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× Nomi Gaber, Giorgio
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× Soggetto Filastrocche -- Libri per ragazzi
× Lingue Inglese

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Sing-along nursery rhymes


Sing-along nursery rhymes : with delightful CD / illustrated by Chiara Bordoni ; CD arranged and produced by Anthony Marks ; edited by Fiona Watt ; designed by Nicola Butler

London : Usborne, 2009

Titolo e contributi: Sing-along nursery rhymes : with delightful CD / illustrated by Chiara Bordoni ; CD arranged and produced by Anthony Marks ; edited by Fiona Watt ; designed by Nicola Butler

Pubblicazione: London : Usborne, 2009

Descrizione fisica: [6] c. : quasi tutto ill. ; 22x22 cm. +1 CD audio

ISBN: 9780746097762


Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)

Paese: xx

Sing-along nursery rhymes
  • Tit. dalla cop
  • Precede il tit.: Usborne
  • V. cartonato, sagomato, con CD audio incorporato nella cop
  • Nome degli A. dalla 2. di cop
Condividi il titolo

Abstract: This delightful book contains a selection of well-loved traditional nursery rhymes. The tunes on the CD have been specially arranged for little children to sing along to (dalla 4. di cop.)