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THE TALKING TURTLE - or the turtle who talked too much
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Mouse, Anon E. - Indaba, Narrated by Baba

THE TALKING TURTLE - or the turtle who talked too much

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 463In this 463rd issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates a Nepalese fairy tale - "The Talking Turtle".ONCE, UPON A TIME, a long, long time ago at the foot of the Himalayan mountains, there was a king who talked too much. His name was Badahur, and from his beautiful palace, high in the mountains, he ruled many millions of people.There was also a turtle who was even fonder of talking than the King, and he lived in aLeggi tutto

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Mouse, Anon E. - Indaba, Narrated by Baba


Abela Publishing

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 464In this 464th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates a Maori Legend - "Tiki – The Ancestor or Mankind".ONCE, UPON A TIME, a long, long time ago at the beginning of time, when Rangi-nui, the great Heaven, and Papa-tu-a-nuku, the far-stretching earth, were separated from each other, then the light shone over Papa-tu-a-nuku, the mother of Tiki, and he was the first man.Great was his longing for the power to spreadLeggi tutto

THE CREATION OF HAWAIKI - A Maori Creation Story
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Mouse, Anon E. - Indaba, Narrated by Baba

THE CREATION OF HAWAIKI - A Maori Creation Story

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 465In this 465th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates a Maori Legend - "The Creation of Hawaiki".NOTE: In Māori mythology Hawaiki is the place where Io, the supreme being, created the world and its first people. It is the place from which each person comes, and it is where each will return after death.ONCE, UPON A TIME, a long, long time ago at the beginning of time was I-o, the great atua, the god-power, and theLeggi tutto

THE BATTLE OF THE GIANTS - A Maori Legend of New Zealand
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Mouse, Anon E. - Indaba, Narrated by Baba

THE BATTLE OF THE GIANTS - A Maori Legend of New Zealand

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 467In this 467th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates a Maori Legend - "The Battle of the Giants".Once, there was a spirit who wandered along the path that leads to gladden the heart of man; and her name was Ngawai (pronounced Nah-wai). This is her story…..Once the volcanoes Taranaki, Ruapehu, and Tongariro dwelled together. That was the time when Tongariro in her wonderful beauty had captured the fiery hearts ofLeggi tutto

LEGENDS & ROMANCES of BRITTANY - 162 Breton Myths and Legends
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Mouse, Anon E. - Spence, Translated and Retold by Lewis - Cannell, Illustrated by W. Otway

LEGENDS & ROMANCES of BRITTANY - 162 Breton Myths and Legends

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: Herein are 162 folk and fairy tales, customs and traditions  of Brittany, France compiled and retold by Lewis Spence. In this volume you will find legends of heroes and Saints, King Arthur, his sword Excalibur and of the Isle of Avalon; as well as ballads, legends and romances of Counts, Dukes, Princes and Kings, tales of their castles, adventures, loves and lovers, sorceresses, wizards plus many, many more.The 162 legends are grouped into 13 sections which are asLeggi tutto

eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E. - Dulac, Compiled by Edmund


Abela Publishing

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Abstract: Edmund Dulac (22 October 1882 – 25 May 1953) was a naturalised British magazine illustrator, book illustrator and stamp designer. Born in Toulouse he studied law but later turned to the study of art at the École des Beaux-Arts.He moved to London early in the 20th century and in 1905 received his first commission to illustrate the novels of the Bronte Sisters. During World War I, Dulac produced relief books, of which "A Picture-Book for the French Red Cross" is one.In thisLeggi tutto

LEGENDS of the IROQUOIS - 24 Native American Legends and Stories
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Mouse, Anon E. - CORNPLANTER, Retold By THE - CANFIELD, Compiled By WILLIAM W.

LEGENDS of the IROQUOIS - 24 Native American Legends and Stories

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: THESE 24 Iroquois legends and stories have been told in the homes of the Iroquois for many centuries; long before the white man arrived on the North American continent. The perusal and study of these stories will, it is believed, give as much pleasure to the reader, as they have given the compiler. Of special interest is the "Legend of Hiawatha" made famous fifty years earlier by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.Some of the stories and lengends in this volume are:The Birth ofLeggi tutto

TANGLEWOOD TALES - 6 Illustrated Greek Myths Rewritten for Children
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E. - Hawthorne, Retold by Nathaniel - STERRETT, Illustrated by VIRGINIA FRANCES

TANGLEWOOD TALES - 6 Illustrated Greek Myths Rewritten for Children

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: Herein are 6 richly illustrated tales, or rather, Greek Myths rewritten for children. The book includes the myths of:    Theseus and the Minotaur (Chapter : "The Minotaur")    Antaeus and the Pygmies (Chapter: "The Pygmies")    Dragon's Teeth (Chapter: "The Dragon's Teeth")    Circe's Palace (Chapter: "Circe's Palace")    Proserpina, Ceres, Pluto, and the Pomegranate Seed (Chapter: "The PomegranateLeggi tutto

TALES FOR CHILDREN AT CHRISTMASTIDE - 3 Exquisitely Illustrated Tales
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Mouse, Anon E. - Crane, Compiled and Illustrated by Walter

TALES FOR CHILDREN AT CHRISTMASTIDE - 3 Exquisitely Illustrated Tales

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: Herein are 3 richly illustrated tales for children to read especially at Christmas time. Compiled and illustrated by one of the master illustrators of the late Victorian era – Walter Crane. It is uncertain if Walter Crane authored these stories, but sources seem to believe he did.The stories in this short, but extremely well-illustrated volume, are:The Man In The Moon, And How He Got ThereCat And Dog StoriesA Fortune In An Empty WalletThese stories are unlike theLeggi tutto

THE THIRD BOOK OF DRAGONS - 12 more tales of dragons
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Mouse, Anon E. - Halsted, compiled by John

THE THIRD BOOK OF DRAGONS - 12 more tales of dragons

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: The THIRD BOOK OF DRAGONS is the third instalment following in the footsteps of Edith Nesbit's "The Book of Dragon's" and John Halsted's compilation "The Second book of Dragons". Here, John Halsted, author and folklorist, has compiled "The Third Book of Dragons" from numerous sources as before.In this book you will find 12 illustrated tales of dragons and serpents drawn from the mists of time. Some are friendly dragons which provide wisdom and direction to the heroes ofLeggi tutto

MERRY TALES - 29 Merry Tales
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Mouse, Anon E. - Skinner, Compiled by Eleanor L Skinner and Ada M

MERRY TALES - 29 Merry Tales

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: Education is meant to be an enlightening experience. In order to inspire and enlighten children, they must be given bright and inspirational stories to read. They will find them in Merry Tales.Herein are 29 stories chosen by two school teachers, first, because they are stories children have always loved, and second, because they are free from much of the gruesome and grotesque which figures in so many of the early folk tales and fables of the past.Some of the stories inLeggi tutto

THE POI-DANCE - A Maori Legend
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Mouse, Anon E.

THE POI-DANCE - A Maori Legend

Abela Publishing

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 466In this 466th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates a Maori Legend - "The Poi Dance – A Maori Legend".ONCE, UPON A TIME, a long, long time ago and far, far away, out of the semi-darkness of the whare-puni (house hall) a shrill voice is  heard ringing, and soon is accompanied by other voices and by clapping of hands, beating time for a poi-dance.Discordantly the first voice pierces the bustle, and laughterLeggi tutto

eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E. - Indaba, Narrated by Baba


Abela Publishing

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 455In this 455th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Maori legend of "The Creation of the Stars".ONCE, UPON A TIME, a long, long time ago and far, far away in the land of Aotearoa – the Land of the Long White Cloud, Te Ra, the day-eye of Rangi was closing, and sending a last glowing look over the peacefully dreaming Moana-rarapa - the Lake of the Glittering Water.Tane looked up to the heavens and said, "O,Leggi tutto

eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E. - Indaba, Narrated by Baba


Abela Publishing

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 456In this 456th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Zulu Legend "The Boy Chaka Prophesises".ONCE, UPON A TIME, a long, long time ago and far, far away, in KwaZulu – which means the Home of the Zulu, an old story teller named Zweete, also known as Mopo, and with doctor retold the story of when he first met the boy Chaka, who was later to become the most powerful of all the Zulu Kings.Mopo was born of theLeggi tutto

How the fish got into water. An australian aborigine children's story
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E.

How the fish got into water. An australian aborigine children's story

Abela Publishing, 03/05/2017

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 52In Issue 52 of the Baba Indaba Children's Stories, Baba Indaba narrates the Australian tale of how the fish did not always live in the water. This is a story of how they changed their living environment. But where did they first live you might ask? Well, you'll just have to read the story to find out.Baba Indaba is a fictitious Zulu storyteller who narrates children's stories from around the world. "Baba Indaba" translates as "Father of Stories".Leggi tutto

The three sillies. An English fairy tale with a moral
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E.

The three sillies. An English fairy tale with a moral

Abela Publishing, 27/03/2017

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 09 In issue 9 of the Baba Indaba children's Stories, Baba Indaba narrates the old English story about a young man who sets off to find fame and fortune. Along the way he meets three groups of silly people, each group sillier than the last which leaves him scratching his head wondering at just how silly some people can be.So what did these groups of silly people each do? Well, you'll just have to download and read the story to find out just asLeggi tutto

The sleeping beauty. The classic children's fairy tale
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Mouse, Anon E.

The sleeping beauty. The classic children's fairy tale

Abela Publishing, 24/05/2017

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 328In this 328th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Fairy Tale "SLEEPING BEAUTY".ONCE upon a time, long, long ago and far, far away, there lived a king and queen who had no children; and this they lamented very much. But one day, as the queen was walking by the side of the river, a little fish lifted its head out of the water, and said, "Your wish shall be fulfilled, and you shall soon have a daughter."WhatLeggi tutto

Finnish legends for english children
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E. - Eivind, R.

Finnish legends for english children

Abela Publishing, 11/09/2017

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Abstract: THE following 38 Finnish children's stories cover almost all of the songs and runes contained in the Kalevala, the epic of the Finnish people in a simpler, story form. These stories will lead English speaking children into an hitherto unexplored region of the fairy world, for the folklore of Finland is the least known in the West.In these 38 stories T. M. Crawford's metrical translation of the Kalevala has been closely followed. As an introduction the first story in theLeggi tutto

More english fairy tales
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E. - Jacobs, Joseph

More english fairy tales

Abela Publishing, 25/01/2018

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Abstract: Joseph Jacob's first volume—English Fairy—did not exhaust the scanty remains of traditional English folktales. He retained those he did not use and most of the 44 illustrated tales that appear in More English Fairy Tales had never before appeared in print.Many of these 44 tales were recorded verbatim from storytellers. Stories like Tattercoats, Yallery Brown, The Three Feathers, Sir Gammer Vans, A Pottle O' Brains, Old Mother Wiggle-Waggle and many, many more. Some willLeggi tutto

The axe, the drum, the bowl, and the diamond. A fairy tale
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E.

The axe, the drum, the bowl, and the diamond. A fairy tale

Abela Publishing, 21/05/2017

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 311In this 311th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Fairy Tale "THE AXE, THE DRUM, THE BOWL, AND THE DIAMOND".ONCE upon a time, a long, long ago and far, far away, there was a poor young man who went out into the world to seek his fortune. He went aboard a ship sailing across the ocean; and after they had sailed for a year and a day, suddenly a great storm arose. The rain descended, and the wind blew, andLeggi tutto