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× Nomi Richter, Sviatoslav
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× Data 2018
× Lingue Inglese

Trovati 562 documenti.

The time machine G. H. Wells ; adaptation and activities by Derek Sellen ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan

Sellen, Derek

The time machine / G. H. Wells ; adaptation and activities by Derek Sellen ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan

Genova : Black cat, 2018

Reading & training. Step three, B1.2

North and South Elizabeth Gaskell ; adaptation and activities by Jane Elizabeth Cammack ; illustrated by Chiara Fedele

Cammack, Jane Elizabeth

North and South / Elizabeth Gaskell ; adaptation and activities by Jane Elizabeth Cammack ; illustrated by Chiara Fedele

Genova : Black cat, 2018

Reading & training. Life skills, Step four B2.1

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Merano - Mediateca multilingueScaffale aperto
EN 754 GAS 2
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile

Abstract: Margaret Hale finds the industrial north of England very different to the rural, conservative and gentle south, when she moves there with her parents. When she meets John Thornton, who is a self-made and ambitious young man there is an attraction, but his ideas are very different to Margaret’s.

Little hare and the key by Pamela Pergolini ; illustrated by Chiara Nocentini

Pergolini, Pamela

Little hare and the key / by Pamela Pergolini ; illustrated by Chiara Nocentini


Monte San Vito : Celtic Publishing, 2018

Smart readers [Celtic Publishing]. Level 3

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Biblioteca Civica C. BattistiSala Lettura
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
The reckoning John Grisham

Grisham, John

The reckoning / John Grisham

New York : Random House, 2018

Alaska adventure! Gina D. B. Clemen ; illustrated by Franco Rivolli

Clemen, Gina D. B.

Alaska adventure! / Gina D. B. Clemen ; illustrated by Franco Rivolli

Genova : Black cat, 2018

Reading & training. Step one, A2

Kidnapped Robert Louis Stevenson ; retold and activities by Silvana Sardi ; illustrated by Federico Volpini

Stevenson, Robert Louis

Kidnapped / Robert Louis Stevenson ; retold and activities by Silvana Sardi ; illustrated by Federico Volpini

Recanati : ELI, 2018

Young adult ELI readers. Stage 3

The color monster Anna Llenas

Llenas, Anna

The color monster : a story about emotions / Anna Llenas

New York [etc.] : Little, Brown and company, 2018

Successful international communication Chia Suan Chong

Chong, Chia Suan

Successful international communication : understand and enhance your communication skills / Chia Suan Chong

Hove : Pavilion, 2018

The fun starts here! testi di Mary Pope Osborne .. [et al.

The fun starts here! : four favorite chapter books in one / testi di Mary Pope Osborne .. [et al.

New York : Random house, 2018

Abstract: Has a book ever made you laugh so hard milk came out of your nose? Do adventure and mystery keep you turning pages? Do you love a good story about friendship? Then the fun really does start here! This special "starter set" contains the first book in four fantastic series, including New York Times bestselling Magic Tree House and Junie B. Jones..

The darkest minds directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson ; screenplay by Chad Hodge ; based on The darkest minds by Alexandra Bracken ; produced by Shawn Levy, Dan Levine
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

The darkest minds [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson ; screenplay by Chad Hodge ; based on The darkest minds by Alexandra Bracken ; produced by Shawn Levy, Dan Levine

Italia : Warner Bros Entertainment, 2018

Abstract: Dopo che una malattia sconosciuta ha ucciso il 98% dei bambini, il 2% dei sopravvissuti sviluppa misteriosamente dei superpoteri. Proprio a causa delle loro straordinarie abilità, i ragazzi vengono dichiarati una minaccia dal governo e rinchiusi in campi di interamento. È proprio Ruby che sceglie di radunare i suoi compagni e scappare dal campo, ma arriva il momento in cui fuggire non è più sufficiente: i ragazzi dovranno resistere e combattere contro gli adulti che li hanno traditi.

Mrs Dalloway Virginia Woolf

Woolf, Virginia

Mrs Dalloway / Virginia Woolf

London : Penguin Random House, 2018

Penguin english library

Abstract: In the wake of World War I and the 1918 flu pandemic, Clarissa Dalloway, elegant and vivacious, is preparing for a party and remembering those she once loved. In another part of London, Septimus Smith is suffering from shell-shock and on the brink of madness. Their days interweave and their lives converge as the party reaches its glittering climax. In a novel in which she perfects the interior monologue and recapitulates the life cycle in the hours of the day, from firstLeggi tutto

This lie will kill you Chelsea Pitcher

Pitcher, Chelsea

This lie will kill you / Chelsea Pitcher

London : Simon & Schuster, 2018

Abstract: ell the truth. Or face the consequences. Pretty Little Liars meets Riverdale in this page-turning thriller. One year ago, there was a party. At the party, someone died. Five teens all played a part and up until now, no one has told the truth. But tonight, the five survivors arrive at an isolated mansion in the hills, expecting to compete in a contest with a 50,000 dollar grand prize..

Proud Mary directed by Babak Najafi ; music by Fil Eisler ; director of photography Dan Laustsen ; story by John Stuart Newman & Christian Swegal ; screenplay by John Stuart Newman & Christian Swegal and Steve Antin
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Proud Mary [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Babak Najafi ; music by Fil Eisler ; director of photography Dan Laustsen ; story by John Stuart Newman & Christian Swegal ; screenplay by John Stuart Newman & Christian Swegal and Steve Antin

Great Britain : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2018

Abstract: Lethal, professional hitwoman Mary works for the most notorious crime family in town, headed by Benny. When Mary shoots a protected mobster in order to save a young boy, she must take on a rogues’ gallery of crime figures, from the Russian Mafia to those closest to her, including her former lover. Armed with her wits – and a closet full of guns – Mary must do whatever it takes to be the last woman standing in this energetic and explosive action thriller.

Ye Kanye West

West, Kanye

Ye [Audioregistrazione] / Kanye West

United States of America : GOOD, 2018

Nobody's watching [regia Julia Solomonoff ; sceneggiatura Christina Lazaridi, Julia Solomonoff ; sotografia Lucio Bonelli ; musiche Sacha Amback, Pablo Mondragón] ; Guillermo Pfening, Elena Roger, Rafael Ferro, Marco Antonio Caponi, Mayte Montero
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Nobody's watching [Videoregistrazione] / [regia Julia Solomonoff ; sceneggiatura Christina Lazaridi, Julia Solomonoff ; sotografia Lucio Bonelli ; musiche Sacha Amback, Pablo Mondragón] ; Guillermo Pfening, Elena Roger, Rafael Ferro, Marco Antonio Caponi, Mayte Montero

Deutschland : Pro-fun Media [distributore], 2018

Abstract: Nico hat alles aufgegeben: sein Zuhause in Buenos Aires und die Rolle in einer erfolgreichen TV-Serie genauso wie seine langjährige Affäre mit Martín, deren Produzent. In New York wartet ein neues Filmprojekt auf ihn. Doch angekommen im Big Apple, fällt der Dreh ins Wasser und Nico muss sich bald mit Minijobs als Barkeeper und Babysitter durchschlagen, während er bei Freunden auf der Couch wohnt. Einzig seine sexuellen Abenteuer in der schwulen Szene bringen Nico dieLeggi tutto

Travellers Oliver Astley ; Jennifer Muir ; Emma Rug

Astley, Oliver

Travellers : 4 Kurzgeschichten / Oliver Astley ; Jennifer Muir ; Emma Rug

München : Compact-Verl., 2018

Compact Sprachwelten : Englisch - Compact Sprachwelten 4 Kurzgeschichten

Abstract: Kann ein verspäteter Flug ein Neuanfang sein? Warum wird ein U-Bahn-Pendler immer wieder vom selben Mann angesprochen? Und was passiert, wenn fahrendes Volk im schönsten Dorf Englands Station macht? Effektives Training der englischen Sprache durch - 4 unterhaltsame Kurzgeschichten - über 40 textbezogene Übungen - Vokabelangaben auf jeder Seite - umfangreiches Glossar - Infokästen zu Sprache und Grammatik

Ladybird tales of adventurous girls with an introduction by Jacqueline Wilson

Ladybird tales of adventurous girls / with an introduction by Jacqueline Wilson

London : Ladybird books, 2018

Abstract: Girls can save the day too, and they always have. Six adventurous girls from around the world use their wits, courage and strength to overcome the odds.

Practice tests plus Volume 1 with key Nick Kenny, Jacky Newbrook

Practice tests plus Volume 1 with key : C1 Advanced : New edition / Nick Kenny, Jacky Newbrook

Harlow : Pearson education limited, 2018

English is fun!

English is fun! : programma per la valutazione degli atteggiamenti e delle abilità nell'apprendimento della lingua inglese

Trento : Erickson, 2018-

I materiali [Erickson]

Teacher's book & tests 3 Helen Weale ; with Clare Kennedy

Weale, Helen

Teacher's book & tests 3 / Helen Weale ; with Clare Kennedy

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018

Didattica inclusiva

Fa parte di: Talent 3