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Trovati 3 documenti.

A moral ontology for a theistic ethic Frank G. Kirkpatrick

Kirkpatrick, Frank G.

A moral ontology for a theistic ethic : gathering the nations in love and justice / Frank G. Kirkpatrick

Aldershot [etc.] : Ashgate, c2003

Heythrope studies in contemporary philosophy, religion and theology

Mere Christianity C.S. Lewis

Lewis, C.S.

Mere Christianity / C.S. Lewis

a revised and amplified edition, with a new introduction, of the three books, Broadcast talks, Christian behaviour and Beyond personality

London and Glasgow : Collins, 1973

Christian faith and greek philosophy A. H. Armstrong and R. A. Markus

Armstrong, Arthur Hilary

Christian faith and greek philosophy / A. H. Armstrong and R. A. Markus

London : Darton, Longman & Todd, 1964