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× Nomi Manu, Daniela M.
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× Livello lingua B1
× Soggetto Lingua inglese -- Letture

Trovati 78 documenti.

The house by the sea Patricia Aspinall

Aspinall, Patricia

The house by the sea / Patricia Aspinall

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999

Cambridge english readers [Cambridge University Press]. Level 3

Rob Roy Sir Walter Scott ; text adaptation and activities by Kenneth Brodey ; illustrated by Gianni De Conno

Brodey, Kenneth

Rob Roy / Sir Walter Scott ; text adaptation and activities by Kenneth Brodey ; illustrated by Gianni De Conno

Genoa [etc.] : Black cat, 2010

Reading and training. Step Two B1.1

Amazing explorers text by Anne Collins ; series edited by Fiona MacKenzie

Collins, Anne

Amazing explorers / text by Anne Collins ; series edited by Fiona MacKenzie

London : HarperCollins, c2014

Collins English readers. Level 3

Abstract: The inspiring stories of 6 people who changed history. Marco Polo who taught the world about China; Ibn Battuta who travelled to 44 countries; Christopher Columbus who discovered new worlds; James Cook, first to sail around the world in both directions; David Livingstone who explored Africa; Yuri Gagarin, the first man to go into space. (

Twelve years a slave Solomon Northup ; [adapted by David A. Hill]

Hill, David A.

Twelve years a slave / Solomon Northup ; [adapted by David A. Hill]

Rum : Helbling languages, 2014

Helbling readers classics. Blue series, Level 5

Abstract: Solomon Northup was kidnapped as a free man and sold into slavery. This is the story of his twelve years as a slave. Solomon paints a clear picture of the life of a slave, the endless work and the cruel treatment, where people are treated without any humanity. Find out how Solomon was kidnapped, about his terrible journey South and his three very different masters. How did Solomon survive? And how did Solomon become a free man once more?

Ernest Hemingway Scott Wheeldon

Wheeldon Scott

Ernest Hemingway / Scott Wheeldon

Milano : Hoepli, c2010

Biographies [Hoepli]. Level B1

Abstract: Hemingway, romanziere e giornalista, raggiunse in vita popolarità e fama. Con il romanzo Il vecchio e il mare vinse il premio Pulitzer nel 1953 e l’anno successivo fu insignito del Premio Nobel per la letteratura. Dopo una turbolenta e intensa vita, morì suicida nel luglio 1961.. (

The diaries of Adam and Eve Mark Twain ; notes and activities by Luisa Benigni, Ann Louise Clarke

Twain, Mark <1835-1910>

The diaries of Adam and Eve / Mark Twain ; notes and activities by Luisa Benigni, Ann Louise Clarke

Milano : Hoepli, c2015

Classics [Hoepli]. Level B1

Abstract: This is the story of the first man and woman exploring an unknown and incomprehensible world. Twain leads us through the garden home of the first couple in the biblical creation story allowing us to rediscover the world in a new and refreshing light. We are taken on a timeless journey from the very beginnings of their separate lives on earth up to their innocent courtship, their suffering during the Fall and the triumph of their love. As they write down their thoughts andLeggi tutto

Sherlock Holmes investigates Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ; text adaptation, notes and activities by Kenneth Brodey

Doyle, Arthur Conan

Sherlock Holmes investigates : three stories of detection / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ; text adaptation, notes and activities by Kenneth Brodey

3. ed

Genova : Cideb, 1999

Reading and training [Cideb]. Intermediate

Transformers. based on the screenplay by Ehren Kruger ; [adapted by Lynda Edwards]

Edwards, Lynda

Transformers.. Dark of the moon / based on the screenplay by Ehren Kruger ; [adapted by Lynda Edwards]

Rum : Helbling languages ; London : Scholastic

Helbling readers movies. Level 4

Fa parte di: Dark of the moon

Tales of the unreal Jerome K. Jerome, Mary E. Wilkins ; notes and activities Luisa Benigni, Ann Louise Schou Clarke, Eliana Giommetti

Jerome, Jerome K.

Tales of the unreal / Jerome K. Jerome, Mary E. Wilkins ; notes and activities Luisa Benigni, Ann Louise Schou Clarke, Eliana Giommetti

Milano : Hoepli, c2010

Classics [Hoepli]. Level B1

Game over in Soho Sarah Trenker

Trenker, Sarah

Game over in Soho / Sarah Trenker

Firenze [etc.] : Giunti Demetra, 2012

L'inglese in giallo [Giunti Demetra]. Secondo livello

The lost world Arthur Conan Doyle ; adaptation and teaching material: Lidia Parodi, Marina Vallacco

Parodi, Lidia

The lost world / Arthur Conan Doyle ; adaptation and teaching material: Lidia Parodi, Marina Vallacco

Milano : Hoepli, c2014

Simplified classics [Hoepli]. Level B1/B2

Abstract: The Lost World, undoubtedly the most famous non-Sherlock Holmes story written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, was published in 1912 in the Strand magazine. Despite the popularity of Holmes, Conan Doyle himself preferred either his historical work or fantastical stories. Edward Malone, the main character, is a young man in love; but the woman of his dreams, Gladys, is critical of him because he has never done anything spectacular or dangerous to prove his love for her.. (

Frankenstein Mary Shelley ; script by Jason Cobley ; adapted for ELT by Brigit Viney

Cobley, Jason

Frankenstein : the Elt graphic novel / Mary Shelley ; script by Jason Cobley ; adapted for ELT by Brigit Viney

Australia [etc.] : Heinle Cengage Learning, c2009

Classical comics [Heinle Cengage Learning]

Nothing but the truth George Kershaw

Kershaw, George

Nothing but the truth / George Kershaw

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999

Cambridge english readers [Cambridge University Press]. Intermediate

Abstract: Modern, original fiction for learners of English (

Double cross Philip Prowse

Prowse, Philip

Double cross / Philip Prowse

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999

Cambridge english readers [Cambridge University Press]. Lower-intermediate

Abstract: Modern, original fiction for learners of English (

But was it murder? Jania Barrell

Barrell, Jania

But was it murder? / Jania Barrell

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, c2000

Cambridge english readers [Cambridge University Press]. Intermediate

Abstract: Modern, original fiction for learners of English (

Bend it like Beckham Narinder Dhami ; based on the original screenplay by Gurinder Chadha, Guljit Bindra and Paul Mayeda Berges

Dhami, Narinder

Bend it like Beckham / Narinder Dhami ; based on the original screenplay by Gurinder Chadha, Guljit Bindra and Paul Mayeda Berges

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2015

Klett English editions

Murder on Harris von R. E. Syme

Syme, R. E.

Murder on Harris : Mord und Intrige in Schottland / von R. E. Syme

Berlin : Cornelsen, 2012

Lex:tra [Cornelsen] - Lernkrimi Englisch B1/B2 [Cornelsen]

The mystery of the three domes Elspeth Rawstrom

Rawstrom, Elspeth

The mystery of the three domes / Elspeth Rawstrom

Rum : Helbling languages, 2016

Helbling readers fiction. Blue series, Level 5

Catwoman adapted by: Jane Rollason

Rollason, Jane

Catwoman / adapted by: Jane Rollason

London : Scholastic ; Milano : Garzanti scuola, c2005

Scholastic [Garzanti scuola]. Level 3

The secret agent Joseph Conrad

Conrad, Joseph

The secret agent / Joseph Conrad

Rum : Helbling languages, 2017

Helbling readers classics. Blue series, Level 4

Abstract: When Mary Lennox’s parents die in India, she moves to England to live in her uncle’s enormous manor. Mary is sad and lonely but one day she finds an old key to a secret garden that no one goes into and a whole new world of magic and enchantment opens up to her. Before long Mary learns to make friends for the first time.