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Trovati 24349 documenti.

James Turrell un film de Carine Asscher
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

James Turrell [Videoregistrazione] : Passageways / un film de Carine Asscher

Parigi : Centre Pompidou, c2006

Abstract: Pilota per molti anni, James Turrell è oggi il più grande artista americano della Land Art, e considera il cielo come il suo studio. Basato su immagini aeree spettacolari e storici di canyon dell'Arizona, Turrell ricorda la sua ricerca formale sulla luce naturale e la sua amicizia con gli indiani Hopi. Il film dà a Turrell l'occasione per presentare il suo capolavoro, Rodin Crater.

PB3 and the vegetables Jane Cadwallader ; illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

Cadwallader, Jane

PB3 and the vegetables / Jane Cadwallader ; illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

Recanati : ELI, 2011

Young ELI readers. Stage 2

The very best of Sheryl Crow

Crow, Sheryl

The very best of Sheryl Crow [Audioregistrazione]

United States of America : A&M, 2003

The girl in the other room Diana Krall ; produced by Tommy LiPuma and Diana Krall

Krall, Diana

The girl in the other room [Audioregistrazione] / Diana Krall ; produced by Tommy LiPuma and Diana Krall

United States of America : Verve, 2004

Diary of a wimpy kid by Jeff Kinney

Kinney, Jeff

Diary of a wimpy kid : the long haul / by Jeff Kinney

New York : Amulet books, 2013

Piece by piece Katie Melua

Melua, Katie

Piece by piece [Audioregistrazione] / Katie Melua

Great Britain : MSI Music Distribution : Dramatico, 2005

Declaration of dependence Kings of Convenience ; produced by Davide Bertolini, Robert Jonhum and Kings of Convenience

Kings of Convenience <gruppo musicale>

Declaration of dependence [Audioregistrazione] / Kings of Convenience ; produced by Davide Bertolini, Robert Jonhum and Kings of Convenience

Great Britain : Mawlaw 388 : Astralwerks : Source, 2009

The portrait of a lady Henry James

James, Henry

The portrait of a lady / Henry James

London : Penguin books, 2012

Greatest hits Fugees

Fugees <gruppo musicale>

Greatest hits [Audioregistrazione] / Fugees

Stati Uniti d'America : Sony Music Distribution, 2003

Advanced English discussion topics by Nigel M. Openshaw

Openshaw, Nigel M.

Advanced English discussion topics : ESL speaking activities.. / by Nigel M. Openshaw

[S.l. : s.n.], c2016

The piazza tales Herman Melville ; edited by Harrison Hayford .. [et al.]

Melville, Herman

The piazza tales / Herman Melville ; edited by Harrison Hayford .. [et al.]

Evanston : Northwestern university press, 1996

Abstract: In this new edition of The Piazza Tales, the editors of the acclaimed Northwestern-Newberry Edition of the Writings of Herman Melville have used the original magazine versions for five of the six stories in order to present the most accurate tests of these works. (

Tax policy

Tax policy : Research department public finance workshop : papers prsented at the Bank of Italy workshop held in Perugia, 3-5 April 2003

Roma : Banca d'Italia, c2003

A painter's year in the forests of Bhutan A. K. Hellum

Hellum, A. K.

A painter's year in the forests of Bhutan / A. K. Hellum

Edmonton : The University of Alberta press ; Honolulu : University of Hawa'i press, c2001

Into the wild Eddie Vedder ; produced by Adam Kasper & Eddie Vedder

Vedder, Eddie

Into the wild [Audioregistrazione] : music for the motion picture / Eddie Vedder ; produced by Adam Kasper & Eddie Vedder

Stati Uniti d'America : J records, 2007

Wuthering heights Emily Brontë ; based on a script by Seán M. Wilson

Wilson, Seán Michael

Wuthering heights : the graphic novel / Emily Brontë ; based on a script by Seán M. Wilson

Australia [etc.] : Heinle Cengage Learning ; Andover : National Geographic learning, c2013

Classical comics [Heinle Cengage Learning]

Abstract: A favorite book of many readers, this is the classic tale presented as a full-color graphic novel, featuring beautiful hand-painted watercolor artwork. The traditional approach taken to the art creates a wonderful sensory experience to engage any reader, while staying true to the original prose novel by utilising authentic text and dialogue. Designed to encourage readers to enjoy classical literature, titles in the Classical Comics range stay true to the original visionLeggi tutto

William Shakespeare: All the world's a stage introduction, selection, activities and critical essays by Anthony Jennings

William Shakespeare: All the world's a stage : themes from the gratest plays ; spotlight on Shakespeare / introduction, selection, activities and critical essays by Anthony Jennings

Genova : CIDEB, 1999

Gulliver's travels Jonathan Swifts ; retold by Clare West ; illustrated by Nick Harris

Swift, Jonathan

Gulliver's travels / Jonathan Swifts ; retold by Clare West ; illustrated by Nick Harris

2. ed

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2000

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford university press]. Classics, Stage 4

Abstract: Con appendice didattica

Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontë ; retold by Clare West

Brontë, Charlotte

Jane Eyre / Charlotte Brontë ; retold by Clare West

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2000

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Fantasy & horror, Stage 6

Abstract: Con appendice didattica

Ice age Regie: Chris Wedge ; Produzent: Lori Forte ; Story: Michael J. Wilson ; Drehbuch: Michael Berg, Michael J. Wilson und Peter Ackerman
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Ice age [Bildtonträger] / Regie: Chris Wedge ; Produzent: Lori Forte ; Story: Michael J. Wilson ; Drehbuch: Michael Berg, Michael J. Wilson und Peter Ackerman

Deutschland : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, c2002

Abstract: Der Film spielt vor etwa 20.000 Jahren, und die Eiszeit steht vor der Tür. Deshalb macht sich die ganze eiszeitliche Tierwelt auf die Flucht in den Süden. Nur das einzelgängerische Mammut Manfred (Manni) widersetzt sich dem Gruppendruck und wandert nach Norden. Die Nervensäge Sid (ein Faultier), wie jedes Jahr von seiner Familie allein zurückgelassen, schließt sich ihm aus Angst vor zwei Brontotherien an, denen er eine der letzten Löwenzahnblumen vor dem WinterLeggi tutto

Atonement Ian McEwan

McEwan, Ian

Atonement / Ian McEwan

London : Vintage, 2002