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× Nomi Pauli, Lorenz
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× Data 2016
× Lingue Inglese

Trovati 672 documenti.

The wonder Emma Donoghue

Donoghue, Emma

The wonder / Emma Donoghue

London : Picador, 2016

Abstract: Lib Wright, a young English nurse, arrives in a impoverished Irish village on a strange mission. Eleven-year-old Anna O'Donnell is said to have eaten nothing for months but appears to be thriving miraculously. Lib's job is simple: to watch the girl and uncover the truth.

Roberto's backpack Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Francesca Assirelli

Puchta, Herbert

Roberto's backpack / Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Francesca Assirelli

Rum : Helbling languages, 2016

The thinking train

Abstract: Die Geschwister Colin, Dylan und Lara leben mit ihren Eltern auf einem Bauernhof in Irland. Tag für Tag müssen sie weite Strecken zu Fuß bewältigen, um nach den Schafen zu sehen.

La signora in ermellino regia di Ernst Lubitsch ; sceneggiatura Samson Raphaelson
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

La signora in ermellino [Videoregistrazione] / regia di Ernst Lubitsch ; sceneggiatura Samson Raphaelson

Italia : A&R [distributore], 2016

Original movies collection

Abstract: In un immaginario principato italiano, Francesca sta per sposare l'uomo dei suoi sogni, Mario, a cui ha conferito la carica nobiliare di conte. Il giorno prima delle nozze, però, un esercito di ussari minaccia il principato e, mentre Mario si unisce alle linee difensive, Francesca decide di non lasciare il castello per cercare di frenare la violenza degli invasori. L'ufficiale che comanda l'esercito, il duca Ladislas Teglas, si dimostra un uomo galante e intelligente e,Leggi tutto

The three seeds Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Maria Sole Macchia

Puchta, Herbert

The three seeds / Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross ; illustrated by Maria Sole Macchia

Rum : Helbling languages, 2016

The thinking train

Abstract: Die Geschwister Colin, Dylan und Lara leben mit ihren Eltern auf einem Bauernhof in Irland. Tag für Tag müssen sie weite Strecken zu Fuß bewältigen, um nach den Schafen zu sehen.

Winnie and Wilbur. Valerie Thomas and Korky Paul

Thomas, Valerie

Winnie and Wilbur.. The dinosaur day / Valerie Thomas and Korky Paul

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2016

Fa parte di: The dinosaur day

Abstract: Winnie loves the nearby museum. It’s full of fascinating things, especially in the dinosaur room. When an exciting competition is announced to draw or make a model of a dinosaur Winnie can’t wait to take part. But what did dinosaurs look like? Winnie waves her magic wand to transport herself and Wilbur back into the time of the dinosaurs..

Harper and the sea of secrets Cerrie Burnell ; illustrated by Laura Ellen Anderson

Burnell, Cerrie

Harper and the sea of secrets / Cerrie Burnell ; illustrated by Laura Ellen Anderson

London : Scholastic, 2016

Abstract: The Songs of the Sea festival is about to start, but disaster has struck! The royal musicians will be performing, but all their instruments have disappeared..Harper and her friends use her flying umbrella to come to the rescue, and that very night they start hearing beautiful music coming from Melody Bay. Will they have the courage to walk along the pitch-black smugglers' tunnels passing under the sea to find out who has stolen the instruments? A captivating adventureLeggi tutto

Death of a dandy Caroline Simpson

Hamilton, Barry

Death of a dandy / Caroline Simpson

München : Compact-Verl., 2016

Lernkrimi classic : C1 - Compact-Lernkrimi

Abstract: Text teilw. dt., teilw. engl.

English for everyone

English for everyone : level 1 beginner

London : Dorling Kindersley, 2016

Locke & key. written by Joe Hill ; art by Gabriel Rodriguez

Hill, Joe

Locke & key.. 1. Welcome to Lovecraft / written by Joe Hill ; art by Gabriel Rodriguez

San Diego : Idea and Design Works, c2016

Fa parte di: Welcome to Lovecraft

From the Egyptians to the Baroque Paola Gherardelli, Elisa Wiley Harrison

Gherardelli, Paola

From the Egyptians to the Baroque / Paola Gherardelli, Elisa Wiley Harrison

Bologna : Zanichelli, 2016

Fa parte di: Art history.CLIL1

World of warcraft. written by Chris Metzen, Matt Burns and Robert Brooks ; full-color illustrations by Peter C. Lee ; additional art by Joseph Lacroix

Metzen, Chris

World of warcraft.. Chronicle / written by Chris Metzen, Matt Burns and Robert Brooks ; full-color illustrations by Peter C. Lee ; additional art by Joseph Lacroix

Irvine : Blizzard ; Milwaukie : Dark Horse books, 2016

Fa parte di: Chronicle

Abstract: World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1 is a journey through an age of myth and legend, a time long before the Horde and the Alliance came to be. This definitive tome of Warcraft history reveals untold stories about the birth of the cosmos, the rise of ancient empires, and the forces that shaped the world of Azeroth and its people. This beautiful hardcover features twenty-five full-page paintings by World of Warcraft artist Peter Lee, as well as a cosmology chart, half aLeggi tutto

Apricity Syd Arthur

Arthur, Syd

Apricity [Audioregistrazione] / Syd Arthur

United States of America : Harvest, 2016

Off the wall Michael Jackson

Jackson, Michael

Off the wall [Audioregistrazione] / Michael Jackson

United States of America : Epic : Legacy, 2016

Nemesis Agatha Christie

Christie, Agatha

Nemesis / Agatha Christie

London : HarperCollins, 2016

Marple ; 12

Appointment with death Agatha Christie

Christie, Agatha

Appointment with death / Agatha Christie

London : HarperCollins, 2016

Poirot ; 19

The gingerbread man retold by Mairi Mackinnon ; illustrated by Raffaella Ligi ; English language consultant: Peter Viney

Mackinnon, Mairi

The gingerbread man / retold by Mairi Mackinnon ; illustrated by Raffaella Ligi ; English language consultant: Peter Viney

London : Usborne, 2016

Usborne English readers. Level 1

Videoregistrazioni: DVD

English [Videoregistrazione] : language learning programs for children

Cape Coral : Dino Lingo, c2016

A Messy night before Christmas series producer: Jules Coke
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

A Messy night before Christmas [Videoregistrazione] : and other stories! / series producer: Jules Coke

Great Britain : Dazzler media, c2016

Messy goes to Okido

Handa's surprise Eileen Browne

Browne, Eileen

Handa's surprise / Eileen Browne

London : Walker Books, 2016

Abstract: Handa puts seven delicious fruits in a basket for her friend Akeyo. Which fruit will Akeyo like best, she wonders. After a long walk to the next village, the answer turns out to be a big surprise!

One minute Somin Ahn

Ahn, Somin

One minute / Somin Ahn

Mantova : Corraini, 2016

Abstract: In one minute, you can blink your eyes twenty times, hug your dog, plant seeds, say good-bye, watch the rain, or even save a life. So much can occur in this sliver of time--one minute can feel like a singular experience. This poignant picture book is at once an introduction to time for young readers, an ode to living each moment with purpose, and a thoughtful exploration of how children experience one minute (may it seem short or long) playfully, profoundly, and with aLeggi tutto