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Trovati 2995 documenti.

Les quatre saisons en fête Dominique Guillemant

Guillemant, Dominique

Les quatre saisons en fête : fêtes et festivals en France et outre-mer / Dominique Guillemant

Recanati : ELI, 2017

Lectures ELI juniors. Niveau 2

Abstract: Les 4 saisons en fête présente des manifestations insolites qui véhiculent des valeurs importantes comme le partage et l'amitié aussi bien en France métropolitaine que dans les territoires d'outre-mer. Dans ton livre de français, tu as sûrement connu les fêtes populaires françaises comme Noël et Pâques. Mais il existe bien d'autres fêtes en France, sans parler des festivals! En plus, il ne faut pas penser qu'à la France métropolitaine, il faut aussi penser aux territoiresLeggi tutto

Le tour de Jean Domitille Hatuel

Hatuel, Domitille

Le tour de Jean / Domitille Hatuel

Recanati : ELI, 2017

Lectures ELI juniors. Niveau 2

Abstract: Jean est un jeune amateur de vélo qui vit à la campagne. Alors que le Tour de France va commencer, on lui propose d'y participer. C?est le début de la Grande Boucle, cette course qui deviendra mythique ainsi qu'une immense aventure pour Jean. Le tour de Jean sera fait de rencontres, de découvertes et d'amitié.

Dialogar em Português Helena Lemos

Lemos, Helena

Dialogar em Português / Helena Lemos

Segundo o novo acordo ortográfico

Lisboa : Lidel, 2013

Briefe, E-Mails & Co. Lilli Marlen Brill, Marion Techmer

Brill, Lilli Marlen

Briefe, E-Mails & Co. : Beispiele und Übungen / Lilli Marlen Brill, Marion Techmer

Ismaning : Hueber, 2010

Deutsch üben [Hueber]. Taschentrainer

Tales from Camelot Victoria Heward ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan

Heward, Victoria

Tales from Camelot : King Arthur and the knights of the round table / Victoria Heward ; illustrated by Paolo D'Altan

Genova : Black cat, 2017

Green apple. Life skills, Step 2

Les misérables retold by Jennifer Bassett ; illustrated by Giorgio Bacchin

Bassett, Jennifer

Les misérables / retold by Jennifer Bassett ; illustrated by Giorgio Bacchin

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 2012

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Human interest, Stage 1

Abstract: France, 1815. Jean Valjean leaves prison after nineteen years. These are dangerous and troubled times, and life is hard. Valjean must begin a new life, but how can he escape his past and his enemy, Inspecotr Javert? This story for Bookworms is loosely based on the famous novel "Les Misérables " by Victor Hugo..(dalla 4a di cop.)

Arbeitsbuch [mit CD-Rom] Gabriele Kopp, Siegfried Büttner, Josef Alberti

Kopp, Gabriele

Arbeitsbuch [mit CD-Rom] / Gabriele Kopp, Siegfried Büttner, Josef Alberti

Ismaning : Hueber, 2012

Fa parte di: Planetino 2 : deutsch für Kinder3

The beautiful game Steve Flinders

Flinders, Steve

The beautiful game / Steve Flinders

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 2009

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Factfiles, Stage 2

Abstract: Some call it football, some call it soccer, and to others it's 'the beautiful game'. By any name, it's a sport with some fascinating stories. There is murder in Colombia, and a game that lasts for two days where many players never see the ball. There's the French writer who learnt lessons about life from playing football, and the women players who had to leave the club grounds because 'Women's football isn't nice'. The cups, the leagues, the World Cup finals, the stars,Leggi tutto

Questions and answers

Questions and answers

Recanati : ELI, c2007

Abstract: Un gioco per imparare ad usare i pronomi e gli avverbi interrogativi. Sul tabellone è raffigurato un coloratissimo luna park. Sulle carte ci sono i disegni di oggetti e persone del luna park e sul dado i pronomi interrogativi. Un giocatore sceglie una carta e l’avversario deve indovinarne il soggetto formulando domande con gli interrogativi indicati dal dado. (

The curse of Capistrano Johnston McCulley ; text adaptation by Bill Bowler ; illustrated by Luigi Aimè

Bowler, Bill

The curse of Capistrano / Johnston McCulley ; text adaptation by Bill Bowler ; illustrated by Luigi Aimè

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2011

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. Level two

Abstract: Zorro fights to help the poor and weak in California under the Spanish Governor's rules.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Best of short stories von Emma Blake .. [et al.]

Best of short stories : Sammelband mit 40 englischen Kurzgeschichten in Bildern / von Emma Blake .. [et al.]

Stuttgart : Pons, 2020

Lektüre in Bildern

Piazza Navona Ivana Fratter, Claudia Troncarelli

Fratter, Ivana

Piazza Navona : corso di italiano per stranieri : livello A1-A2 / Ivana Fratter, Claudia Troncarelli

Genova : Cideb, 2006

Abstract: Un corso destinato a studenti di italiano lingua straniera o seconda per il raggiungimento dei livelli di competenza linguistica A1 e A2, rivolto ad un pubblico di adolescenti e adulti principianti o falsi principianti. Pensato per l'autoapprendimento, è utilizzabile anche in classe e nella didattica integrata. (dalla 4a di cop.)

Almanca Eva Heinrich, Andrew Maurer
Multimedia (kit)

Heinrich, Eva

Almanca : Deutsch als Fremdsprache : Lehrbuch in Deutsch, Begleitbuch in Türkisch / Eva Heinrich, Andrew Maurer

Berlin : Cornelsen, 2013

Lextra [Cornelsen]. Sprachkurs Plus Anfänger

Take action! Jenny Dooley ; a cura di Paola Tulliani

Dooley, Jenny

Take action! : inclusive grammar & communication A2 to B1 / Jenny Dooley ; a cura di Paola Tulliani

Bologna : Zanichelli ; London : Express publishing, 2022

Wort für Wort von Claudia Böschel

Böschel, Claudia

Wort für Wort : das fröhliche Kartenspiel zu studio d / von Claudia Böschel

Berlin : Cornelsen, 2008?

PONS 600 Übungen Deutsch als Fremdsprache

PONS 600 Übungen Deutsch als Fremdsprache : für Anfängerinnen und Anfänger sowie Fortgeschrittene : mit ausführlichen Lösungen

Stuttgart : PONS, 2023

The idioms game

The idioms game [Gioco]

Recanati : ELI, 2023

Let's play in English

Abstract: The Idioms Game is a useful card game to discover the meaning of some of the most common Idioms in English and it consists of • 132 cards divided into two decks: one deck of cards with pictures illustrating the idioms and the other containing cards showing three possible meanings for each idiom, one of those is the correct option • the instruction booklet with the instructions and suggestions on how to use the game in the classroom, at home with friends or during onlineLeggi tutto

DELF tout public A2 Nelly Mous .. [et al.]

DELF tout public A2 / Nelly Mous .. [et al.]

Vanves : Hachette livre, 2024

La vendetta dell'hacker Barbara Bettinelli, Marisa Marmo

Bettinelli, Barbara

La vendetta dell'hacker / Barbara Bettinelli, Marisa Marmo

Milano [etc.] : Pearson ; Milano : B. Mondadori, c2010

Parole di carta [Pearson]

Abstract: Enrico Dusi è il direttore di una grande banca con un nuovissimo sistema informatico a prova di hacker. Così almeno pensa.. Ma un giorno riceve una misteriosa e-mail: qualcuno minaccia di distruggere il sistema informatico. Il futuro della banca è nelle mani di Enrico. Riuscirà a risolvere il problema e a scoprire chi è il misterioso hacker? (

Le français en contexte Arnaud Laygues, Andreu Coll

Laygues, Arnaud

Le français en contexte : methode de français professionnel : tourisme / Arnaud Laygues, Andreu Coll

2. ed

Paris : Maison des langues, c2014

Français professionnel [CLE International]. Niveau faux-débutant