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× Nomi Tambuscio, Pablo
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× Livello lingua B2
× Target di lettura Ragazzi, età 11-15

Trovati 157 documenti.



Hall, Christopher

Persuasion / Jane Austen ; retold by Christopher Hall ; activities by Adeline Richards ; illustrated by Giulio Peranzoni

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2008

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step five B2.2

Titolo e contributi: Persuasion / Jane Austen ; retold by Christopher Hall ; activities by Adeline Richards ; illustrated by Giulio Peranzoni

Pubblicazione: Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2008

Descrizione fisica: 127 p. : ill. color. ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD)

Serie: Reading & training [Cideb]. Step five B2.2

ISBN: 9788853005526


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Versione semplificata ad uso scolastico
  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: The heroine of Jane Austen's last completed novel, which mixes social comedy with reflection on the society of the time, is Anne Elliot, whose life seems to be over until she gets a second chance.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

The secret sharer


Conrad, Joseph

The secret sharer / Joseph Conrad ; notes and activities by Rosi Dossena

Milano : Hoepli, c2011

Classics [Hoepli]. Level B2

Titolo e contributi: The secret sharer / Joseph Conrad ; notes and activities by Rosi Dossena

Pubblicazione: Milano : Hoepli, c2011

Descrizione fisica: [6], 98 p. : ill. b/n ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD) in tasca

Serie: Classics [Hoepli]. Level B2

ISBN: 9788820347147


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Con breve apparato didattico
  • In cop.: Leer = Lesen = Lire = Reading
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Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus


Ferretti, Elizabeth

Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus / Mary Shelley ; adaptation and activities by Elizabeth Ferretti ; illustrated by Rodolfo Brocchini Studio Kojac

Recanati : ELI, 2009

Young adult readers [ELI]. Stage 4

Titolo e contributi: Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus / Mary Shelley ; adaptation and activities by Elizabeth Ferretti ; illustrated by Rodolfo Brocchini Studio Kojac

Pubblicazione: Recanati : ELI, 2009

Descrizione fisica: 142 p. : ill. color. ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD)

Serie: Young adult readers [ELI]. Stage 4

ISBN: 9788853605054


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

Varianti del titolo:
  • The modern Prometheus
  • Lettura facilitata, per uso scolastico, con vocabolario di 1800 parole
  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: Victor Frankenstein is a young, ambitious scientist who wants to make a better world, but does not understand the consequences of his work.. (

A selection from Dubliners


Sellen, Derek

A selection from Dubliners / James Joyce ; adaptation and activities by Derek Sellen ; illustrated by Libero Gozzini and Ivan Canu

Canterbury : Black cat, 2017

Reading & training

Titolo e contributi: A selection from Dubliners / James Joyce ; adaptation and activities by Derek Sellen ; illustrated by Libero Gozzini and Ivan Canu

Pubblicazione: Canterbury : Black cat, 2017

Descrizione fisica: 127, [1] p. : ill. color. ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD) in tasca

Serie: Reading & training

ISBN: 9788853016348


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • Con apparato didattico
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Dragons' eggs


Newsome, J.M.

Dragons' eggs / J.M. Newsome

Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press, 2010

Cambridge English readers [Cambridge University Press]. Level 5

Titolo e contributi: Dragons' eggs / J.M. Newsome

Pubblicazione: Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press, 2010

Descrizione fisica: 96 p. : ill. ; 20 cm

Serie: Cambridge English readers [Cambridge University Press]. Level 5

ISBN: 9780521179041


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

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Der kleine Grenzverkehr


Betke Nielsen, Gisela

Der kleine Grenzverkehr / Erich Kästner ; Bearbeitung von Gisela Bekte Nielsen ; Illustrationen: Oskar Jorgensen

Zürich : Atrium, 2000?

Easy Readers [Atrium]

Titolo e contributi: Der kleine Grenzverkehr / Erich Kästner ; Bearbeitung von Gisela Bekte Nielsen ; Illustrationen: Oskar Jorgensen

Pubblicazione: Zürich : Atrium, 2000?

Descrizione fisica: 96 p. : ill. ; 19 cm

Serie: Easy Readers [Atrium]

ISBN: 9788723506023


Lingua: Tedesco (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Danimarca

  • Con breve apparato didattico
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La tête d'un homme


Milou, Charles

La tête d'un homme / Georges Simenon ; adaptation du texte: Charles Milou

Paris : Hachette, c2012

Lire en français facile [Hachette]. Classique

Titolo e contributi: La tête d'un homme / Georges Simenon ; adaptation du texte: Charles Milou

Pubblicazione: Paris : Hachette, c2012

Descrizione fisica: 95 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD Mp3) in tasca

Serie: Lire en français facile [Hachette]. Classique

ISBN: 9782011557568


Lingua: Francese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Francia

  • Con apparato didattico
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The scarlet letter


Hawthorne, Nathaniel

The scarlet letter / Nathaniel Hawthorne ; retold by John Escott ; illustrated by Thomas Sperling

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 4

Titolo e contributi: The scarlet letter / Nathaniel Hawthorne ; retold by John Escott ; illustrated by Thomas Sperling

Pubblicazione: Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Descrizione fisica: [8], 88 p. : ill. b/n ; 20 cm. +2 dischi sonori (CD) in tasca

Serie: Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 4

ISBN: 9780194791533


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: Scarlet is the colour of sin, and the letter 'A' stands for 'Adultery'. In the 1600s, in Boston, Massachusetts, love was allowed only between a husband and a wife. A child born outside marriage was a child of sin. Hester Prynne must wear the scarlet letter on her dress for the rest of her life. How can she ever escape from this public shame? What will happen to her child, growing up in the shadow of the scarlet letter? The future holds no joy for Hester Prynne. And what will happen to her sinful lover - the father of her child? (

Pour le meilleur et pur le pire histoires de mariages


Pour le meilleur et pur le pire histoires de mariages / Guy de Maupassant .. [et al.] ; notes et appareil didactique élaborés par Jeanne Heaulmé

Milano : Hoepli, c2009

Classiques [Hoepli]. Niveau B2

Titolo e contributi: Pour le meilleur et pur le pire histoires de mariages / Guy de Maupassant .. [et al.] ; notes et appareil didactique élaborés par Jeanne Heaulmé

Pubblicazione: Milano : Hoepli, c2009

Descrizione fisica: [8], 87 p. : ill. b/n ; 21 cm

Serie: Classiques [Hoepli]. Niveau B2

ISBN: 9788820343125


Lingua: Francese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

Pour le meilleur et pur le pire histoires de mariages
  • Con apparato didattico
  • In cop.: Leer = Lesen = Lire = Reading
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Abstract: Quatre auteurs, cinq histoires, un subtile réflaxion sur le mariage à la Belle Époque, ses plaisirs, ses contraines, ses tourments.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

A midsummer night's dream


Butler, James

A midsummer night's dream / William Shakespeare ; text adaptation, notes and activities by James Butler and Lucia De Vanna ; additional activities by Rebecca Raynes

New ed

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2003

Reading & training [Cideb]. Pre-intermediate - Reading Shakespeare [Cideb]. Step four B2.1

Titolo e contributi: A midsummer night's dream / William Shakespeare ; text adaptation, notes and activities by James Butler and Lucia De Vanna ; additional activities by Rebecca Raynes

New ed

Pubblicazione: Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2003

Descrizione fisica: 95 p. : ill. color. ; 24 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD)

Serie: Reading & training [Cideb]. Pre-intermediate - Reading Shakespeare [Cideb]. Step four B2.1

ISBN: 9788853000330


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Versione ridotta e semplificata ad uso scolastico
  • Con apparato didattico
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Parker, Lucy

Othello / William Shakespeare ; text adaptation and notes by Lucy Parker ; activities by Kenneth Brodey

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2001

Reading & training [Cideb]. Pre-Intermediate - Reading Shakespeare [Cideb]. Step four B2.1 - Black Cat [CIDEB]

Titolo e contributi: Othello / William Shakespeare ; text adaptation and notes by Lucy Parker ; activities by Kenneth Brodey

Pubblicazione: Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2001

Descrizione fisica: 128 p. : ill. color. ; 24 p. +1 disco sonoro (CD)

Serie: Reading & training [Cideb]. Pre-Intermediate - Reading Shakespeare [Cideb]. Step four B2.1 - Black Cat [CIDEB]

ISBN: 8877546077


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

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A tale of two cities


Dickens, Charles

A tale of two cities / Charles Dickens ; retold by Ralph Mowat

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 2008

Oxford bookworms library. Classics, Stage 4

Titolo e contributi: A tale of two cities / Charles Dickens ; retold by Ralph Mowat

Pubblicazione: Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 2008

Descrizione fisica: [8], 88 p. : ill. b/n ; 20 cm. +2 dischi sonori (CD) in tasca

Serie: Oxford bookworms library. Classics, Stage 4

ISBN: 9780194791557


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: The French Revolution brings terror and death to many people. But even in these troubled times people can still love and be kind. They can be generous and true-hearted.. and brave

Vor uns das Meer


Gratz, Alan

Vor uns das Meer : drei Jugendliche, drei Jahrzehnte, eine Hoffnung / Alan Gratz ; aus dem Englischen von Meritxell Janina Piel

München : Hanser, 2021

Titolo e contributi: Vor uns das Meer : drei Jugendliche, drei Jahrzehnte, eine Hoffnung / Alan Gratz ; aus dem Englischen von Meritxell Janina Piel

Pubblicazione: München : Hanser, 2021

Descrizione fisica: 299, [1] p. ; 22 cm

ISBN: 9783423627535


Lingua: Tedesco (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Guinea-Bissau

Varianti del titolo:
  • Refugee -
  • Età: dai 9 ai 14 anni
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Abstract: Drei Jugendliche, drei Jahrzehnte, eine Hoffnung: ANKOMMEN. Drei packende und bewegende Fluchtgeschichten von 1939, 1994 und 2015 Wenn das eigene Zuhause zu einem Ort der Angst und der Unmenschlichkeit wird, ist es kein Zuhause mehr. Josef ist 11, als er 1939 mit seiner Familie aus Deutschland vor den Nazis fliehen muss. Isabel lebt im Jahr 1994 in Kuba und leidet Hunger – auch sie begibt sich auf eine gefährliche Reise in das verheißungsvolle Amerika. Und der 12-jährige Mahmoud verlässt im Jahr 2015 seine zerstörte Heimatstadt Aleppo, um in Deutschland neu anzufangen.

Wanted - ja, nein, vielleicht


Hach, Lena

Wanted - ja, nein, vielleicht : Roman / Lena Hach

Weinheim [etc.] : Beltz & Gelberg, 2014

Titolo e contributi: Wanted - ja, nein, vielleicht : Roman / Lena Hach

Pubblicazione: Weinheim [etc.] : Beltz & Gelberg, 2014

Descrizione fisica: 152, [1] p. ; 21 cm

ISBN: 9783407745835


Lingua: Tedesco (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Guinea-Bissau

  • Età: dai 9 ai 14 anni
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Abstract: Eine Geschichte über Liebe, Freundschaft und Verlust - modern, humorvoll, vielschichtig und mit bezaubernder Leichtigkeit erzählt. Seit seine Freundin ihn verlassen hat, leidet der fünfzehnjährige Finn an Liebeskummer der Stufe zehn. Das hat zumindest sein bester Kumpel Moritz diagnostiziert. Obwohl dieser sich alle Mühe gibt, Finn aufzumuntern, kann der erst wieder richtig lachen, als er an einer Litfaßsäule zufällig einen merkwürdigen Abrisszettel erblickt. Aber wer ist das Mädchen, das die Zettel aufhängt, und wie kann er sie kennenlernen? Zum Glück hilft ihm Moritz auf die Sprünge.

El conde lucanor


Dalmases, Antoni

El conde lucanor / Don Juan Manuel ; adaptado por Antoni Dalmases

Milano : Hoepli, 2020

Clásicos facilitados. Nivel B1/B2

Titolo e contributi: El conde lucanor / Don Juan Manuel ; adaptado por Antoni Dalmases

Pubblicazione: Milano : Hoepli, 2020

Descrizione fisica: 111, [14] p. : ill. ; 21 cm

Serie: Clásicos facilitados. Nivel B1/B2

ISBN: 9788820395131


Lingua: Spagnolo (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Tracce audio in formato Mp3 disponibili al sito
  • Versione semplificata ad uso scolastico, con apparato didattico
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Katherine Mansfield Short stories


Mansfield, Katherine

Katherine Mansfield Short stories [Medienkombination] / Katherine Mansfield ; adaptation by Gina D. B.Clemen

Genoa [u.a.] : Black Cat, 2014

Reading & training.WEB. Step four B2.1

Titolo e contributi: Katherine Mansfield Short stories [Medienkombination] / Katherine Mansfield ; adaptation by Gina D. B.Clemen

Pubblicazione: Genoa [u.a.] : Black Cat, 2014

Descrizione fisica: 95 S. : Ill. ; 21 cm. +1 Audio-CD

Serie: Reading & training.WEB. Step four B2.1

ISBN: 9783125001947


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

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Abstract: "The garden party" talks aboutclass consciousness, sensitivity andthe co-existence of life and death. In "The singing lesson" there is the struggle of love and fear. Feminism and materilism are the themes of "A cup of tea".

Russkaja grammatika v anekdotach


Levina, Galina M.

Russkaja grammatika v anekdotach : (trenazer dlja nacinajuscich) = Русская грамматика в анекдотах : sutki i anekdoty, dialogi i monologi, zadaci i zagadki, voprosy i viktoriny = Русская грамматика в анекдотах : (тренажер для начинающих) : шутки и анекдоты, диалоги и монологи, задачи и загадки, вопросы и викторины / G. M. Levina, T. V. Vasil'eva

10. izdanie, stereotipnoe

Sankt-Peterburg = Санкт-Петербург : Zlatoust = Златоуст, 2016

Titolo e contributi: Russkaja grammatika v anekdotach : (trenazer dlja nacinajuscich) = Русская грамматика в анекдотах : sutki i anekdoty, dialogi i monologi, zadaci i zagadki, voprosy i viktoriny = Русская грамматика в анекдотах : (тренажер для начинающих) : шутки и анекдоты, диалоги и монологи, задачи и загадки, вопросы и викторины / G. M. Levina, T. V. Vasil'eva

10. izdanie, stereotipnoe

Pubblicazione: Sankt-Peterburg = Санкт-Петербург : Zlatoust = Златоуст, 2016

Descrizione fisica: 91, [1] p. : ill. b/n ; 24 cm

ISBN: 9785865478034


Lingua: Russo (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

Varianti del titolo:
  • Русская грамматика в анекдотах
  • Con apparato didattico
  • Dati traslitterati dal russo
  • Età: dai 9 ai 14 anni
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Abstract: Предлагаемое пособие предназначено для иностранцев, начинающих изучать русский язык (первые 100 часов обучения). Содержит 284 микротекста (анекдоты, шутки, викторины и вопросы, загадки и задачи, диалоги), подобранные в соответствии с грамматическими темами и снабженные ударениями и притекстовым словарем. Расширяет словарный запас, тренирует падежные окончания, выводит речевые навыки на уровень автоматизма.

This rough magic


Mowat, Diane

This rough magic / Mary Stewart ; retold by Diane Mowat

Oxford : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms [Oxford university press]. Stage 5

Titolo e contributi: This rough magic / Mary Stewart ; retold by Diane Mowat

Pubblicazione: Oxford : Oxford University press, c2008

Descrizione fisica: [8], 104 p. : ill. b/n ; 20 cm. +3 dischi sonori (CD) in tasca

Serie: Oxford bookworms [Oxford university press]. Stage 5

ISBN: 9780194792325


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

  • Con apparato didattico
  • Versione semplificata ad uso scolastico, con vocabolario di 1800 parole
  • In 4. di cop.: Thriller & adventure
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Abstract: The Greek island of Corfu lies like a jewel, green and gold, in the Ionian sea, where dolphins swim in the sparkling blue water. What better place for an out-of-work actress to relax for a few weeks? But the island is full of danger and mysteries, and Lucy Waring's holiday is far from peaceful. She meets a rude young man, who seems to have something to hide. Then there is a death by drowning, and then another.. (

Robinson Crusoe


Jackson, Maud

Robinson Crusoe / Daniel Defoe ; adapted by Maud Jackson ; activities by Adeline Richards ; illustrated by Alfredo Belli

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2008

Reading and training [Cideb]. Step five B2.2

Titolo e contributi: Robinson Crusoe / Daniel Defoe ; adapted by Maud Jackson ; activities by Adeline Richards ; illustrated by Alfredo Belli

Pubblicazione: Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2008

Descrizione fisica: 144 p. : ill. color. ; 21 cm. +1 disco sonoro (CD)

Serie: Reading and training [Cideb]. Step five B2.2

ISBN: 9788853008411


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: Italia

  • Versione semplificata ad uso scolastico
  • Con apparato didattico
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Abstract: Regarded by many as the first English novel, Defoe's famous story celebrates how Robinson Crusoe, shipwrecked on a desert island, manages to survive and prosper through his own resourcefulness.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Close-up B2


Healan, Angela

Close-up B2 / Angela Healan, Katrina Gormely ; with Karen Ludlow

Andover : National Geographic Learning, 2015

Titolo e contributi: Close-up B2 / Angela Healan, Katrina Gormely ; with Karen Ludlow

Pubblicazione: Andover : National Geographic Learning, 2015

Descrizione fisica: v. : ill. ; 29 cm. +2 dischi sonori (CD), 1 DVD


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

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