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× Livello lingua C1

Trovati 474 documenti.

Destination C1 & C2 Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles

Mann, Malcolm

Destination C1 & C2 : Grammar & vocabulary / Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles

Oxford : Macmillan, 2011

Thirteen reasons why Jay Asher ; annotation by Dorothea Buschmann

Asher, Jay

Thirteen reasons why / Jay Asher ; annotation by Dorothea Buschmann

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, c2007

Abstract: Clay Jensen returns home from school one day to find a mysterious box, with his name on it, lying on the porch. Inside he discovers 13 cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker - his classmate - who committed suicide two weeks earlier. On tape, Hannah explains that there are thirteen reasons why she did what she did - and Clay is one of them..

Straightforward advanced

Straightforward advanced

Oxford : MacMillan, 2008

Abstract: A new general English course for adults and young adults based on observation of what good teachers do in the classroom. Straightforward is transparent in its structure, pragmatic in its methodology and varied in its content

Oxford English grammar course Michael Swan & Catherine Walter

Swan, Michael

Oxford English grammar course : advanced : a grammar practice book for advanced students of English : with answers / Michael Swan & Catherine Walter

Oxford : Oxford university press, 2011

Deutsch in der Firma Juliane Forßmann, Axel Hering

Forßmann, Juliane

Deutsch in der Firma / Juliane Forßmann, Axel Hering

München : Hueber, 2014

Hueber Beruf

Workbook with key Robert Campbell, Julie Moore

Campbell, Robert

Workbook with key / Robert Campbell, Julie Moore

Oxford : Macmillan, 2012

Fa parte di: Global advanced3

Prüfungstrainen TestDaF von Carola Heine und Elisabeth Lazarou

Heine, Carola

Prüfungstrainen TestDaF / von Carola Heine und Elisabeth Lazarou

Berlin : Cornelsen, 2008

Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontë ; retold by Clare West

Brontë, Charlotte

Jane Eyre / Charlotte Brontë ; retold by Clare West

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 6

Abstract: Jane Eyre is alone in the world. Disliked by her aunt's family, she is sent away to school. Here she learns that a young girl, with neither money nor family to support her, can expect little from the world. She survives, but she wants more from life than simply to survive: she wants respect, and love. When she goes to work for Mr Rochester, she hopes she has found both at once. But the sound of strange laughter, late at night, behind a locked door, warns her that herLeggi tutto

Pride and prejudice Jane Austen ; retold by Clare West

West, Clare

Pride and prejudice / Jane Austen ; retold by Clare West

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2008

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 6

Abstract: 'The moment I first met you, I noticed your pride, your sense of superiority, and your selfish disdain for the feelings of others. You are the last man in the world whom I could ever be persuaded to marry,' said Elizabeth Bennet. And so Elizabeth rejects the proud Mr Darcy. Can nothing overcome her prejudice against him? And what of the other Bennet girls - their fortunes, and misfortunes, in the business of getting husbands? (

Wuthering heights Emily Brontë ; retold by Maud Jackson ; activities by Justin Rainey ; illustrated by Duilio Lopez

Jackson, Maud

Wuthering heights / Emily Brontë ; retold by Maud Jackson ; activities by Justin Rainey ; illustrated by Duilio Lopez

Genova [etc.] : Cideb : Black cat, 2006

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step six C1

Abstract: In 1801, Mr. Lockwood, a rich man from the south of England, rents Thrushcross Grange in the north of England for peace and recuperation. Soon after his arrival, he visits his landlord, Mr. Heathcliff, who lives in the remote moorland farmhouse called "Wuthering Heights." He finds the inhabitants of Wuthering Heights to be a rather strange group: Mr. Heathcliff appears a gentleman but his mannerisms suggest otherwise..

Cozinhar em português Liliana Gonçalves

Gonçalves, Liliana

Cozinhar em português / Liliana Gonçalves

Lisboa [etc.] : Lidel, 2011

English idioms in use Felicity O'Dell, Michael McCarthy

O'Dell, Felicity

English idioms in use : advanced : 60 units of vocabulary reference and practice : self-study and classroom use / Felicity O'Dell, Michael McCarthy

2. ed

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017

Le français parlé Isabelle Chollet, Jean-Michel Robert

Chollet, Isabelle

Le français parlé : vocabulaire du quotidien, grammaire, expressions, exercices corrigés / Isabelle Chollet, Jean-Michel Robert

Paris : Ellipses, 2017

Français langue étrangère

Prüfungstraining Deutsch C1 von Christine Breslauer

Breslauer, Christine

Prüfungstraining Deutsch C1 : intensive Vorbereitung auf das Deutsch-Zertifikat C1 / von Christine Breslauer

Stuttgart : PONS, 2023

Adjektive Susanne Geiger

Geiger, Susanne

Adjektive / Susanne Geiger

Ismaning : Hueber, 2011

Deutsch üben [Hueber] ; 17

Exam essentials practice tests 1 Charles Osbourne, Carol Nuttall ; with additional material by Tom Bradbury and Claire Morris

Osbourne, Charles

Exam essentials practice tests 1 : C1 advanced : with key / Charles Osbourne, Carol Nuttall ; with additional material by Tom Bradbury and Claire Morris

Andover : National Geographic learning, 2021

PONS Praxis-Grammatik Deutsch als Fremdsprache von Alke Hauschild

Hauschild, Alke

PONS Praxis-Grammatik Deutsch als Fremdsprache : das große Lern- und Übungswerk : mit extra Online-Übungen / von Alke Hauschild

Stuttgart : PONS, 2024

Großer Lernwortschatz Italienisch aktuell Stefano Albertini, Anna Sgobbi

Albertini, Stefano

Großer Lernwortschatz Italienisch aktuell : 15000 Wörter zu 150 Themen / Stefano Albertini, Anna Sgobbi

Erweiterte und aktualisierte Neuausg

Ismaning : Hueber, 2013

Posobie po obučeniju russkomu udareniju dlja izučajuščih russkij jazyk kak inostrannyj M. N. Šutova = М.Н. Шутова

Sutova, Marina Nikolaevna

Posobie po obučeniju russkomu udareniju dlja izučajuščih russkij jazyk kak inostrannyj / M. N. Šutova = М.Н. Шутова

Moskva = Москва : Russkij Jazyk Kursy = Русский язык Курсы, 2013

Putešestvuem po Rossii [Russkij Jazyk Kursy] = Путешествуем по России [Русский язык Курсы]

El cronómetro Alejandro Bech Tormo .. [et al.]

El cronómetro : manual de preparación del DELE : nivel C1 / Alejandro Bech Tormo .. [et al.]

Madrid : Edinumen, 2013