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Trovati 5831 documenti.

Strandfliederblüten Gabriella Engelmann

Engelmann, Gabriella

Strandfliederblüten : Roman / Gabriella Engelmann

München : Knaur, 2017

Knaur ; 52071

Cenerentola regia Carlo Verdone ; musica Gioacchino Rossini ; [illustrazioni Annalisa Cosi]

Verdone, Carlo

Cenerentola : una favola in diretta / regia Carlo Verdone ; musica Gioacchino Rossini ; [illustrazioni Annalisa Cosi]

Roma : RAI-ERI, c2013

Spettacolo [RAI-ERI]

I primi cristiani a cura di María Laboa ; disegni di Antonio Molino

I primi cristiani : fino al 180 / a cura di María Laboa ; disegni di Antonio Molino

Milano : Jaca book ; Castel Bolognese : Itaca, 2004

La Chiesa e la sua storia ; 1

Hicksville by Dylan Horrocks

Horrocks, Dylan

Hicksville : a comic book / by Dylan Horrocks

Montreal : Drawn & Quarterly, 2001

The big book of Thugs by Joel Rose ; and 57 of the world's top comic artists

The big book of Thugs / by Joel Rose ; and 57 of the world's top comic artists

New York : Paradox press, 2007?

Abstract: These factoid books offer wild looks at subjects considered too taboo, too avant-garde, just plain too weird for normal books or comics. From lunatics throughout history to secret conspiracies that shape our lives to the most morbid and grotesque of demises..

Christmas fun Ruth Hobart ; illustrated by Laura Scarpa

Hobart, Ruth

Christmas fun / Ruth Hobart ; illustrated by Laura Scarpa

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, 2007

Early reads [Cideb]. Level 4

Three men in a boat Jerome K. Jerome ; text adaptation and activities by Gina D. B. Clemen ; illustrated by Franco Grazioli

Clemen, Gina D. B.

Three men in a boat : to say nothing of the dog / Jerome K. Jerome ; text adaptation and activities by Gina D. B. Clemen ; illustrated by Franco Grazioli

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c2007

Reading & training [Cideb]. Step three B1.2

Avalon High Meg Cabot ; traduzione di Maria Concetta Scotto di Santillo

Cabot, Meg

Avalon High / Meg Cabot ; traduzione di Maria Concetta Scotto di Santillo

Milano : Fabbri, 2007

Narrativa [Fabbri]

Komm mit ins Farbenland Gerhard Friedrich, Viola de Galgóczy

Friedrich, Gerhard

Komm mit ins Farbenland : eine spielerische Entdeckungsreise in die bunte Welt der Farben / Gerhard Friedrich, Viola de Galgóczy

Freiburg im Breisgau : Christophorus, stampa 2007

Gli ultimi giorni Pompeo Andrea Pazienza

Pazienza, Andrea

Gli ultimi giorni Pompeo : fino all'estremo / Andrea Pazienza

Castiglione del Lago : Edizioni Di, stampa 1997

Drawn & Quarterly 5 editor & publisher: Chris Oliveros

Drawn & Quarterly 5 / editor & publisher: Chris Oliveros

Montreal : Drawn & Quarterly, 2003

Abstract: Drawn and Quarterly is a Canadian comic book publishing company, headed by publisher Chris Oliveros, and based in Montreal, Quebec. Its focus is on graphic novels and underground or alternative comics. This anthology series consists of softcover coffee table books that contain a wide sampling of beautiful work. The latest starts off with a Monsieur Jean story by the team of Dupuy & Berberian. Jean is an author with a motley collection of friends. He’s been living inLeggi tutto

Forever Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming

Bendis, Brian Michael

Forever / Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming

New York : Marvel comics, c2004

Powers [Marvel comics] ; 7

Der kluene Prinz Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ; mit Bilder von Verfasser ; ausn Französischn ins Tirolerische augschriebm vo'r Annemarie Regensburger

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine <de ; 1900-1944>

Der kluene Prinz : tirolerisch / Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ; mit Bilder von Verfasser ; ausn Französischn ins Tirolerische augschriebm vo'r Annemarie Regensburger

2. ed

Nidderau : Naumann, 2007

Le petit prince in deutschen Mundarten ; 16

The amazing adventures of the Escapist 2 escapologist Michael Chabon

Chabon, Michael

The amazing adventures of the Escapist 2 / escapologist Michael Chabon

Milwaukie : Dark horse comics, 2002

ELI dictionnaire illustré français

ELI dictionnaire illustré français

Nouvelle èd. revue et augmentée

Recanati : ELI, European Language Institute, c2007

The Canterville Ghost Oscar Wilde ; text adaptation and activities by Gaia Ierace ; [illustrated by Maria Sole Macchia]

Ierace, Gaia

The Canterville Ghost / Oscar Wilde ; text adaptation and activities by Gaia Ierace ; [illustrated by Maria Sole Macchia]

Genova : Cideb ; Canterbury : Black cat, c1999

Early reads [Cideb]. Level 5

El Salvador terra in cerca di pace [a cura del] Centro di Solidarietá Internazionale Nord-Est ; raccolte da Flavia Marchesi, Grazia Meregalli, Claudio Tricella

Centro di Solidarietá Internazionale Nord-Est

El Salvador terra in cerca di pace : fiabe e leggende illustrate dai bambini di El Salvador / [a cura del] Centro di Solidarietá Internazionale Nord-Est ; raccolte da Flavia Marchesi, Grazia Meregalli, Claudio Tricella

2. ed.

Milano : CSI Nord-Est, 1994

Un mondo di fiabe [CSI Nord-Est] ; 4

La grande storia del libro

La grande storia del libro : tavolette d'argilla, rotoli di seta, pagine di carta - un libro che cambia

Trieste : EL, c1996

Universo mondo ; 18

I have lost my way Gayle Forman

Forman, Gayle

I have lost my way / Gayle Forman

London : Penguin books, 2019

Das große Buch der Ritter Philip Steele

Steele, Philip

Das große Buch der Ritter : Rüstung, Ritterturniere, Pferde, Schlachten / Philip Steele

Nürnberg : Tessloff, 1998