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× Nomi Feuerbach, Ludwig
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× Livello lingua B1
× Data 2016

Trovati 128 documenti.

The luckiest girl in the world Andrea M. Hutchinson ; illustrated by Ivan Canu
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Hutchinson, Andrea M.

The luckiest girl in the world / Andrea M. Hutchinson ; illustrated by Ivan Canu

Genova [etc.] : Black cat, 2016

Reading & training.web. Step two B1.1

Abstract: Lola is fed up with being invisible. All she wants is for high school rugby star Matt to ask her to the prom, but he doesn’t even know she exists. She has a plan that will make her the most popular girl in school, but is being popular what makes someone the luckiest girl in the world?

In italiano Gaia e Angelo Chiuchiù

Chiuchiù, Gaia

In italiano [Audioregistrazione] : il corso : volume 2 / Gaia e Angelo Chiuchiù

Milano : Hoepli, c2016

Fa parte di: In italiano2

The Skye's the limit von Dominic Butler

Butler, Dominic

The Skye's the limit : 20 landestypische Kurzgeschichten zum Englischlernen / von Dominic Butler

Stuttgart : PONS, 2016

Pons Lektüre in Bildern - Englisch. Niveau B1-B2


Pozo Vicente, Cristina

Universo.ele : Spanisch für Studierende, B1

München : Hueber, 2016

Rain, rain, go away! Nicola Prentis ; illustrated by Franco Rivolli
Videoregistrazioni: DVD

Prentis, Nicola

Rain, rain, go away! / Nicola Prentis ; illustrated by Franco Rivolli

Genova [etc.] : Black cat, 2016

Reading & training.web [Cideb]. Step two B1.2

Course book author: Gill Johnson

Johnson, Gill

Course book : level 3 intermediate / author: Gill Johnson

London : Dorling Kindersley, 2016

Fa parte di: English for everyone : level 3 intermediate1

Focus ahead intermediate

Focus ahead intermediate : Student's book : Vaughan Jones .. [et al.]

Milano [etc.] : Pearson : Longman, 2016

Always learning [Pearson]

Einfach gut! Milena Angioni, Ines Hälbig

Angioni, Milena

Einfach gut! : Deutsch für die Integration B1.1 : Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch / Milena Angioni, Ines Hälbig

3. Aufl

Frankfurt am Main : Telc, 2016

DELE activo Cristina Bartolomé Martínez

Bartolomé Martínez Cristina

DELE activo : curso rápido con actividades, consejos y modelos : nivel B1 / Cristina Bartolomé Martínez

Recanati : ELI, 2016

In italiano Gaia e Angelo Chiuchiù

Chiuchiù, Gaia

In italiano : il corso : volume 2 : livello B1 / Gaia e Angelo Chiuchiù

Milano : Hoepli, c2016

Fa parte di: In italiano1

Zdravej! Vesselina Laskova
Multimedia (kit)

Laskova, Veselina Anastasova

Zdravej! : corso di lingua bulgara : livelli A1-B1 del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue / Vesselina Laskova

Milano : Hoepli, 2016

The Canterville ghost Oscar Wilde ; text adaptation by Gillian Hammond ; activities by Manuela Cohen ; illustrations by Lucia Conversi

Hammond, Gillian

The Canterville ghost / Oscar Wilde ; text adaptation by Gillian Hammond ; activities by Manuela Cohen ; illustrations by Lucia Conversi

Milano : Liberty, 2016

Deutsch B1/B2 in der Pflege Melanie Böck, Hans-Heinrich Rohrer

Böck, Melanie

Deutsch B1/B2 in der Pflege : für Fachkräfte im Anerkennungsverfahren / Melanie Böck, Hans-Heinrich Rohrer

München : Elsevier, 2016

Zdravej! Vesselina Laskova

Laskova, Veselina Anastasova

Zdravej! : corso di lingua bulgara : livelli A1-B1 del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue / Vesselina Laskova

Milano : Hoepli, 2016

Fa parte di: Zdravej!1

Hamlet William Shakespeare ; retold by Alistair McCallum

McCallum, Alistair

Hamlet / William Shakespeare ; retold by Alistair McCallum

Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, c2016

Oxford bookworms library [Oxford University press]. Playscripts, Stage 2

Abstract: This famous play by William Shakespeare, written in about 1600, is one of the finest in the English language. Why does Hamlet, the young Prince of Denmark, look so sad? Why does he often say strange things? His family and friends are worried about him. Perhaps he is mad.. (

Pride and prejudice Jane Austen ; [adapted by Elspeth Rawstron]

Austen, Jane

Pride and prejudice / Jane Austen ; [adapted by Elspeth Rawstron]

Rum : Helbling languages, 2016

Helbling readers [Helbling languages]. Blue series, Classics, level 5

DUDEN Wortschatztrainer Deutsch als Fremdsprache von Goranka Rocco, Susanne Krauß, Nathalie Vogelwiesche

Rocco, Goranka

DUDEN Wortschatztrainer Deutsch als Fremdsprache : üben, erweitern, wiederholen / von Goranka Rocco, Susanne Krauß, Nathalie Vogelwiesche

Berlin : Dudenverlag, c2016

Abstract: Der Wortschatztrainer bietet mehr als 300 abwechslungsreiche Wortschatzübungen auf den Niveaustufen A1 bis B1. Die Aufgaben legen einen besonderen Schwerpunkt auf authentische kommunikative Situationen und Textsorten des täglichen Lebens und sind in kompakten thematischen Einheiten nach ihrem Schwierigkeitsgrad unterteilt. Zum einfachen und schnellen Nachschlagen enthält das alphabetische Register die wichtigsten Wörter in englischer und arabischer Übersetzung.

Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit DVD-ROM B1.2 Sabine Jentges .. [et al.]

Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit DVD-ROM B1.2 / Sabine Jentges .. [et al.]

Stuttgart : Klett Sprachen, 2016

Deutsch als Fremdsprache [Klett Sprachen]

Fa parte di: DaF leicht B1

English for everyone

English for everyone : level 3 intermediate

New York : Dorling Kindersley, 2016

The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson ; text adaptation by Gillian Hammond ; activities by Manuela Cohen ; illustrations by Lucia Conversi

Hammond, Gillian

The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde / Robert Louis Stevenson ; text adaptation by Gillian Hammond ; activities by Manuela Cohen ; illustrations by Lucia Conversi

Milano : Liberty, c2016

Libertyreaders. Three, Preliminary