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Trovati 520 documenti.

Aladdin and the magic lamp retold activities and poem by Jane Cadwallader ; illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

Aladdin and the magic lamp / retold activities and poem by Jane Cadwallader ; illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

New ed

Recanati : ELI, 2021

Young Eli readers. Stage 1

The Bremen town musicians retold and activities by Lisa Suett ; illustrated by Alessandra Vitelli

Suett, Lisa

The Bremen town musicians / retold and activities by Lisa Suett ; illustrated by Alessandra Vitelli

New ed

Recanati : ELI, 2021

Young ELI readers. Stage 2

Twelfth Night William Shakespeare ; edited and activities by Deborah J. Ellis

Ellis, Deborah

Twelfth Night : or What you will / William Shakespeare ; edited and activities by Deborah J. Ellis

Rum : Helbling languages, 2021

Helbling Shakespeare

An introduction to the study of English and American Literature Vera und Ansgar Nünning ; translated from the German by Jane Dewhurst

Nünning, Vera

An introduction to the study of English and American Literature / Vera und Ansgar Nünning ; translated from the German by Jane Dewhurst

6. Aufl

Stuttgart : Klett, 2021

Uni-Wissen. Anglistik/Amerikanistik

Dubliners James Joyce ; notes and activities Rosi Dossena

Joyce, James

Dubliners / James Joyce ; notes and activities Rosi Dossena

Milano : Hoepli, 2021

Timeless classics

Abstract: Joyce explores the lives of his fellow citizens in colonial Dublin, his native city, at the turn of the 20th century. Through the power of astute observation and artistry, the writer reveals the deep-seated connections between the forces of family, religion and political subjection - forces that trap the characters into what Joyce called a moral paralysis. The stories can be read independently or as part of an organic whole, a path from childhood to maturity which offersLeggi tutto

The Canterville ghost Oscar Wilde ; retold, activities and poem by Jane Cadwallader ; illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

Cadwallader, Jane

The Canterville ghost / Oscar Wilde ; retold, activities and poem by Jane Cadwallader ; illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

New ed

Recanati : ELI, 2021

Young Eli readers. Stage 3

Abstract: There has been a ghost in the house for three hundred years, and Lord Canterville's family have had enough of it. So Lord Canterville sells his grand old house to an American family. Mr Hiram B. Otis is happy to buy the house and the ghost - because of course Americans don't believe in ghosts..

The jungle book Rudyard Kipling ; adaptation and teaching material by Luisa Benigni and Ann Clarke

Benigni, Luisa

The jungle book / Rudyard Kipling ; adaptation and teaching material by Luisa Benigni and Ann Clarke

Milano : Hoepli, 2021

Hoepli reading

Peter Pan James Matthew Barrie ; adaptation and teaching material by Francesca Mariotti

Mariotti, Francesca

Peter Pan / James Matthew Barrie ; adaptation and teaching material by Francesca Mariotti

Milano : Hoepli, 2021

Hoepli reading

Rule of threes Marcy Campbell

Campbell, Marcy

Rule of threes / Marcy Campbell

San Francisco : Chronicle books, 2021

Abstract: An interior design enthusiast, twelve-year-old Maggie Owens is accustomed to living her life according to her own precise plans. But when she learns about Tony, a mysterious half-brother her own age who needs a place to stay, any semblance of a plan is shattered. Tony's mom struggles with an addiction to opioids, and now she's called upon Maggie's dad-who is also Tony's dad-to take him in.

Fantastically great women scientists and their stories Kate Pankhurst

Pankhurst, Kate

Fantastically great women scientists and their stories / Kate Pankhurst

London : Bloomsbury children's books, 2021

Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare ; adaptation and teaching material Rosa Anna Rizzo

Rizzo, Rosa Anna

Romeo and Juliet / William Shakespeare ; adaptation and teaching material Rosa Anna Rizzo

Milano : Hoepli, 2021

Simplified classics. Level A2/B1

Abstract: Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet is one of the most fascinating love stories of all time. It is the tale of a pair of ‘death-marked’ Lovers belonging to two Noble families who hate each other profoundly.

Cat Kid comic club written, illustrated, and colored by Dav Pilkey as George Beard and Harold Hutchins ; with digital color by Jose Garibaldi

Pilkey, Dav

Cat Kid comic club : perspectives / written, illustrated, and colored by Dav Pilkey as George Beard and Harold Hutchins ; with digital color by Jose Garibaldi

New York : Graphix, 2021

Hooray for the holidays! Dominique Guillemant ; illustrated by Alistar ; [english version and activities by Lisa Suett]

Guillemant, Dominique

Hooray for the holidays! / Dominique Guillemant ; illustrated by Alistar ; [english version and activities by Lisa Suett]

New ed

Recanati : ELI, 2021

Young ELI readers. Stage 1

Harry and the egyptian tomb Jane Cadwallader ; illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

Cadwallader, Jane

Harry and the egyptian tomb / Jane Cadwallader ; illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

New ed

Recanati : ELI, 2021

Young ELI readers. Stage 4

English Pastoral James Rebanks

Rebanks, James

English Pastoral : an inheritance / James Rebanks

London : Penguin, 2021

Abstract: As a boy, James Rebanks's grandfather taught him to work the land the old way. Their family farm in the Lake District hills was part of an ancient agricultural landscape: a patchwork of crops and meadows, of pastures grazed with livestock, and hedgerows teeming with wildlife. And yet, by the time James inherited the farm, it was barely recognisable. The men and women had vanished from the fields; the old stone barns had crumbled; the skies had emptied of birds and their wind-blown song.

English for everyone junior

English for everyone junior : 5 words a day

London : Dorling Kindersley, 2021

The Every, or At last a sense of order, or The final days of free will, or Limitless choice is killing the world Dave Eggers

Eggers, Dave

The Every, or At last a sense of order, or The final days of free will, or Limitless choice is killing the world / Dave Eggers

New York : Vintage Books, 2021

A faraway world Maria Luisa Banfi ; illustrated by LibellulArt

Banfi, Maria Luisa

A faraway world / Maria Luisa Banfi ; illustrated by LibellulArt

New ed

Recanati : ELI, 2021

Teen ELI readers. Stage 2

Becoming Michelle Obama

Obama, Michelle

Becoming / Michelle Obama

London : Penguin, 2021

All in Billie Jean King ; with Johnette Howard and Maryanne Vollers

King, Billie Jean

All in : an autobiography / Billie Jean King ; with Johnette Howard and Maryanne Vollers

London : Penguin, 2021

Abstract: In this spirited account, Billie Jean King details her life's journey to find her true self. She recounts her groundbreaking tennis career -- six years as the top-ranked woman in the world, twenty Wimbledon championships, thirty-nine grand-slam titles, and her watershed defeat of Bobby Riggs in the famous "Battle of the Sexes." She poignantly recalls the cultural backdrop of those years and the profound impact on her worldview from the women's movement, the assassinationsLeggi tutto