ver cómo está por unos cuantos minutos, pero no debes dejar que la conversación se prolongue tanto quedándote sin cosas que decir. Para mantenerla interesada, hazla sentir como si nunca se le acabaran las cosas que decirte una vez que se encuentren.No le informes todo lo que estás pensando o lo que está sucediendo en tu vida por teléfono. Deja algo para cuando la conozcas en persona.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME

33 formas de fazer com que ela tenha saudades tuas

eBook / testo digitale

Claire, Celine - Pires, Susana

33 formas de fazer com que ela tenha saudades tuas

Tektime, 09/02/2022

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Titolo e contributi: 33 formas de fazer com que ela tenha saudades tuas

Pubblicazione: Tektime, 09/02/2022


  • Lingua: portoghese
  • Formato: EPUB con DRM Adobe
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Abstract: Estar longe da rapariga de quem se gosta pode ser uma das coisas mais difíceis. Como podes então fazer com que ela tenha saudades tuas quando não estás? Este e-book oferece até 50 formas de fazer com que ela tenha saudades tuas.Dica número um. Minimiza o período de tempo que passam juntos enquanto casal.Caso queiras que a rapariga sinta a tua falta quando não estão juntos, não podes passar muito do teu tempo livre com ela. Deves estar com ela durante um período adequado de tempo para que ela veja o quão incrível, engraçado e atraente és, mas não demasiado tempo, para que ela não comece a usar-te ou para que não comecem a sentir que já esgotaram os assuntos de conversa.Faz com que se vejam uma ou duas vezes por semana, mas tem cuidado para que ela não seja a única opção no teu calendário social, ou ela vai começar a pensar que pode ter-te quando quiser.Dica número dois. Limita o tempo que passas ao telefone com ela.Caso tu e a rapariga em quem estás interessado falem ao telefone, assegura-te de que as conversas são relativamente curtas para que ela não presuma que não tens nada melhor para fazer do que estar sempre a falar com ela. Podes falar com ela para fazer planos ou para saber como ela está, mas apenas durante alguns minutos, não deves deixar a conversa arrastar-se durante demasiado tempo para que não fiques sem saber o que dizer. Deves fazer com que ela sinta que nunca esgotará os temas de conversa contigo quando se conhecerem, de forma a mantê-la interessada. Não digas tudo o que estás a pensar ou tudo o que está a acontecer na tua vida pelo telefone. Guarda alguma dessa informação para quando se conhecerem pessoalmente.PUBLISHER: TEKTIME