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× Nomi Marchesi, Ilaria
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× Livello lingua A2
× Target di lettura Ragazzi, età 11-15

Trovati 573 documenti.

What Katy did Susan Coolidge ; [adapted by Geraldine Sweeney]

Coolidge, Susan

What Katy did / Susan Coolidge ; [adapted by Geraldine Sweeney]

Rum : Helbling languages, 2016

Helbling readers [Helbling languages]. Red series, Classics, level 3

Ariadne's Story Joyce Hannam ; illustrated by Levi Pinfold

Hannam, Joyce

Ariadne's Story / Joyce Hannam ; illustrated by Levi Pinfold

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2010

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. Level two

Abstract: 'When he went home to Athens, the great prince Theseus left me on the island of Naxos. But why did he leave me? Everyone says that he was tired of me. But when we met, I was the princess of Crete and the most beautiful woman in the Aegean Sea.' Ariadne's story is one woman's tale of secret love, adventure and of escape - both from danger and from a life that she wanted to leave far behind her - many years ago in Ancient Greece.. (

Great lives Jane Cammack ; illustrated by Franco Rivolli

Cammack, Jane

Great lives : outstanding people of the English-speaking world / Jane Cammack ; illustrated by Franco Rivolli

Genova : Black cat, 2021

Green apple. Life skills, Step 1

My name is Ça Depend ActionAid International Italia onlus ; illustrated by Matteo Piana

ActionAid <Italia>

My name is Ça Depend : smile with me in the Congo / ActionAid International Italia onlus ; illustrated by Matteo Piana

New ed

Recanati : ELI, 2021

Young Eli readers. Real lives, Stage 4

Un été à Paris I. Darras

Darras, Isabelle

Un été à Paris / I. Darras

Paris : Maison des langues, stampa 2012

Collection intrigues policières [Maison des langues]

Abstract: Pendant les vacances scolaires, Lisa travaille dans un bateau-bus sur la Seine. Un jeune homme attire son attention : il prend tous les jours le bateau et ses agissements sont très suspects. Lisa décide de le suivre en secret dans les quartiers de Paris. (

The invisible man H. G. Wells ; retold by Nick Bullard

Bullard, Nick

The invisible man / H. G. Wells ; retold by Nick Bullard

London : Macmillan, 2014

Macmillan readers. Pre-intermediate level

Abstract: Adapted for Pre-intermediate level readers, this title tells a story about a mysterious stranger who arrives in a small English village, wearing clothes that cover his whole body, and even his face. The stranger turns out to be a scientist, but what is he trying to hide? (

Tödlicher Irrtum von Volker Borbein und Christian Baumgarten

Borbein, Volker

Tödlicher Irrtum : ein Fall für Patrick Reich / von Volker Borbein und Christian Baumgarten

Berlin : Cornelsen, 2009

Lextra [Cornelsen]

Abstract: Patrick Reich, der Privatdetektiv, und seine Frau Constanze sind von Kassel nach Berlin gezogen, doch ihr Glück wird bedroht. Ein Koffer kostet die beiden fast das Leben.. Lernkrimi mit vielen Worterklärungen, landeskundlichen Informationen, Rätseln und Aufgabe

Ci vuole orecchio! 1 ascolti autentici per sviluppare la comprensione orale ; Filomena Anzivino, Katia D'Angelo

Anzivino, Filomena

Ci vuole orecchio! 1 / ascolti autentici per sviluppare la comprensione orale ; Filomena Anzivino, Katia D'Angelo

Firenze : Alma, 2009

Ascoltare, leggere, parlare, scrivere [Alma]

Abstract: Ci vuole orecchio! propone una serie di ascolti autentici di vario tipo, utili allo studente per mettere alla prova la propria competenza nella comprensione orale. È strutturato in tre volumi (con cd audio), divisi per livello: A1-A2, A2-B1, B2-C1. In ciascun livello vengono proposti dei brani di ascolto autentico appartenenti a varie tipologie testuali, corredati da una serie di originali esercizi di comprensione e di analisi della lingua, con attenzione alle forme delLeggi tutto

La cité perdue Léo Lamarche

Lamarche, Léo

La cité perdue / Léo Lamarche

Paris : Hachette ; Milano : Sansoni per la scuola, c2011

Biblio jeunes [Hachette]

Julie et le bateau fantôme Adam Roy

Roy, Adam

Julie et le bateau fantôme / Adam Roy

Paris : Hachette ; Milano : Sansoni per la scuola, c2009

Biblio jeunes [Hachette]

Les trois mousquetaires Alexandre Dumas ; adaptation du texte: Henri Remachel

Remachel, Henri

Les trois mousquetaires / Alexandre Dumas ; adaptation du texte: Henri Remachel

Paris : Hachette, 2012-2013

Lire en français facile [Hachette]. Classique

Fräulein Else Arthur Schnitzler ; a cura di Caterina Garré

Schnitzler, Arthur

Fräulein Else / Arthur Schnitzler ; a cura di Caterina Garré

Torino : Loescher, 2020

Einfach lesen [Loescher]

Tako, mein Bruder Veronica Villa

Villa, Veronica

Tako, mein Bruder / Veronica Villa

Torino : Loescher, 2021

Einfach lesen [Loescher]

Tales from the Thousand and one nights text adaptation and activities by Jennifer Gascoigne ; illustrated by Alida Massari

Gascoigne, Jennifer

Tales from the Thousand and one nights / text adaptation and activities by Jennifer Gascoigne ; illustrated by Alida Massari

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2006

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step one A2

Abstract: A selection from the famous collection of Oriental stories, including the favourites Ali Baba and the fourty Thieves and Sindbad the sailor.. (Dalla 4. di cop.)

Guy Fawkes David Fermer

Fermer, David

Guy Fawkes / David Fermer

Surrey : Delta Publishing, 2019

Delta graphic readers. History, Level 6

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Merano - Mediateca multilingueScaffale aperto
EN 752 FER 1
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Liebesgeschichten L. Tieck .. [et al.] ; bearbeitet von Achim Seiffarth, ; illustriert von Alfredo Belli

Seiffarth, Achim

Liebesgeschichten / L. Tieck .. [et al.] ; bearbeitet von Achim Seiffarth, ; illustriert von Alfredo Belli

Genova [etc.] : Cideb, 2015

Lesen und üben [Cideb]. Niveau zwei A2

Abstract: L'amore fiabesco tra un cavaliere e una bella principessa, l'amore crudele e misterioso di un “magnetizzatore” e una giovane fanciulla, l'amore impossibile di uno studente per una ragazza del popolo, l'amore che conduce alla follia. Quattro racconti d'amore della tradizione tedesca, che raramente conducono a un lieto fine. (

Die Loreley lebt! Roland Dittrich

Dittrich, Roland

Die Loreley lebt! / Roland Dittrich

Stuttgart : Klett, 2008

Tatort DaF [Klett]. Hörkrimi

Kalt erwischt in Hamburg Cordula Schurig

Schurig, Cordula

Kalt erwischt in Hamburg / Cordula Schurig

Stuttgart : Klett, 2008

Tatort DaF [Klett]. Hörkrimi

Climate kids Jane Cammack ; illustrated by Alfredo Belli ; text and activitties by Jane Cammack

Cammack, Jane

Climate kids / Jane Cammack ; illustrated by Alfredo Belli ; text and activitties by Jane Cammack

Genova : Black cat, 2023

Green apple. Life skills, Step 2

La gitanilla Miguel de Cervantes ; reducción linguística, actividades y reportajes de Raquel García Prieto ; illustraciones de Paola Chartoux

García Prieto, Raquel

La gitanilla / Miguel de Cervantes ; reducción linguística, actividades y reportajes de Raquel García Prieto ; illustraciones de Paola Chartoux

Recanati : ELI, 2012

Lecturas Adolescentes [ELI]. Nivel 2