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× Nomi Auer, Margit
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× Nomi Mouse, Anon E.
× Data 2018

Trovati 16 documenti.

The three crowns. A fairy tale
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E.

The three crowns. A fairy tale

Abela Publishing, 04/01/2018

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 403In this 403rd issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Fairy Tale "THE THREE CROWNS".There was once a king who had three daughters. The two eldest were very proud and quarrelsome, but the youngest was as good as they were bad.Three princes came to court them, and two of them were exactly like the eldest ladies, and one was just as lovable as the youngest.One day they were all walking down to a lake that lay atLeggi tutto

The one handed girl-.A fairy tale
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E.

The one handed girl-.A fairy tale

Abela Publishing, 05/01/2018

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 404In this 404th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Swahili Fairy Tale "THE ONE-HANDED GIRL".A dying man asked his children which they would have: his property or his blessing. His son wanted his property, and his daughter his blessing. He died. Soon after, his wife died as well, and again, the son wanted her property and the daughter her blessing. She died. The brother left his sister only a pot and aLeggi tutto

The wolf and the seven little kids
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E.

The wolf and the seven little kids

Abela Publishing, 06/01/2018

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 405In this 405th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Fairy Tale "THE WOLF AND THE SEVEN LITTLE KIDS".A mother goat leaves her seven children at home while she ventures into the forest to find food. Before she leaves, she warns her young about the Big Bad Wolf who will try to sneak into the house and gobble them up. The wolf will pretend to be their mother and convince the kids to open the door. She tells herLeggi tutto

The almanac of aelfin antics
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E.

The almanac of aelfin antics

Abela Publishing, 17/01/2018

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Abstract: The "Almanac of Ælfin Antics" is a publication by Abela Publishing containing folklore, folk tales, fairy tales and other children's stories from around the world. Issues will contain 10 folk tales drawn from various sources. Each issue will be offered in ePUB, PDF and Kindle formats.It is Abela's intent to keep alive the fairy tales, folklore, folk tales and stories our grandparents and great-grandparents were told as children by their Victorian and Edwardian parents andLeggi tutto

Fairy book
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E. - Dulac, Edmund

Fairy book

Abela Publishing, 26/01/2018

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Abstract: In the 19thC there were three master compilers and publishers of children's Fairy Tales – Edmund Dulac, Andrew Lang and the Grimm Bothers. This is a collection of folk and fairy tales from Belgium, France, England, Japan, Italy, Russia and Serbia compiled by Edmund Dulac.Herein you will finds the stories of: SNEGOROTCHKA – Russian, THE BURIED MOON – English, WHITE CAROLINE AND BLACK CAROLINE – Flemish, THE SEVEN CONQUERORS OF THE QUEEN OF THE MISSISSIPPI – Belgian, THELeggi tutto

The islands of magic
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E. - Spicer Eells, Elsie

The islands of magic

Abela Publishing, 26/01/2018

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Abstract: Out in the Atlantic Ocean, almost due west of the Pillars of Hercules, lie the Azore Islands. It is just possible that the Azores are all that remain of the fabled, ancient city of Atlantis; for how else would such a small chain of islands end up with such a rich tapestry of folklore and fairy tales. It is here that Elsie Spicer Eells found these tales and recorded them for us to enjoy.In this volume of 34 illustrated children's stories you will find tales like:  Leggi tutto

The mermaid and the boy. A fairy tale
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E.

The mermaid and the boy. A fairy tale

Abela Publishing, 06/02/2018

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 406In this 406th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Fairy Tale "The Mermaid And The Boy." This is a Sámi fairy tale from Lapland collected by Josef Calasanz Poestion and published in Lapplandische Märchen (1886). Andrew Lang included an English-language version in The Brown Fairy Book.The story goes….A king, having been married a year, set out to settle disputes among some distant subjects. His ship, caughtLeggi tutto

Sai the panther. An african fairy tale
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E.

Sai the panther. An african fairy tale

Abela Publishing, 23/02/2018

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 408In this 408th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the African Tale of "Sai The Panther".In about the year 1824 or so, years ago two little panthers were deserted by their mother in one of the forests of Ashanti (now Ghana). They were too young to get food for themselves, and would probably have died had they not been found by a passing traveller, and taken by him to the palace as a present to the king.HereLeggi tutto

The story of the Yara. A brazilian fairy tale
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E.

The story of the Yara. A brazilian fairy tale

Abela Publishing, 23/02/2018

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 410In this 410th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Brazilian Fairy Tale "THE STORY OF THE YARA".The Brazilian Yara, also called a water-witch, is said to lure young men by her marvellous singing, much as the mermaids on the Rhine's Lorelei  Rock would lure sailors to run their barges aground with their singing. After seeing her, the youth would become melancholy and would haunt the river day and nightLeggi tutto

The dog of montargis. A French fairy tale
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E.

The dog of montargis. A French fairy tale

Abela Publishing, 23/02/2018

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 409In this 409th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Fairy Tale "THE DOG OF MONTARGIS".It is often said that "A dog is man's best friend." This is no more true than in this 14th century legend, which has survived in a letter by J. C. Scaliger a 14th C. scholar and physician.A knight and favourite of King Charles V, Aubry de Montdidier, is murdered in 1371 by his rival Robert Macaire in the forest nearLeggi tutto

Oh, if I could but shiver! A fairy tale
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E.

Oh, if I could but shiver! A fairy tale

Abela Publishing, 23/02/2018

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Abstract: ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 407In this 407th issue of the Baba Indaba's Children's Stories series, Baba Indaba narrates the Fairy Tale "Oh If I Could But Shiver".A long time ago a father had two sons – the elder was clever and the younger stupid. Sometimes of an evening, tales were told by the fireside which made one shudder, and the listeners exclaimed, "Oh, it makes us shiver!" The younger son could never understand this saying for he had never shivered. Then the time cameLeggi tutto

More english fairy tales
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E. - Jacobs, Joseph

More english fairy tales

Abela Publishing, 25/01/2018

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Abstract: Joseph Jacob's first volume—English Fairy—did not exhaust the scanty remains of traditional English folktales. He retained those he did not use and most of the 44 illustrated tales that appear in More English Fairy Tales had never before appeared in print.Many of these 44 tales were recorded verbatim from storytellers. Stories like Tattercoats, Yallery Brown, The Three Feathers, Sir Gammer Vans, A Pottle O' Brains, Old Mother Wiggle-Waggle and many, many more. Some willLeggi tutto

The diamond fairy book
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E.

The diamond fairy book

Abela Publishing, 19/01/2018

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Abstract: The Diamond Fairy Book is a compilation of fairy stories written by various authors, some whose names have been lost in the mists of time. This book retells but 19 of the thousands of fairy tales and legends from around the world. We believe each story was carefully selected by Pape and Millar and also exquisitely illustrated by them. The 8 colour plates and 82 pen and ink drawings by Pape and Millar give further life to the stories.Not only children by parents too, canLeggi tutto

Armenian legends
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E. - Boettiger, Louis A.

Armenian legends

Abela Publishing, 18/02/2018

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Abstract: The book containing 7 Armenian legends is the result of a study conducted by Louis A. Boettiger which have been selected from a larger mass of material.Of particular interest is the Legend of Haik or Hayk. In the account by Moses of Chorene, Hayk emigrated from Babylon to the region near Mount Ararat after Titanid Bel made himself king over all. Considering this occurred in circa 2500BC and that Hayk had an extended household of over 300, moving his hosehold a distance ofLeggi tutto

The second book of fairy tales. 19 stories raising funds for children in need
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E. - Halsted, John

The second book of fairy tales. 19 stories raising funds for children in need

Abela Publishing, 14/02/2018

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Abstract: This book has been especially re-published to raise funds for the BBC's Children in Need Appeal. The stories herein were originally published over a century ago. Some will be familiar fare and others less familiar, but all are entertaining and appealing nonetheless.The 19 illustrated stories in this volume are:The Sleeping Beauty In The WoodPrince Hyacinth And The Dear Little PrincessCinderella Or The Little Glass SlipperEast Of The Sun And West Of TheLeggi tutto

The saga of gunnlaug the worm tongue and raven the skald
eBook / testo digitale

Mouse, Anon E.

The saga of gunnlaug the worm tongue and raven the skald

Abela Publishing, 12/02/2018

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Abstract: The saga of Gunnlaug the Worm-Tongue and Raven the Skald, composed in the 13th century, relates the story of two Icelandic poets Gunnlaugr Ormstunga and Hrafn Önundarson, and their competition for the love of Helga the Fair, daughter of Þorsteinn Egilsson and granddaughter of Egill Skallagrímsson.The story opens with a prophetic dream of two eagles fighting over a swan, prefiguring the love triangle in the story. The rivalry is initially fought using verse, but later withLeggi tutto