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× Soggetto Lingua inglese -- Apprendimento -- Libri per ragazzi
× Target di lettura Ragazzi, età 11-15

Trovati 141 documenti.

The magic mirror Josh Lacey ; illustrated by Xenia Gesthüsen

Lacey, Josh

The magic mirror / Josh Lacey ; illustrated by Xenia Gesthüsen

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2019

Team reader

Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato
Bolzano - Centro MultilingueScaffale aperto
EN 752 LAC
Prestabile 30 gg.Copia disponibile
Crying wolf and other taler by Aesop ; retold by Janet Hardy-Gould ; illustrated by Gerald Kelley

Hardy-Gould, Janet

Crying wolf and other taler / by Aesop ; retold by Janet Hardy-Gould ; illustrated by Gerald Kelley

Oxford : Oxford University press, c2013

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. Starter

Ali Baba and the forty thieves retold by Janet Hardy-Gould ; illustrated by Trystan Mitchell

Hardy-Gould, Janet

Ali Baba and the forty thieves / retold by Janet Hardy-Gould ; illustrated by Trystan Mitchell

Oxford : Oxford University press, c2012

Dominoes [Oxford University press]. Starter

Paul learns to plan Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs ; illustrated by Vaness Lovegrove

Puchta, Herbert

Paul learns to plan / Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs ; illustrated by Vaness Lovegrove

Rum : Helbling languages, 2019

The thinking train. Level D

The jungle book Rudyard Kipling ; retold by Ralph Mowat ; illustrated by Siobhan Russell

Mowat, Ralph

The jungle book / Rudyard Kipling ; retold by Ralph Mowat ; illustrated by Siobhan Russell

Oxford : Oxford University press, 1997

Oxford bookworms. Stage 2

Test formativi e P.E.L Francesca Ripamonti

Ripamonti, Francesca

Test formativi e P.E.L / Francesca Ripamonti

Oxford : Macmillan, 2007

Fa parte di: Result!3

Pre A1 Starters Barbara Mackay, Anna Osborn

Mackay, Barbara

Pre A1 Starters : three practice tests / Barbara Mackay, Anna Osborn

London : Collins, 2018

The new class Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs ; illustrated by Maria Sole Macchia

Puchta, Herbert

The new class / Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs ; illustrated by Maria Sole Macchia

Rum : Helbling languages, 2019

The thinking train. Level A

Five children and it Edith Nesbit ; retold by Diane Mowat

Mowat, Diane

Five children and it / Edith Nesbit ; retold by Diane Mowat

2. ed

Oxford : Oxford University press, 2000

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Fantasy & horror, Stage 2

Student's book & workbook 2 David Spencer

Spencer, David

Student's book & workbook 2 / David Spencer

Oxford : Macmillan, 2007

Fa parte di: Result!4

Gulliver in Lilliput Jonathan Swift ; retold by H. Q. Mitchell

Mitchell, H. Q

Gulliver in Lilliput / Jonathan Swift ; retold by H. Q. Mitchell

London [etc.] : MM publications, c2005

Primary readers [MM publications]. Classic story. Level 6

The seven ages of .. William Shakespeare Caterina Lerro, Luisa Marro

Lerro, Caterina

The seven ages of .. William Shakespeare : a social history of the Shakesperian time / Caterina Lerro, Luisa Marro

Napoli : Esselibri ; Napoli : Simone per la scuola, 2005

Silas Marner George Eliot ; retold by Clare West

West, Clare

Silas Marner : the weawer of Raveloe / George Eliot ; retold by Clare West

New York : Oxford University press, 2003

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Classics, Stage 4

Abstract: Set in the English countryside in the first years of the nineteenth century, Silas Marner is a magical story of redemption through human relationships..

Cambridge English Flyers

Cambridge English Flyers : authentic examination papers 2 : student's book

Cambridge : Cambridge university press : UCLES, 2018

Cambridge English Movers

Cambridge English Movers : authentic examination papers 2 : student's book

Cambridge : Cambridge university press : UCLES, 2018

Result! David Spencer

Spencer, David

Result! / David Spencer

Oxford : Macmillan, 2007

Student's book Richard MacAndrews

MacAndrew, Richard

Student's book / Richard MacAndrews

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c1999

Oxford English video [Oxford University Press]

Fa parte di: Watch this! 3 / Richard MacAndrew1

Teacher's book Tim Falla

Falla, Tim

Teacher's book / Tim Falla

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c1999

Oxford English video [Oxford University Press]

Fa parte di: Watch this! 1 / Tim Falla2

Una giornata a New York Stéphanie Benson, Jake Lamar

Benson, Stéphanie

Una giornata a New York / Stéphanie Benson, Jake Lamar

Firenze [etc.] : Giunti junior, 2016

Fun reading. Livello 2

Abstract: La vacanza di Alex a New York non è iniziata proprio bene: il suo cugino americano parla solo di hip hop mentre lui continua a sognare di visitare il MOMA. Il ragazzo francese decide quindi di rimboccarsi le maniche e visitare da solo la grande città.. Finché non incontra Diandra, una giovane cantante diventata una star negli Stati Uniti! Il giorno che passeranno insieme sarà sicuramente indimenticabile.. (

Peter e il segreto dell'uomo senza testa Stéphanie Benson

Benson, Stéphanie

Peter e il segreto dell'uomo senza testa / Stéphanie Benson

Firenze [etc.] : Giunti junior, 2016

Fun reading. Livello 2

Abstract: Peter va in vacanza nel sud dell'Inghilterra per incontrare dei suoi cugini mai visti prima. Ma dentro alla grande villa di famiglia che sembra un castello medievale da qualche tempo gli oggetti hanno iniziato a sparire. Peter, nonostante non parli bene l'inglese, riuscirà a risolvere il mistero.. (