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Trovati 108 documenti.

Il cinese senza sforzo di Philippe Kantor ; aggiornamento di Bi Xiaolei ; illustrazioni di J.-L. Goussé
Multimedia (kit)

Kantor, Philippe

Il cinese senza sforzo / di Philippe Kantor ; aggiornamento di Bi Xiaolei ; illustrazioni di J.-L. Goussé

Chivasso : Assimil Italia, stampa 2012

Senza sforzo [Assimil]

Chinesisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch von Martin Piasek

Piasek, Martin

Chinesisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch / von Martin Piasek

2. Aufl

München : Hueber, 1972

Made in Hong Kong un film di Fruit Chan ; producers: Andy Lau, Doris Yang, Shu Kei ; written and directed by Fruit Chan
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Made in Hong Kong [Videoregistrazione] / un film di Fruit Chan ; producers: Andy Lau, Doris Yang, Shu Kei ; written and directed by Fruit Chan

Campi Bisenzio : CG Entertainment, 2021

Abstract: Hong Kong. Autumn Moon, un giovane gangster di bassa lega, vuole disperatamente dare un senso alla sua esistenza violenta e priva di speranza. Teppistello da quattro soldi, ha lasciato la scuola e vive al soldo di un boss della mafia. Predestinato alla caduta, ma ingenuamente alla ricerca di un riscatto, spende il suo tempo inutile e violento con Sylvester, l'amico ritardato, e un giorno s'innamora di Ping, una malata terminale. Quanto basta per innescare, fatalmente, la tempesta perfetta..

中国民族 Wang Can zhu

Wang, Can

中国民族 / Wang Can zhu

Beijing : Wu zhou chuan bo chu ban she, 2004

Zhongguo ji ben qing kuang cong shu. Dang dai juan - China basics series

Pan Gu created heaven and earth adapted by Wu Wei ; traslated by Liu Guangdi ; illustrated by Li Haiyan

Wei, Wu

Pan Gu created heaven and earth / adapted by Wu Wei ; traslated by Liu Guangdi ; illustrated by Li Haiyan

Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

Rebellion against heaven ; illustrated by Wang Weizhi adapted by Chu Yi ; traslated by Liu Guangdi

Rebellion against heaven ; illustrated by Wang Weizhi / adapted by Chu Yi ; traslated by Liu Guangdi

Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Hewing the mountain to rescue mother adapted by Wu Wei ; traslated by Liu Guangdi ; illustrated by Li Haiyan

Wei, Wu

Hewing the mountain to rescue mother / adapted by Wu Wei ; traslated by Liu Guangdi ; illustrated by Li Haiyan

Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

Kua Fu races with the sun adapted by Wang Yangguang ; traslated by Liu Yonghou ; illustrated by Zhang Long and others

Yangguang, Wang

Kua Fu races with the sun / adapted by Wang Yangguang ; traslated by Liu Yonghou ; illustrated by Zhang Long and others

Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

Mao mao chong chi shen me ne? illustrazioni di G. Vanetti ; testo di G. Mantegazza

Vanetti Giorgio

Mao mao chong chi shen me ne? / illustrazioni di G. Vanetti ; testo di G. Mantegazza

Xi'an : Wei lai chu ban she, 2018

Qi miao dong dong shu xi lie

Yu the great conquered the flood adapted by Ye Feng ; traslated by Liu Guangdi ; illustrated by Ye Feng Jiang Ning

Feng, Ye

Yu the great conquered the flood / adapted by Ye Feng ; traslated by Liu Guangdi ; illustrated by Ye Feng Jiang Ning

Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

Full moon over Liangzhou director: Wang Xingjun
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Full moon over Liangzhou [Videoregistrazione] / director: Wang Xingjun

Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations, 2005?

Turpan love songs director: Jin Lini, Xi'erzati Yahefu
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Turpan love songs [Videoregistrazione] / director: Jin Lini, Xi'erzati Yahefu

Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations, 2005?

2 become 1 director: Luo Yongchang
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

2 become 1 [Videoregistrazione] / director: Luo Yongchang

Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations, 2005?

Chinese architecture (2.) director: Hong Mei ; produced by Beijing Wangtu Film & TV Production Consulting
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Chinese architecture (2.) [Videoregistrazione] / director: Hong Mei ; produced by Beijing Wangtu Film & TV Production Consulting

Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations : Beijing Wangtu Film : TV Production Consulting, 2005?

Dizionario cinese-italiano, italiano-cinese Alessandra Viotti Bonfanti

Viotti Bonfanti, Alessandra

Dizionario cinese-italiano, italiano-cinese / Alessandra Viotti Bonfanti

Milano : Le lettere, 1991

I dizionari

China in kleinen Geschichten von Susanne Hornfeck und Nelly Ma ; Illustrationen von He Gen De

Hornfeck, Susanne

China in kleinen Geschichten : chinesisch & deutsch / von Susanne Hornfeck und Nelly Ma ; Illustrationen von He Gen De


München : Dtv, 2013

dtv zweisprachig ; 9512

Abstract: Typisch chinesisch? – Keine einfach zu treffende Aussage für die Kultur eines Landes schier unermesslicher Dimensionen. Und doch gibt es Dinge, die für ganz China stehen. In bunter Folge bietet dieser Band Eindrücke von Land und Leuten, Gewohnheiten und Vorlieben, Festen und Bräuchen.

Erste chinesische Lesestücke ausgewählt und übersetzt von Susanne Hornfeck und Nelly Ma ; Illustrationen von He Gen De

Erste chinesische Lesestücke : chinesisch & deutsch / ausgewählt und übersetzt von Susanne Hornfeck und Nelly Ma ; Illustrationen von He Gen De

2. Aufl

München : Dtv, 2011

dtv ; 9490 - dtv zweisprachig

Abstract: Eine Auswahl kleiner populärer klassischer sowie moderner Texte – Prosa und Lyrik – vermittelt neben der Sprache einen Einblick in eine ferne Kultur. Ein Buch für Chinesisch- Lernende, die sich über die Lektüre einfacher Texte freuen.

Ne Zha shaking the seas adapted by Chu Yi ; traslated by Liu Guangdi ; illustrated by Wang Weizhi

Yi, Chu

Ne Zha shaking the seas / adapted by Chu Yi ; traslated by Liu Guangdi ; illustrated by Wang Weizhi

Beijing : Dolphin books, 2005

Chinese tale series [Dolphin books]

The last matriarchal tribe in China producer: Yunnan TV Station
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

The last matriarchal tribe in China [Videoregistrazione] / producer: Yunnan TV Station

Cina : Bureau for External Cultural Relations : Yunnan TV Station, 2005?

Emergency chinese Jiewei Cheng ; series editor Jane Wightwick ; art director Mark Wightwick

Cheng, Jiewei

Emergency chinese / Jiewei Cheng ; series editor Jane Wightwick ; art director Mark Wightwick

Oxfordshire : g-and-w publishing, 2003