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Trovati 622 documenti.

Gira il mondo con l'inglese Paolo Petroni ; illustrazioni di Manuela Nerolini

Petroni, Paolo G.

Gira il mondo con l'inglese / Paolo Petroni ; illustrazioni di Manuela Nerolini

Milano : Mondadori, 2009

The Canterville ghost Oscar Wilde ; text, adptation and activities by Gaia Ierace ; [illustrated by Maria Sole Macchia]

Wilde, Oscar

The Canterville ghost / Oscar Wilde ; text, adptation and activities by Gaia Ierace ; [illustrated by Maria Sole Macchia]

Genoa [etc.] : Black cat, c1999

Earlyreads. Level 5

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Biblioteca Civica C. BattistiSala Lettura
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Halloween Elizabeth Jackson ; text and execises Elizabeth Jackson ; language consultant Lucy Hughes ; drawings Sigrid Thaler

Jackson, Elizabeth

Halloween / Elizabeth Jackson ; text and execises Elizabeth Jackson ; language consultant Lucy Hughes ; drawings Sigrid Thaler

Milano : Modern languages, c2005

Kids' readers

Bugaboo Cristina Ivaldi ; [illustrated by Claudio Decataldo]

Ivaldi, Cristina

Bugaboo : the wicked witch / Cristina Ivaldi ; [illustrated by Claudio Decataldo]

Genoa [etc.] : Black cat, c2001

Earlyreads. Level 3

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Biblioteca Civica C. BattistiSala Lettura
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
A ghost story Shirley Brown ; text and execises Shirley Brown ; language consultant Lucy Hughes ; drawings Barbra Brushes

Brown, Shirley

A ghost story / Shirley Brown ; text and execises Shirley Brown ; language consultant Lucy Hughes ; drawings Barbra Brushes

Milano : Modern languages, c2005

Kids' readers

Halloween Kelly Reinhart

Reinhart, Kelly

Halloween : magic, witches and vampires / Kelly Reinhart

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2004

Green apple [Cideb]. Step one

Geography Keith Kelly

Kelly, Keith

Geography / Keith Kelly

Oxford : Macmillan, 2009

Macmillian vocabulary practice series

The Hobbit or, There and back again J. R. R. Tolkien

Tolkien, J. R. R.

The Hobbit or, There and back again / J. R. R. Tolkien

London : Harper Collins, 2020

Abstract: Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit who enjoys a comfortable, unambitious life, rarely traveling any farther than his pantry or cellar. But his contentment is disturbed when the wizard Gandalf and a company of dwarves arrive on his doorstep one day to whisk him away on an adventure. They have launched a plot to raid the treasure hoard guarded by Smaug the Magnificent, a large and very dangerous dragon. Bilbo reluctantly joins their quest, unaware that on his journey to the LonelyLeggi tutto

The hound of the Baskervilles Arthur Conan Doyle

Doyle, Arthur Conan

The hound of the Baskervilles / Arthur Conan Doyle

Kopenhagen : Easy Readers, 2009

Easy readers. C

Crash course Ken Singleton

Singleton, Ken

Crash course / Ken Singleton

Recanati : ELI, c2004

Teen beat [European Language Institute]. Pre-intermediate

Timesaver speaking activities by Peter Maggs & Jon Hird

Maggs, Peter

Timesaver speaking activities : pre-intermediate-advanced / by Peter Maggs & Jon Hird

London : Scholastic : Mary Glasgow Magazines, 2007

Timesaver [Scholastic]

Abstract: Collection of fun speaking activities which will really motivate students to communicate in English. Activities include role plays, dialogues, discussions and speaking games, focusing on specific language areas as well as general communication.

Cattivissimo me 2 directed by Chris Renaud, Pierre Coffin ; orginal songs and themes by Pharrell Williams ; written by Cinco Paul & Ken Daurio
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Cattivissimo me 2 [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Chris Renaud, Pierre Coffin ; orginal songs and themes by Pharrell Williams ; written by Cinco Paul & Ken Daurio

Italia : Universal Pictures, 2014

Abstract: Ora che il sempre attivissimo Gru si è lasciato alle spalle una vita di super crimini per crescere le sue bambine, Gru, il professor Nefario e i Minion hanno a disposizione un sacco di tempo libero. Ma proprio quando stava cominciando ad adattarsi al suo ruolo di padre di famiglia di periferia, un'organizzazione ultra segreta impegnata a combattere il male viene a bussare alla sua porta. Ora, sta a Gru e alla sua nuova partner, Lucy Wilde, scoprire il responsabile di unLeggi tutto

The big mistake Nella Burnett-Stuart, Bruna Deriu

Burnett Stuart, Nella

The big mistake / Nella Burnett-Stuart, Bruna Deriu

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c1998

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step four B2

Grandmothers' stories retold by Burlegh Mutén ; illustrated by Siân Bailey

Mutén, Burleigh

Grandmothers' stories : wise woman tales from many cultures / retold by Burlegh Mutén ; illustrated by Siân Bailey

Bath : Barefoot books, 1999

Frida Kahlo by Zena Alkayat and Nina Cosford

Alkayat, Zena

Frida Kahlo : an illustrated biography / by Zena Alkayat and Nina Cosford

San Francisco : Chronicle books, 2016

Library of luminaries [Cronicle books]

Abstract: This beautifully illustrated biography follows Frida Kahlo's exceptional life and work, and celebrates the Mexican icon's immense legacy. From a young age, Kahlo forged her own path, overcoming polio as a child, and stoically battling the after-effects of a tragic road accident that left her with lifelong injuries. This book traces her relationship with Mexican muralist Diego Rivera, her success as an artist, her many love affairs and her inspirations and influences (

Cinderella retold by Ruth Hobart ; illustrated by Giovanni Manna

Hobart, Ruth

Cinderella / retold by Ruth Hobart ; illustrated by Giovanni Manna

Genoa : Black cat, 2006

Earlyreads. Level 3

English plus Ben Wetz with Helen Halliwell .. [et al.]

Wetz, Ben

English plus : student's book & workbook : pre-intermediate / Ben Wetz with Helen Halliwell .. [et al.]

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2011

Abstract: L'approccio tematico, il sillabo graduato e il linguaggio funzionale sono elementi essenziali di questo corso che offre una scelta di argomenti intriganti per gli studenti di oggi. In più un rigoroso sillabo di scrittura e percorsi specifici di letteratura, CLIL, civiltà e linguaggio funzionale sono stati pensati per ampliare la competenza comunicativa e culturale individuale di ogni ragazzo. Confezione anche con libro digitale My Digital Book 2.0. Disponibili espansioni (

La piccola principessa directed by Alfonso Cuarón ; based on the novel of Frances Hodgson Burnett ; screenplay by Elizabeth Chandler and Richard Lagravenese ; music by Patrick Doyle
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

La piccola principessa [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Alfonso Cuarón ; based on the novel of Frances Hodgson Burnett ; screenplay by Elizabeth Chandler and Richard Lagravenese ; music by Patrick Doyle

Italia : Warner Bros Entertainment, 2002

Abstract: La piccola Sara Crewe, che non ha più la mamma, vive felice in India con suo padre, capitano dell'esercito inglese, che la riempie di attenzioni. Allo scoppio della prima guerra mondiale, però, il capitano Crewe viene inviato a combattere in Africa e Sara, rimasta sola, viene mandata a New York per frequentare lo stesso esclusivo collegio frequentato un tempo da sua madre. Lì, Sara si scontra con la durezza dell'istituzione e con la preside, la signorina Minchiper, per laLeggi tutto

The lost world sir Arthur Conan Doyle ; text adaptation by Susan Kingsley ; illustrated by Anders Westerberg

Kingsley, Susan

The lost world / sir Arthur Conan Doyle ; text adaptation by Susan Kingsley ; illustrated by Anders Westerberg

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2002

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. Level two

A stranger at Green Knowe Lucy M. Boston ; retold by Diane Mowart ; illustrated by Peter Boston

Mowart, Diane

A stranger at Green Knowe / Lucy M. Boston ; retold by Diane Mowart ; illustrated by Peter Boston

2nd ed

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2000

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Human interest, Stage 2