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× Target di lettura Giovani, età 16-19

Trovati 332 documenti.

Radio Silence Alice Oseman

Oseman, Alice

Radio Silence / Alice Oseman

London : HarperCollins, 2018

Abstract: What if everything you set yourself up to be was wrong? Frances has always been a study machine with one goal, elite university. Nothing will stand in her way; not friends, not a guilty secret – not even the person she is on the inside. But when Frances meets Aled, the shy genius behind her favourite podcast, she discovers a new freedom. He unlocks the door to Real Frances and for the first time she experiences true friendship, unafraid to be herself. Then the podcastLeggi tutto

If we were villains M.L. Rio

Rio, M.L.

If we were villains / M.L. Rio

London : Titan Books, 2017

Abstract: A vivid and immersive story of obsession perfect for fans of dark academia and Donna Tartt’s The Secret History Oliver Marks has just served ten years for the murder of one of his closest friends – a murder he may or may not have committed. On the day he’s released, he’s greeted by the detective who put him in prison. Detective Colborne is retiring, but before he does, he wants to know what really happened ten years ago. As a young actor studying Shakespeare at an eliteLeggi tutto

Frankenstein Mary Shelley ; retold by Patrick Nobes

Nobes, Patrick

Frankenstein / Mary Shelley ; retold by Patrick Nobes

Oxford : Oxford University press, 1989

Oxford bookworms. Stage 3

Orangeboy Patrice Lawrence

Lawrence, Patrice

Orangeboy / Patrice Lawrence

London : Hodder children's books, 2016

Abstract: Set in and around the residential streets of a Hackney estate, Lawrence’s Orangeboy is a contemporary thriller that demands you race along in a screaming downward spiral when main character Marlon is forced to do terrible things to keep his family..

The glory boys Gerald Seymour ; abridged and simplified by Lewis Jones ; illustrations by Greg Hughes

Jones, Lewis

The glory boys / Gerald Seymour ; abridged and simplified by Lewis Jones ; illustrations by Greg Hughes

London [etc.] : Collins, 1978

Collins English library. Level 6

Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontë ; abridged and simplified by Margery Morris

Morris, Margery

Jane Eyre / Charlotte Brontë ; abridged and simplified by Margery Morris

Glasgow : Collins, 1977

Collins English library. Level 4

The call of the wild Jack London ; illustrations by Martin Gascoigne

London, Jack

The call of the wild / Jack London ; illustrations by Martin Gascoigne

London : Puffin, 2020

Green Puffin classics

Abstract: Life is good for house-dog Buck where he spends his days eating and sleeping in the golden sunshine of Santa Clara Valley. But when he is stolen and forced to work as a sledge dog in the harsh conditions of the frozen North he has to fight hard for his survival.

Silas Marner George Eliot ; abridged and simplified by A. J. Brayley ; illustrations by Eric Thomas

Brayley, A. J.

Silas Marner / George Eliot ; abridged and simplified by A. J. Brayley ; illustrations by Eric Thomas

Harlow : Longman, 1967

Longman structural readers. Stage 4, Fiction

Experiences of terror abridged and simplified by Roland John

John, Roland

Experiences of terror / abridged and simplified by Roland John

Glasgow : Collins, 1983

Collins English library. Level 5

Inspector Holt gets his man John Tully

Tully, John

Inspector Holt gets his man / John Tully

London [etc.] : Collins, 1977

Collins English library. Level 2

Pride and prejudice Jane Austen ; abridged and edited by Norah Woollard

Woollard, Norah

Pride and prejudice / Jane Austen ; abridged and edited by Norah Woollard

Walton-on-Thames : Nelson, 1992

Nelson readers. Level 4

Sense and sensibility Jane Austen ; adaptation and activicties by Elizabeth Ferretti ; illustrated by Barbara Baldi Bargiggia

Austen, Jane

Sense and sensibility / Jane Austen ; adaptation and activicties by Elizabeth Ferretti ; illustrated by Barbara Baldi Bargiggia

Recanati : ELI, 2013

Young adult ELI readers. Stage 3

Sunkissed Kasie West

West, Kasie

Sunkissed / Kasie West

New York : Ember, 2022

Abstract: Avery has always used music as an escape. But after her best friend betrays her, even her perfectly curated playlists can't help her forget what happened. To make matters worse, her parents have dragged her and her social-media-obsessed sister to a remote family camp for two months of "fun". Just when Avery is ready to give up on the summer altogether, she meets Brooks - mysterious, frustratingly charming Brooks - who just happens to be on staff - which means he's off-Leggi tutto

Burn our bodies down Rory Power

Power, Rory

Burn our bodies down / Rory Power

London : Macmillan Children's Books, 2021

Abstract: Ever since Margot was born, it's been just her and her mother. No answers to Margot's questions. No history to hold on to. Just the two of them, stuck in their run-down apartment, struggling to get along. But that's not enough for Margot. She wants family. She wants a past.

Wilder girls Rory Power

Power, Rory

Wilder girls / Rory Power

New York : Ember, 2020

Abstract: It started slow. First the teachers died one by one. Then it began to infect the students, turning their bodies strange and foreign. Now, cut off from the rest of the world and left to fend for themselves on their island home, the girls don't dare wander outside the school's fence, where the Tox has made the woods wild and dangerous. They wait for the cure they were promised as the Tox seeps into everything.

Sense and sensibility Jane Austen ; abridged and simplified by Norman Wymer

Wymer, Norman

Sense and sensibility / Jane Austen ; abridged and simplified by Norman Wymer

Glasgow : Collins, 1979

Collins English library. Level 5

Bank job James Heneghan & Norma Charles

Heneghan, James

Bank job / James Heneghan & Norma Charles

Copenhagen : Easy readers, c2011

Teen readers. Level 2

Crime never pays edited by Clare West ; series advisers H. G. Widdowson, Jennifer Bassett

Crime never pays : short stories / edited by Clare West ; series advisers H. G. Widdowson, Jennifer Bassett

Oxford : Oxford University press, 1993

Oxford bookworms collection

Little woman Louisa May Alcott

Alcott, Louisa May

Little woman / Louisa May Alcott

New York : Chartwell books, 2021

Chartwell classics

Abstract: Grown-up Meg, tomboyish Jo, timid Beth, and precocious Amy. The four March sisters couldn't be more different. But with their father away at war, and their mother working to support the family, they have to rely on one another. Whether they're putting on a play, forming a secret society, or celebrating Christmas, there's one thing they can't help wondering: Will Father return home safely?

Pitch perfect (Voices) directed by Jason Moore ; music by Christophe Beck, Mark Kilian ; edited by Lisa Zeno Churgin ; director of photography Julio Macat ; based on the book by Mickey Rapkin ; screenplay by Kay Cannon
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Pitch perfect (Voices) [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Jason Moore ; music by Christophe Beck, Mark Kilian ; edited by Lisa Zeno Churgin ; director of photography Julio Macat ; based on the book by Mickey Rapkin ; screenplay by Kay Cannon

Ed. speciale

Italia : Universal Studios, c2015

Abstract: Beca è una ragazza piuttosto alternativa che inizia il suo anno di matricola alla Barden University con un’idea ben precisa: abbandonare dopo il primo anno e trasferirsi a Los Angeles per diventare una DJ di successo, il suo sogno. Lì incontra Jesse, anche lui appassionato di musica e i due iniziano a lavorare insieme alla radio dell'università. Lei viene presa nel gruppo delle Barden Bella's capitanato dalla ferrea Aubrey, mentre lui viene preso dall'altro gruppoLeggi tutto