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× Nomi Cristaldi, Franco <1924-1992>
× Data 2017
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× Nomi Mouse, Anon E.

Trovati 100 documenti.

THE KNIGHTS OF THE FISH - A Spanish Fairy Tale narrated by Baba Indaba
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Mouse, Anon E. - Indaba, Narrated by Baba

THE KNIGHTS OF THE FISH - A Spanish Fairy Tale narrated by Baba Indaba

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 411In this 411th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Fairy Tale "The Knights of the Fish."This Spanish fairy tale was collected by Fernan Caballaro, a pseudonym for author Cecilia Francisca Josefa Böhl de Faber.An industrious but poor cobbler tried to fish until he was so hungry that he thought he would hang himself if he caught nothing. He caught a beautiful fish. It told him to cook it and then give twoLeggi tutto

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Mouse, Anon E. - Indaba, Narrated by Baba


Abela Publishing

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 415In this 415th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Japanese Legend, "THE LEGEND OF YORIMASA".A long, long time ago, the Japanese Emperor became seriously ill. He was unable to sleep at night owing to a most horrible and unaccountable noise he heard from the roof of the palace. A number of his courtiers decided to lie in wait for this strange nocturnal visitor. As soon as the sun set they noticed that aLeggi tutto

THE PERIOD OF THE GODS - Creation Myths from Ancient Japan
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Mouse, Anon E. - Indaba, Narrated by Baba

THE PERIOD OF THE GODS - Creation Myths from Ancient Japan

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 414In this 414th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Japanese creation myth - "THE PERIOD OF THE GODS".At the dawn of time, in a period when Heaven and Earth were not yet separated, and the In and Yo (Yin and Yang)  not yet divided, the deities Izanagi and Izanami stood on the Floating Bridge of Heaven and looked down into the abyss. They inquired of each other if there were a country far, far below theLeggi tutto

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Mouse, Anon E. - Indaba, Narrated by Baba


Abela Publishing

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 417In this 417th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Japanese legend "THE CELESTIAL ROBE OF FEATHERS".A long time ago and far, far away, in the third year after the Japanese Royal Hunt, and in the spring-time, the Lady Kaguya continually gazed at the moon. On the seventh month, when the moon was full, the Lady Kaguya's sorrow increased so that her weeping distressed the maidens who served her. At last theyLeggi tutto

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Mouse, Anon E. - Indaba, Narrated by Baba


Abela Publishing

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 416In this 416th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Japanese Fairy Tale "The Legend Of Yoshitsune".Minamoto no Yoshitsune (1159 – 1189) was a military commander of the Minamoto clan of Japan in the late Heian and early Kamakura periods. During the Genpei War, he led a series of battles which toppled the Ise-Heishi branch of the Taira clan. He is considered one of the greatest and the most popular warriorsLeggi tutto

The KAKEMONO GHOST - A Japnese Fairy Tale
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Mouse, Anon E. - Indaba, Narrated by Baba

The KAKEMONO GHOST - A Japnese Fairy Tale

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 418In this 3xxth issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Japanese Fairy Tale "THE KAKEMONO GHOST".DOWN the Inland Sea between Umedaichi and Kure (now a great naval port) and in the province of Aki, there is a small village called Yaiyama, in which lived a painter of some note whose name was Abe Tenko.Tenko had had a sister who went into the service of the Lord of Aki, by whom she had a daughter, whose name wasLeggi tutto

THE ADVENTURES OF VISU - A Japanese Rip-Van-Winkle Tale
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Mouse, Anon E. - Indaba, Narrated by Baba

THE ADVENTURES OF VISU - A Japanese Rip-Van-Winkle Tale

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 419In this 419th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Japanese Fairy Tale "THE ADVENTURES OF VISU".A long, long time ago in far, far away Japan, one day Visu received a visit from an old priest, who said to him: "Honourable woodman, I am afraid you never pray." Visu replied: "If you had a wife and a large family to keep, you too would never have time to pray." This remark made the priest angry, and the oldLeggi tutto

TWO LEGENDS OF ARDMORE - Folklore from Co. Waterford, Ireland
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Mouse, Anon E. - Indaba, Narrated by Baba

TWO LEGENDS OF ARDMORE - Folklore from Co. Waterford, Ireland

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 413In this 413th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates "TWO LEGENDS OF ARDMORE."In the first story Baba Indaba tells of St Declan's, or St. Deglan's, coming to Ireland and how the people of the place where he was tried to stop him leaving. But his followers rallied and gave St Declan his staff and told him what he must do with it.Bit what was he supposed to do with it? Well, you will have to download and read thisLeggi tutto

The three crowns. A fairy tale
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Mouse, Anon E.

The three crowns. A fairy tale

Abela Publishing, 04/01/2018

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 403In this 403rd issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Fairy Tale "THE THREE CROWNS".There was once a king who had three daughters. The two eldest were very proud and quarrelsome, but the youngest was as good as they were bad.Three princes came to court them, and two of them were exactly like the eldest ladies, and one was just as lovable as the youngest.One day they were all walking down to a lake that lay atLeggi tutto

The one handed girl-.A fairy tale
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Mouse, Anon E.

The one handed girl-.A fairy tale

Abela Publishing, 05/01/2018

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 404In this 404th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Swahili Fairy Tale "THE ONE-HANDED GIRL".A dying man asked his children which they would have: his property or his blessing. His son wanted his property, and his daughter his blessing. He died. Soon after, his wife died as well, and again, the son wanted her property and the daughter her blessing. She died. The brother left his sister only a pot and aLeggi tutto

The wolf and the seven little kids
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Mouse, Anon E.

The wolf and the seven little kids

Abela Publishing, 06/01/2018

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 405In this 405th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Fairy Tale "THE WOLF AND THE SEVEN LITTLE KIDS".A mother goat leaves her seven children at home while she ventures into the forest to find food. Before she leaves, she warns her young about the Big Bad Wolf who will try to sneak into the house and gobble them up. The wolf will pretend to be their mother and convince the kids to open the door. She tells herLeggi tutto

The almanac of aelfin antics
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Mouse, Anon E.

The almanac of aelfin antics

Abela Publishing, 17/01/2018

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Abstract: The "Almanac of Ælfin Antics" is a publication by Abela Publishing containing folklore, folk tales, fairy tales and other children's stories from around the world. Issues will contain 10 folk tales drawn from various sources. Each issue will be offered in ePUB, PDF and Kindle formats.It is Abela's intent to keep alive the fairy tales, folklore, folk tales and stories our grandparents and great-grandparents were told as children by their Victorian and Edwardian parents andLeggi tutto

Fairy book
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Mouse, Anon E. - Dulac, Edmund

Fairy book

Abela Publishing, 26/01/2018

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Abstract: In the 19thC there were three master compilers and publishers of children's Fairy Tales – Edmund Dulac, Andrew Lang and the Grimm Bothers. This is a collection of folk and fairy tales from Belgium, France, England, Japan, Italy, Russia and Serbia compiled by Edmund Dulac.Herein you will finds the stories of: SNEGOROTCHKA – Russian, THE BURIED MOON – English, WHITE CAROLINE AND BLACK CAROLINE – Flemish, THE SEVEN CONQUERORS OF THE QUEEN OF THE MISSISSIPPI – Belgian, THELeggi tutto

The islands of magic
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Mouse, Anon E. - Spicer Eells, Elsie

The islands of magic

Abela Publishing, 26/01/2018

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Abstract: Out in the Atlantic Ocean, almost due west of the Pillars of Hercules, lie the Azore Islands. It is just possible that the Azores are all that remain of the fabled, ancient city of Atlantis; for how else would such a small chain of islands end up with such a rich tapestry of folklore and fairy tales. It is here that Elsie Spicer Eells found these tales and recorded them for us to enjoy.In this volume of 34 illustrated children's stories you will find tales like:  Leggi tutto

The mermaid and the boy. A fairy tale
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Mouse, Anon E.

The mermaid and the boy. A fairy tale

Abela Publishing, 06/02/2018

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 406In this 406th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Fairy Tale "The Mermaid And The Boy." This is a Sámi fairy tale from Lapland collected by Josef Calasanz Poestion and published in Lapplandische Märchen (1886). Andrew Lang included an English-language version in The Brown Fairy Book.The story goes….A king, having been married a year, set out to settle disputes among some distant subjects. His ship, caughtLeggi tutto

Sai the panther. An african fairy tale
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E.

Sai the panther. An african fairy tale

Abela Publishing, 23/02/2018

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 408In this 408th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the African Tale of "Sai The Panther".In about the year 1824 or so, years ago two little panthers were deserted by their mother in one of the forests of Ashanti (now Ghana). They were too young to get food for themselves, and would probably have died had they not been found by a passing traveller, and taken by him to the palace as a present to the king.HereLeggi tutto

The story of the Yara. A brazilian fairy tale
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Mouse, Anon E.

The story of the Yara. A brazilian fairy tale

Abela Publishing, 23/02/2018

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 410In this 410th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Brazilian Fairy Tale "THE STORY OF THE YARA".The Brazilian Yara, also called a water-witch, is said to lure young men by her marvellous singing, much as the mermaids on the Rhine's Lorelei  Rock would lure sailors to run their barges aground with their singing. After seeing her, the youth would become melancholy and would haunt the river day and nightLeggi tutto

The dog of montargis. A French fairy tale
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Mouse, Anon E.

The dog of montargis. A French fairy tale

Abela Publishing, 23/02/2018

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 409In this 409th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Fairy Tale "THE DOG OF MONTARGIS".It is often said that "A dog is man's best friend." This is no more true than in this 14th century legend, which has survived in a letter by J. C. Scaliger a 14th C. scholar and physician.A knight and favourite of King Charles V, Aubry de Montdidier, is murdered in 1371 by his rival Robert Macaire in the forest nearLeggi tutto

Oh, if I could but shiver! A fairy tale
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Mouse, Anon E.

Oh, if I could but shiver! A fairy tale

Abela Publishing, 23/02/2018

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 407In this 407th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Fairy Tale "Oh If I Could But Shiver".A long time ago a father had two sons – the elder was clever and the younger stupid. Sometimes of an evening, tales were told by the fireside which made one shudder, and the listeners exclaimed, "Oh, it makes us shiver!" The younger son could never understand this saying for he had never shivered. Then the time cameLeggi tutto

THE LADY OF THE SNOW - a Japanese Fairy Tale
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Mouse, Anon E. - Indaba, Narrated by Baba

THE LADY OF THE SNOW - a Japanese Fairy Tale

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 421In this 421st issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Fairy Tale "THE LADY OF THE SNOW".Winter time in Japan, and it's snow scapes, has a beauty peculiarly its own, and it is a favourite theme of Japanese poets and artists.The deity, Yuki-Onna, is also known as the  Lady of the Snow and it is with her in mind we stat our story……Mosaku and his apprentice Minokichi journeyed to a forest, some littleLeggi tutto