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Trovati 24365 documenti.

Philadelphia regia di Jonathan Demme, con Tom Hanks e Denzel Washington
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Philadelphia [Videoregistrazione] / regia di Jonathan Demme, con Tom Hanks e Denzel Washington

S.l. : Clinica Estetico ; Stati Uniti d'America : Columbia Tristar Home Video [distributore] ; S.l. : Drammatico, c1995

Abstract: Il giovane avvocato Andrew Beckett viene ingiustamente licenziato perché omosessuale e sieropositivo : difeso da un coraggioso legale prima scettico e poi appassionato, Andrew lotterà fino alla fine.

Frozen angels ein Film von Frauke Sandig und Eric Black
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Frozen angels [Videoregistrazione] / ein Film von Frauke Sandig und Eric Black

Germania : good!movies, 2006?

Abstract: Science-Fiction aus der Gegenwart: preisgekrönte Doku über Eizellen- und Samenbanken. "Es ist in Kalifornien leichter eine Samenbank zu eröffnen als eine Pizzeria", meint Radio-Moderator Bill Handel. Er muss es wissen, ist er doch zugleich Inhaber der weltgrößten Agentur für Leihmütter und Eizellenspenderinnen. "Frozen Angels" erzählt von Menschen, die Pioniere eines neuen Zeitalters sind - Protagonisten und Nebendarsteller einer bestens organisierten Traumfabrik, die unsLeggi tutto

Mr. Bean written by Rowan Atkinson .. [et al.] ; directors: John Howard .. [et al.] ; producer: Sue Vertue
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Mr. Bean [Videoregistrazione] : best bits / written by Rowan Atkinson .. [et al.] ; directors: John Howard .. [et al.] ; producer: Sue Vertue

London : Universal Pictures, 2008

Abstract: The Best Bits of Mr. Bean brings to you, for the first time on DVD, all the funniest and best loved moments in the extraordinary life of Mr. Bean and his teddy as they search their attic for an umbrella, but end up reminiscing and reliving their hilarious escapades of the past.

Il club antioccupazione delle nonnine infuriate un film di Iwajla Klinke
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Il club antioccupazione delle nonnine infuriate [Videoregistrazione] / un film di Iwajla Klinke

Torino : Doc Video, 2006?

Abstract: Il film narra le vicende della 76enne Hava e delle sue amiche, quattro ottantenni israeliane che hanno in comune non solo età e provenienza - l'Europa, lasciata ai tempi del nazismo per sfuggire all'olocausto - ma anche l'impegno politico per i diritti dei palestinesi. Nei panni delle Raging Grannies (nonnine arrabbiate) scrivono testi e musica rivoluzionari, manifestano davanti ai checkpoint e partecipano a cortei di protesta. Un tempo soldato della Haganah e sionistaLeggi tutto

Hurlyburly a film by Anthony Drazan ; produced by Anthony Drazan, Richard N. Gladstein, David S. Hamburger ; screenplay by David Rabe based on his play ; directed by Anthony Drazan
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Hurlyburly [Videoregistrazione] / a film by Anthony Drazan ; produced by Anthony Drazan, Richard N. Gladstein, David S. Hamburger ; screenplay by David Rabe based on his play ; directed by Anthony Drazan

Great Britain : Metrodome distribution, 2002

Abstract: Eddie and Mickey are Hollywood casting directors whose circle also includes Darlene, Eddie's girlfriend, belligerent actor Phil and writer Artie. Eddie's relationships with Mickey and Darlene are suffering through his cocaine habit, while Phil is having marital problems. The group's lifestyles are further disturbed when Artie procures teenage runaway Donna for Eddie, and every attempt the men make to improve their circumstances only leads to further personal disasters.

The hare and the tortoise Aesop ; retold and activities by Lisa Suett ; illustrated by Andrea Rivola

Suett, Lisa

The hare and the tortoise / Aesop ; retold and activities by Lisa Suett ; illustrated by Andrea Rivola

Recanati : ELI, 2018

Young ELI readers. Stage 2

The Wife of bath's prologue and Tale Geoffrey Chaucer ; Notes By W. G. East

Chaucer, Geoffrey

The Wife of bath's prologue and Tale / Geoffrey Chaucer ; Notes By W. G. East

Essex England (GB) : Longman Malaysia ACM, 1997

York notes

Go, Lovely Rose H. E. Bates ; Retold By Rosemary Border

Bates, H. E.

Go, Lovely Rose : three Stories / H. E. Bates ; Retold By Rosemary Border

London : Oxford University Press, 1996

Oxford bookworms

Anonymous artists 1487-1488 edited by Walter L. Strauss and Carol Schuler

Bartsch, Adam : von

Anonymous artists 1487-1488 / edited by Walter L. Strauss and Carol Schuler

New York : Abaris books, 1984

The Children of the New Forest Frederick Marryat ; Retold By Rowena Akinyemi

Marryat,Frederick : captain

The Children of the New Forest / Frederick Marryat ; Retold By Rowena Akinyemi

London : Oxford University Press, 1996

Oxford bookworms

The Cambridge Companion to James Joyce Edited By Derek Attridge

The Cambridge Companion to James Joyce / Edited By Derek Attridge

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997

Vanity fair William Thackeray ; retold by Diane Mowat ; illustrations by William Thackeray from the engravings in the 1847 edition

Mowat, Diane

Vanity fair / William Thackeray ; retold by Diane Mowat ; illustrations by William Thackeray from the engravings in the 1847 edition

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 6

Abstract: When Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley leave school, their feet are set on very different paths. Kind, foolish Amelia returns to her comfortable home and wealthy family, to await a suitable marriage, while Becky must look out for herself, earning her own living in a hard world. But Becky is neither kind nor foolish, and with her quick brain and keen eye for a chance, her fortunes soon rise, while Amelia's fall. (

Improvisation on a familiar melody by Gail Barber
Partitura musicale

Barber, Gail

Improvisation on a familiar melody : for troubadour / by Gail Barber

[S.l. : s.n.], 1977

Imperial war museum film catalogue

Imperial war museum film catalogue

Trowbridge : Flicks books, 1994-

Studies in war and film, 1352-6391

The works of Marcantonio Raimondi and of his school edited by Konrad Oberhuber

Bartsch, Adam : von

The works of Marcantonio Raimondi and of his school / edited by Konrad Oberhuber

Learn english for science A.R. Bolitho and P.L. Sandler

Bolitho, A.R.

Learn english for science / A.R. Bolitho and P.L. Sandler

Harlow : Longman, c1977

One boy's journey Rob Waring, series editor

One boy's journey / Rob Waring, series editor

London : Heinle : Cengage learning, c2008

Footprint reading library [Heinle]

Abstract: The Fulani are a group of people who live in Africa. Yoro is a young Fulani boy. Before he can become a man, Yoro must make a long and difficult journey. The journey is a test for him.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Start english for science G.D. Nogas and A.R. Bolitho

Nogas, G.D.

Start english for science / G.D. Nogas and A.R. Bolitho

Harlow : Longman, 1982

Study english for science A.R. Bolitho & [and] P.L. Sandler

Bolitho, A.R.

Study english for science / A.R. Bolitho & [and] P.L. Sandler

Harlow : Longman, 1980

German masters of the sixteenth century [edited] by Walter L. Strauss

Bartsch, Adam : von

German masters of the sixteenth century : Erhard Schoen, Niklas Stoer : (commentary) / [edited] by Walter L. Strauss

New York : Abaris books, 1984

The illustrated Bartsch. Commentary ; 13

Fa parte di: The illustrated Bartsch / general editor: Walter L. Strauss13