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× Nomi Schulze, Christian
× Target di lettura Adulti, generale
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× Lingue Inglese

Trovati 7893 documenti.

Kicking television Wilco ; produced by Wilco

Wilco <gruppo musicale>

Kicking television [Audioregistrazione] / Wilco ; produced by Wilco

Stati Uniti d'America : Nonesuch Records, 2005

American idiot Green day ; produced by Rob Cavallo & Green Day

Grren day <gruppo musicale>

American idiot [Audioregistrazione] / Green day ; produced by Rob Cavallo & Green Day

Stati Uniti d'America : reprise Records, 2004

The Treasure Chest retold by David Fermer

Fermer, David

The Treasure Chest : english fairy tales = Der Märchen-Schatz : englische Märchen / retold by David Fermer

Hamburg : Amiguitos, 2015

The most beautiful place Annika & Claudia von Holten ; Übersetzt: Michael Wright ; Bild: C. Rösch

Holten, Annika : von

The most beautiful place / Annika & Claudia von Holten ; Übersetzt: Michael Wright ; Bild: C. Rösch

Hamburg : Amiguitos, 2014

Abstract: Although the many millions of people and animals in London are very different and diverse, they all find a place to live in the capital. But is there one most beautiful and best place? Discover how the animals’ cheerful and peaceful celebration turns into an argument about the best place in London. Will the wild animals of London fight and go their separate ways, never to celebrate at the lake again?..

The invisible man H. G. Wells ; [adapted by Donatella Velluti]

Wells, H. G.

The invisible man [Medienkombination] / H. G. Wells ; [adapted by Donatella Velluti]

Rum : Helbling languages, 2019

Helbling readers [Helbling languages]. Blue series, Classics, level 4

Abstract: One night, during a snow storm, a mysteroius stranger staggers throught the doors of a pub in a small English village, wräpped up from head to foot. The people in the village have a lot of questions. Who is the stranger? What is in his suitcase? Why has he come to the village? And why won't he let anyone see his face?

Roberto's backpack Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Francesca Assirelli

Puchta, Herbert

Roberto's backpack / Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Francesca Assirelli

Rum : Helbling languages, 2016

The thinking train

Abstract: Die Geschwister Colin, Dylan und Lara leben mit ihren Eltern auf einem Bauernhof in Irland. Tag für Tag müssen sie weite Strecken zu Fuß bewältigen, um nach den Schafen zu sehen.

The sign of four Arthur Conan Doyle ; retold by Nancy Timmins

Doyle, Arthur Conan

The sign of four [Medienkombination] / Arthur Conan Doyle ; retold by Nancy Timmins

Genoa [u.a.] : Black Cat, 2007

Reading & training. Step four B2.1

Abstract: Mary Morstan arrives at 221B Baker Street with a strange story to tell. Her father vanished ten years ago: four years later she received a beautiful pearl, and since then she has received a pearl every year. Now she has been invited to meet the sender of these pearls and asks Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson for their help.

The jaguar and the cow Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Cristiano Lissoni

Puchta, Herbert

The jaguar and the cow / Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Cristiano Lissoni

Rum : Helbling languages, 2015

The thinking train

Abstract: Paulo und Catrina leben in einem kleinen brasilianischen Dorf in der Nähe des Dschungels. Eines Tages entdecken sie die Fußspuren eines Jaguars, gefährlich nahe an ihrem Dorf. Kurz darauf verspeist das wilde Tier sogar eine Kuh aus dem Stall von Paulos und Catrinas Familie. Warum bleibt der Jaguar nicht in seinem angestammten Jagdrevier und wildert neuerdings im Dorf?

The knitting of Elizabeth Amelia Patricia Lee Gauch ; illustrated by Barbara Lavallee

Lee Gauch, Patricia

The knitting of Elizabeth Amelia / Patricia Lee Gauch ; illustrated by Barbara Lavallee

New York : Henry Holt and Company, 2009

Northanger Abbey Jane Austen ; adapted by Nancy Timmins

Timmins, Nancy

Northanger Abbey [Medienkombination] / Jane Austen ; adapted by Nancy Timmins

Genoa [u.a.] : Black Cat, 2010

Reading & training. Step four B2.1

Abstract: 17-year-old Catherine Morlands is going to Bath. When she makes friends with handsome Henry Tilney, she finds herself in the middle of a family tragedy. Is the Tilney's home, Northanger Abbey the scene of a crime? Or is Catherine just imagining it?

Silas Marner George Eliot ; retold by Clare West

West, Clare

Silas Marner : the weaver of Raveloe / George Eliot ; retold by Clare West

Oxford : Oxford university press, 2008

Oxford bookworms library. Classics. Stage 4

The three seeds Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Maria Sole Macchia

Puchta, Herbert

The three seeds / Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Maria Sole Macchia

Rum : Helbling languages, 2016

The thinking train

Abstract: Die Geschwister Colin, Dylan und Lara leben mit ihren Eltern auf einem Bauernhof in Irland. Tag für Tag müssen sie weite Strecken zu Fuß bewältigen, um nach den Schafen zu sehen.

What are You Doing, Daniel? Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Stefano Misesti

Puchta, Herbert

What are You Doing, Daniel? / Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Stefano Misesti

Rum : Helbling languages, 2015

The thinking train

Abstract: Daniel spielt leidenschaftlich gerne am Computer. Die Spiele fesseln ihn so sehr, dass er gar keine Zeit mehr hat seinen Eltern und seiner Schwester Ruby zu helfen, wenn sie ihn darum bitten.

A problem for Prince Percy Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Andrea Alemanno

Puchta, Herbert

A problem for Prince Percy / Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Andrea Alemanno

Rum : Helbling languages, 2015

The thinking train

Abstract: Der schlaue und hilfsbereite, aber arme Prince Percy möchte gerne die schöne und kluge Prinzessin Isabel heiraten. Doch ist er schlau genug, um sich gegen die zahlreichen wohlhabenden Konkurrenten durchzusetzen und die schwierigen Aufgaben, die Isabels Vater ihm stellt, bewältigen zu können?

At the zoo Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Cristiano Lissoni

Puchta, Herbert

At the zoo / Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Cristiano Lissoni

Rum : Helbling languages, 2015

The thinking train

Abstract: Lizzie geht mit ihrer Mutter in den Zoo. Dort beobachtet sie viele verschiedene Tiere und bewundert deren besondere Fähigkeiten. Nach diesem aufregenden Zoobesuch stellt Lizzie fest, dass auch sie bereits viel mehr kann, als sie bisher geglaubt hat.



Binasco : Selegiochi, c2002

What's on TV? Mary Rogers, Lara Sorrentino

Rogers, Mary

What's on TV? : readings, dialogues, tests and much more from the best American TV series in recent years : with grammar sections and exercises / Mary Rogers, Lara Sorrentino

Napoli : Esselibri ; Napoli : Simone per la scuola, 2011

Abstract: What’s on TV? presenta cinque tra le più celebri serie televisive degli ultimi anni attraverso letture, approfondimenti, test, canzoni e molto altro ancora. Si tratta di un repertorio di situazioni spesso già note allo studente, e che, proprio per questo, riproposte in lingua originale, possono costituire un mezzo utile e stimolante per familiarizzare con la lingua inglese (

Privateering Mark Knopfler

Knopfler, Mark

Privateering [Audioregistrazione] / Mark Knopfler

London : Mercury Records, 2012

Marie voyage en France auteur Isabelle Pellegrini ; illustratrice Princesse Camcam

Pellegrini, Isabelle

Marie voyage en France / auteur Isabelle Pellegrini ; illustratrice Princesse Camcam

Paris : ABC Melody, c2012

Viens voir ma ville [ABC Melody]

Abstract: Marie nous emmène visiter les belles régions de France : l’Alsace, la Provence, la Bretagne, la Camargue, l’Auvergne, la Normandie… Partons à la découverte de beaux paysages et dégustons les spécialités locales! (

record libero

record libero