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× Nomi Butler, John
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× Soggetto Animali -- Primi libri
× Lingue Inglese

Trovati 2 documenti.

It's tough to be tiny Kim Ryall Woolcock, Stacey Thomas

Woolcock, Kim Ryall

It's tough to be tiny : the secret life of small creatures / Kim Ryall Woolcock, Stacey Thomas

London : Flying eye books, 2022


Animals : knowledge you can touch

London : Dorling Kindersley, 2016

DK braille

Abstract: Designed especially for the young braille reader, this tactile reference book features over 30 pages of entries on a fascinating selection of creatures, from bears and big cats to birds and bugs. Go on the hunt with predators and their prey, and even journey inside the body to learn about skeletons and organs. Every entry is written in both braille and large print to allow all readers the opportunity to discover fascinating facts about animals. The entries are alsoLeggi tutto